Pro Gun control Mayor Bloomberg comments on the Colorado massacre

While the micro ID is interesting that is not what I was talking about. Each gun has a unique bore that put unique markings on the projectile. That is what I proposed be associated with the title of the gun.

The titling idea is so that weapons found on criminals can be ID's back to the person who sold them. Since anyone who sells a gun must transfer the title and run a background check of the purchaser if a gun is found on a person who does not have the title then both that individual and the titles owner of the gun would be culpable.

The title for a gun would be just like the title of a car. The title does not tell you if a car was used in a crime but if you find the car you can find the owner. Same application here.

The finger print tied to the title would aid in tracing a projectile back to a weapon and then to the owner. Yes given the time and tools it can be altered but some ID is better than no ID.

I find it interesting that folks like you always can fault with ideas but never come up with alternatives to solve the problem.
You want to punish the 99.x% of responsible firearm owners with onerous requirements to deal with a problem that isn't big enough to require a seriously intrusive solution, and may not even be fixed if it were implemented......

Want an alternative? The status quo. It's worked pretty well for the past two centuries, despite the attempts by do-gooders over the past couple decades.
There were 15,000 homicides in the US and you call that working pretty good?

Who is being punished? Are car and home buys being punished by being required to transfer the title? Give me a break.
The purpose of the Secomd Amendment is not about hunting deer or keeping a pistol in your nightstand. It's not about protecting yourself from common criminals. It is about preventing tyranny.

Try to comprehend. Remember Hitler's first move to consolidate his power was to disarm the populace. Somehow I can't help but wonder what would have happened had the German Citizens been as well armed as we are?
There were 15,000 homicides in the US and you call that working pretty good?

Who is being punished? Are car and home buys being punished by being required to transfer the title? Give me a break.

Of your 15,000, only about ~9000 of those homicides involved a gun. Are you planning to title guns, blunt objects, etc. as well?...

There were four times as many drug related deaths as gun related homicides. Three times as many traffic related deaths.

There were over 3000 deaths in 2011 directly related to texting while driving, and possibly just as many that couldn't be proven. Maybe that needs to be titled and regulated, too?......

The original purpose of a title with cars and houses was to prove property ownership and protect the owners interests. Now, it is simply a way to generate tax revenue....

How exactly will this protect me as a current firearm owner?

Again, your proposal seeks to solve a problem that doesn't need solving when compared to far bigger issues.
The purpose of the Secomd Amendment is not about hunting deer or keeping a pistol in your nightstand. It's not about protecting yourself from common criminals. It is about preventing tyranny.

Try to comprehend. Remember Hitler's first move to consolidate his power was to disarm the populace. Somehow I can't help but wonder what would have happened had the German Citizens been as well armed as we are?

The fact that you ask that question seems to indicate you know very little about the German people.

I think it is ludicrous to think that the US government would be able to confiscate all the weapons owned in the US. I doubt they would find people to enforce it and I doubt people would even comply. Were that type of situation come to pass in the US this country is history. I seriously doubt this country could with stand a civil war. We are far to reliant on our comforts and technology to risk loosing that.

The bottom line is while the homicide rate has dropped dramatically it is the US still has the honor of having the highest rate in the modern world. If that is acceptable then by all means lets continue along the path we have been on and hope it does not affect someone we care for. Lets also not feign surprise and indignation when people get taken out at a strip mall, school or theater.
Try to comprehend. Remember Hitler's first move to consolidate his power was to disarm the populace. Somehow I can't help but wonder what would have happened had the German Citizens been as well armed as we are?

The Germans were either willing participants or just decided too go along with the program. Those that were actively opposed were to few in number to make a difference. It's also easy to gain control in a country whose culture stresses obedience.
The fact that you ask that question seems to indicate you know very little about the German people.

I think it is ludicrous to think that the US government would be able to confiscate all the weapons owned in the US. I doubt they would find people to enforce it and I doubt people would even comply. Were that type of situation come to pass in the US this country is history. I seriously doubt this country could with stand a civil war. We are far to reliant on our comforts and technology to risk loosing that.

The bottom line is while the homicide rate has dropped dramatically it is the US still has the honor of having the highest rate in the modern world. If that is acceptable then by all means lets continue along the path we have been on and hope it does not affect someone we care for. Lets also not feign surprise and indignation when people get taken out at a strip mall, school or theater.

I do not profess to know a single thing about the German people. But I'm sure in your all seeing, all knowing Libtard mind will inform us all.

They thought Hitler Ludicrous as well. Visualize a National Guard Unit at your doorstep with a warrant to search and confiscate your weapons. This it couldn't happen here? Ask David Koresh or Randy Weaver. It already happened here.

Personally I think every High School Senior should be required to take a firearms course and gun ownership should be encouraged as not only a right but a moral obligation to the country.
Personally I think every High School Senior should be required to take a firearms course and gun ownership should be encouraged as not only a right but a moral obligation to the country.

Think of the incentive it would be in the inner city to stay in school and live to be eighteen.
I do not profess to know a single thing about the German people. But I'm sure in your all seeing, all knowing Libtard mind will inform us all.

They thought Hitler Ludicrous as well. Visualize a National Guard Unit at your doorstep with a warrant to search and confiscate your weapons. This it couldn't happen here? Ask David Koresh or Randy Weaver. It already happened here.

Personally I think every High School Senior should be required to take a firearms course and gun ownership should be encouraged as not only a right but a moral obligation to the country.

The Germans thought Hitler was ludicrous? Since when? According to my parents (who were there by the way) most of the Germans thought Hitler was A-OK. Now if you are talking about after he gained power (his party got over 40% of the votes by the way) and after he got them into a war and after the war started to go south and after the allied forces started to kick Hitlers a$$ then yes you are right, some of the Germans did think Hitler might be a bit nuts.

You do not profess to know anything about the Germans and yet make statements related to the Germans.... only something a conservative half wit would do..... Is name calling really the best you can do? Do you like it? Ignorant and juvenile.

Sure, Koresh and Weaver are a accurate representation of a cross section of the US.

Never touched a weapon and I would never allow anyone in my household to do so unless they were in the military or law enforcement. I have no interest in contributing to the already high homicide/suicide rate in the US.