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Project Roam ---(MANY Merged threads)

No doubt that Beauvais are going to profit BIG if this goes through.....his wife, sons, daughter will all have and play some part in the airline.........I have seen it first hand and know this is how it operates......their cash must be thinning a little and they need some extra spending money
Just a thought. But until the details are worked could this be the Virgin red, white and blue to come? ( Virgin USA )
rocaduro said:
Just a thought. But until the details are worked could this be the Virgin red, white and blue to come? ( Virgin USA )
I would think (and hope) that Branson would not be willing to bet his "Virgin ?" on a PIT hub. Most likely it would follow Jetblue's example and hub in a MAJOR city.
I recently read in "PlaneBusiness Banter" (remember that site where we all met) that Ed Beauvais is thinking of starting another airline. Evidently this new one-way ticket to bankruptcy will be based in "Southwestern Pennsylvania" (I wonder if the City of Pittsburgh is trying to line-up potential USAirways replacements).

IMHO, there are only two people who shoud be barred from ever running an airline again.

1. Frank Lorenzo (because he's just plain mean)

2. Ed Beauvais (because he's just plain stupid)

Anyone else have any comments?
It is true....based in PIT...running Airbuses! No name yet! Just unbelievable!
nw_a330 said:
I recently read in "PlaneBusiness Banter" (remember that site where we all met) that Ed Beauvais is thinking of starting another airline.
Ahhhh, the good old days of PBB. I'm glad you made it over.

How come there isn't more NW activity???
Did Holly ever change PBB back to a free letter, or is she still charging.

As for Uncle Ed, I expect him to hire his family, a motley crew of embezzlers, grifters, substance abusers and all around ner' do well thugs to vacuum up as much capital into the Beauvais bank acount.

Its almost reached a level of performance art at this point, but there are suckers born every minute! :lol:
I'll try to answer both questions at once (forgive me for not quoting the relevant sections; I'm not that computer-literate).

Anyways, Holly is still charging for the PBB newsletter. I saw this particular story on a friend of a friend of a friend's copy.

As for why there's been so little activity on the NWA site, I guess there's just nothing exciting going on over there (they're not in Chapter 11, made real money in the third quarter, etc.). Sure there's the labor concession negotiations, but where isn't that an issue?
Proposed new airline offers fresh ideas for huge old competitors

Project Roam to price its tickets up to 70% below competitors

WASHINGTON (USA Today) - The new ideas it brings with it could change the way we think about an airline - and the way airlines think about us.

See Story



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