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Ms Tree

Jul 13, 2010
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Jilted ex-boyfriend puts up abortion billboard

Her name or picture (much less anything that identifies her) are on the bill board. I do not see how she can have a case against him. May be next time he will make sure the girl wants to have a kid with him before he screws her. Since she is not identified, I do not see how even a miscarriage could have any bearing on it. Now if he violated her privacy by getting info regarding her medical treatment (miscarriage or abortion) then he might be in for some trouble.
Jilted ex-boyfriend puts up abortion billboard

Her name or picture (much less anything that identifies her) are on the bill board. I do not see how she can have a case against him. May be next time he will make sure the girl wants to have a kid with him before he screws her. Since she is not identified, I do not see how even a miscarriage could have any bearing on it. Now if he violated her privacy by getting info regarding her medical treatment (miscarriage or abortion) then he might be in for some trouble.

I read this too late last night and I wondered who would post it first, you or I?

By my definition it's protected speech. In many ways it seems like Westboro Baptist all over again. This is where the Republicrats get all chummy in that they want their speech protected when in fact it's mainstream enough to not require protection.

The speech that needs or requires protection is that which is NOT in the mainstream such as this bill board, Westboro Baptist, KKK, ACORN, Black Panther Party, Ward Churchill, the "Birthers & the Truthers" and various and sundry other groups be they Libertarian liberal, conservative or any thing else on the lunatic fringe.

Do I like what this guy is doing? Yes and No! I like that he speaks out for something he feels strongly about, I don't like the underlying reason for doing so. I also question the motivations of both. It's almost like they are seeking their 15 minutes of fame or some financial gain (TV Movie) Over a very hot button issue.
I think he is being used as a tool by the folks on the bottom who paid for the bill board.

I agree that it is protected speech. She needs to choose her boy friends better and he needs to verify that she wants a kid or not before he dives in unprotected.

Either way, it's her choice not his. I think he is doche for doing this to someone he supposedly loved and wanted to have kids with. She is better off and can do better.
I think he is being used as a tool by the folks on the bottom who paid for the bill board.

I agree that it is protected speech. She needs to choose her boy friends better and he needs to verify that she wants a kid or not before he dives in unprotected.

Either way, it's her choice not his. I think he is doche for doing this to someone he supposedly loved and wanted to have kids with. She is better off and can do better.

AGREED! However, why do I get this gut feeling that the whole thing is a set up to publicize their views on abortion? One claims "miscarriage" and the other abortion and at this point there is likely no way to tell with certainty.

I just have this vision of them home together in bed laughing at the news reports and waiting for the TV appearance, book & TV Movie offers to come floating in.

Cynical??? YEP! Wonder if Springer's people have contacted them
I would not put it past anyone in this day and age. Hw ever since the courts are involved I do not believe that is the case. The courts do not take kindly on filing false charges and wasting the courts time. I imagine there would be consequences were that to come to light.

I do believe that the groups listed on the bottom of the poster are using this chump to push their ideals. It's gets them a little TV time, all publicity is good publicity. Especially when you are not at risk with any law suits. The law suits are against him, not the groups as far as I can tell.
I think he is being used as a tool by the folks on the bottom who paid for the bill board.

I agree that it is protected speech. She needs to choose her boy friends better and he needs to verify that she wants a kid or not before he dives in unprotected.

Either way, it's her choice not his. I think he is doche for doing this to someone he supposedly loved and wanted to have kids with. She is better off and can do better.

WTF's a doche?
Perhaps he should have asked her before he screwed her. That might be an important piece of information that a responsible person would want to know.
Perhaps he should have asked her before he screwed her. That might be an important piece of information that a responsible person would want to know.

Takes two to tango 😛

She could have said 'NO!' But she didn't cross her legs! Stop hating men B)
I do not hate men. I'm on her side but there is very little she can do in this case.

Assuming she had an abortion (she claims she had a miscarriage) she obviously did not want children, at the very least not with this guy. If he thought she was 'the one' he should have verified that she wanted kids. Regardless of his opinion, she is the host of the embryo. She is the land lord. If she decides to have an abortion, that is her prerogative. When the guys gets the ability to be a host, then he can have a say. Till then, all you can do is sit on the side line and give your $0.02 worth.

I love all the assumptions flying around. No one knows what happened. Condom may have failed, he may have lied about using one. She may have lied about birth control. She may have had a miscarriage. They may have tried the 'pull out' method.

Regardless of his opinion, it's her body and her rules. If he does not like it, OH well. I do not understand why it is men think they have a say on what a woman does with her body. I sure as heck do not want a woman telling me what I can do with mine.