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More ignorance.

BSA is a not-for-profit that does not receive any State and Federal funds. They are supported by donations, facility rental income, and endowments.

If they get discounts on park or museum fees, it is because those are discounts offered to any youth organization. It's nothing unique to BSA.

If they gain access to a facility for meetings, it is because the facility is open to use any community group. BSA isn't getting preferential treatment.

Oh, and it's not a Christian organization. There are Muslim, Buddhist, Sihk, and Jewish troops. There are even troops sponsored and led by Scientology.

So don't worry, your money is quite untainted by their stance on faith & morality.

You should really stick with the airline stuff you are proficient with. Up until 2004, the Dept of Def sponsored the BSA. Prior to that there were about 400 BSA groups that were sponsored by various US military bases. THE BSA was also given preferential access to state or Federal lands for events. After litigation, most states and municipalities changed the rules to allow equal access. The one out standing issue is the use of Fort Hill for the BSA Jamboree. There was a case brought against them a few years back but as I recall it was tossed due to a technicality of some sort (I'll have to look it up). The Dept of Def spends rougly $2-$3 million US tax dollars so the BSA can party on Federal land.

I did find this article documenting their history. Quite interesting.

ok the bsa dont allow gays. and the way i am seeing you are upset that they get federal and state money, which you seem to have no proof of. so should we be upset with all black colleges? they recieve federal and state funds. should we be upset with all women colleges? the recieve federal and state funds. all male colleges? the same they recieve all federal and state funds.

no what you dont like their policies dont put your kids in bsa, its just that simple. i personally dont care if bsa allow on not allow gays, but its a good organization thats been around for a long time, and when i was in in it and my son was in it we had a good time. and before you call me a homo phobe, if bsa allow gay kids in i would still let my son join. i dont care if gays get married, marriage should be between two adults who love each other.

What such schools receive public funds? West Point has even been opened up to both genders. I may be wrong but I am not aware of any segregated University that receives public funds.

Actually I do not care what the BSA does so long as it does not use my tax dollars which they do. Did you know the BSA was formed by Congressional Charter in 1916? In the charter it actually says that they can create their own rules and by laws so long as they are in line with US law. I am not exactly sure how the Charters work but if it is still in effect I would love to see the Charter revoked as their discriminatory policies are clearly not in line with US law.
You should really stick with the airline stuff you are proficient with. Up until 2004, the Dept of Def sponsored the BSA. Prior to that there were about 400 BSA groups that were sponsored by various US military bases. THE BSA was also given preferential access to state or Federal lands for events. After litigation, most states and municipalities changed the rules to allow equal access. The one out standing issue is the use of Fort Hill for the BSA Jamboree. There was a case brought against them a few years back but as I recall it was tossed due to a technicality of some sort (I'll have to look it up). The Dept of Def spends rougly $2-$3 million US tax dollars so the BSA can party on Federal land.

More ignorance.

Sponsoring a unit is a signature on a piece of paper once a year. No requirement for funding whatsoever.

You should stick to what you know instead of trolling Google for your information... I've been a BSA commissioner and adult leader for over 10 years. This is a topic I know quite well.

The use of Fort Hill was a legitimate public affairs expense. Cheaper than an air show, and while the Army says it isn't, a great training tool in dealing with controlling large crowds, and an effective recruiting tool.

The proof is in the number of Scouts who go on to the military:
181 NASA astronauts were involved in Scouting (57.4% of astronauts). 39 are Eagle Scouts.

35.4 percent of the United States Military Academy (West Point) cadets were involved in Scouting as youth. 14.7 percent of cadets are Eagle Scouts.

23 percent of United States Air Force Academy cadets were involved in Scouting as youth. 12 percent of cadets are Eagle Scouts.

25 percent of United States Naval Academy (Annapolis) midshipmen were involved in Scouting as youth. 11 percent of midshipmen are Eagle Scouts.

So, while you continue to bash the BSA, remember that more than just a few of those who are defending your right to be ignorant honed their citizenship skills in the Boy Scouts. And, they learned to shoot. Responsibly, which was supposed to be the topic, eh?

And fret no more about AP Hill -- the 2013 Jamboree and all future jamborees will be held on BSA owned property. The military is still welcome to attend.
More ignorance.

Sponsoring a unit is a signature on a piece of paper once a year. No requirement for funding whatsoever.

You should stick to what you know instead of trolling Google for your information... I've been a BSA commissioner and adult leader for over 10 years. This is a topic I know quite well.

The use of Fort Hill was a legitimate public affairs expense. Cheaper than an air show, and while the Army says it isn't, a great training tool in dealing with controlling large crowds, and an effective recruiting tool.

The proof is in the number of Scouts who go on to the military:

So, while you continue to bash the BSA, remember that more than just a few of those who are defending your right to be ignorant honed their citizenship skills in the Boy Scouts.

And fret no more about AP Hill -- the 2013 Jamboree and all future jamborees will be held on BSA owned property. The military is still welcome to attend.

Good for you.
I grew up around scouting with both parents involved.
Sponsorship included use of government facilities so it is far more than just a signature.

I do not care who has been a member of the BSA, they can do so on their own dime, not mine. The COTUS is not based on popularity but law. As for the DoD, here is the case brought by the ACLU. Winkler v. Rumsfeld. The DoD is spending over $2 million for the BSA to host their event. If they wish to pay the costs to rent the facility like any other group that is fine, but if they are using my tax dollars they need to abide by the laws of the US which sadly they do not.

It is a private function held on government land. A air show is a pubic function held on public land. Looks like 65% of those at WP did not serve in the BSA, 77% of the AF did not serve, and 75% of the Naval academy did not serve. Then again, who cares. The COTUS is not based on the number of people who like or dislike something.

So long as the BSA conducts their events on their property they can do what ever the heck they want. I could careless.
Sponsorship included use of government facilities so it is far more than just a signature.

I do not care who has been a member of the BSA, they can do so on their own dime, not mine. The COTUS is not based on popularity but law. As for the DoD, here is the case brought by the ACLU. Winkler v. Rumsfeld. The DoD is spending over $2 million for the BSA to host their event. If they wish to pay the costs to rent the facility like any other group that is fine, but if they are using my tax dollars they need to abide by the laws of the US which sadly they do not.

It is a private function held on government land. A air show is a pubic function held on public land. Looks like 65% of those at WP did not serve in the BSA, 77% of the AF did not serve, and 75% of the Naval academy did not serve. Then again, who cares. The COTUS is not based on the number of people who like or dislike something.

So long as the BSA conducts their events on their property they can do what ever the heck they want. I could careless.

Non Federal Entities:


Another case where an armed senior citizen chases off thugs. This time it was 5 armed robbers. The video is hilarious as they try to climb over each other to get out of the store. I'll bet they will look for an easier (unarmed) target next time.


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