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President Trump

Because I am a tax payer and I find the state forcing me to fund elective case abortions offensive.

Are you implying I should have to pay taxes but have no say in how they are spent?

You have deluded yourself into thinking that you do. I don't want my tax dollars used to fund the killing of women and children in other countries. But I know that it is being used for just that.
You have deluded yourself into thinking that you do. I don't want my tax dollars used to fund the killing of women and children in other countries. But I know that it is being used for just that.
There is no delusion on my part only an attempt on your part to try to censor or debase me.

Since you claim you don't want your taxes killing children in other countries you should know that the Obama administration was all too happy to send your tax dollars to other countries to fund abortions when he repealed the “Global Gag Rule”.

There is no delusion on my part only an attempt on your part to try to censor or debase me.

Since you claim you don't want your taxes killing children in other countries you should know that the Obama administration was all too happy to send your tax dollars to other countries to fund abortions when he repealed the “Global Gag Rule”.


Like I said before so what. What do you care?

What you are is pro-birth. Because once those kids are born you could give a crap about them. Especially if their parents pray to the wrong imaginary friend.
Like I said before so what. What do you care?

What you are is pro-birth. Because once those kids are born you could give a crap about them. Especially if their parents pray to the wrong imaginary friend.

So you don't want your tax dollars spent abroad killing women and children but you're OK murdering children here with tax dollars.

****ING Hypocrite
So you don't want your tax dollars spent abroad killing women and children but you're OK murdering children here with tax dollars.

****ING Hypocrite
So you don't want your tax dollars spent abroad killing women and children but you're OK murdering children here with tax dollars.

****ING Hypocrite
OKay.,..let's cut the amount of spending to PP by the amount they use to provide abortions. That would be the Medicaid payments. The rest of the money that you all want to defund is Title X Family Planning money. I know more about this than most of you on these boards because I kind of WORK around Title X funding. Did you know that money from Title X cannot be used to provide any part of abortion services? It can't even be used to pay the electric bill to provide the lights in the abortion rooms. It goes to womens health and contraceptive services. Period.

So great...let's say Medicaid can't pay for abortions. But think about what you will be looking at if you literally throw the baby out with the bathwater. Damn man....Federal Funding of Planned Parenthood has PREVENTED countless number of abortions.
OKay.,..let's cut the amount of spending to PP by the amount they use to provide abortions. That would be the Medicaid payments. The rest of the money that you all want to defund is Title X Family Planning money. I know more about this than most of you on these boards because I kind of WORK around Title X funding. Did you know that money from Title X cannot be used to provide any part of abortion services? It can't even be used to pay the electric bill to provide the lights in the abortion rooms. It goes to womens health and contraceptive services. Period.

So great...let's say Medicaid can't pay for abortions. But think about what you will be looking at if you literally throw the baby out with the bathwater. Damn man....Federal Funding of Planned Parenthood has PREVENTED countless number of abortions.

Just write it up as contraceptive or gynecological services.
Just write it up as contraceptive or gynecological services.
Not that easy. And $0.00 in Title X funding pays for abortion services. But if you want to "defund" PP because they are killing babies - how many unwanted babies that had previously been prevented might start showing up? Any idea of what that might do to the abortion rate?
Not that easy, but UC video testimony from people who worked there have already shown how 'creative' book keeping can get around selling dead babies.......doing it for an abortion wouldn't be that far removed.
Not to worry......its in court.
Not that easy, but UC video testimony from people who worked there have already shown how 'creative' book keeping can get around selling dead babies.......doing it for an abortion wouldn't be that far removed.
Not to worry......its in court.

Anything is possible I suppose, but again, you've never dealt with Title X. Neither have most of the "pro life" groups. I have. It's not easy. BUT....let's defund it anyways and instead of Planned Parenthood, we can see a lot of "Crazy Eddie's Abortion Clinics" pop up...."How can we keep our prices so low? VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME". And you'll have plenty of volume with freshly formed fetuses that would have been prevented with a little birth control pill. But you defunded their source.
So you justify it with " VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME"? So let's translate that! KILLING KILLING KILLING!
And you fall back on the term "freshly formed fetuses". Let's translate that again! Freshly formed babies! Reality check here. If we defund PP abortions, They are out of the killing baby business. There are other organizations out there that would love to pick up the TitleX money. And could be as effective a provider of those services without resorting to abortion.
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So you justify it with " VOLUME VOLUME VOLUME"? So let's translate that! KILLING KILLING KILLING!
And you fall back on the term "freshly formed fetuses". Let's translate that again! Freshly formed babies! Reality check here. If we defund PP abortions, They are out of the killing baby business. There are other organizations out there that would love to pick up the TitleX money. And could be as effective a provider of those services without resorting to abortion.

Here is what I am saying....if you "defund" planned parenthood, you are defunding the source that PREVENTS a fetus from ever being created. Get rid of that, then there are a lot more fetuses being created. Which means that the number of abortions performed by someone ELSE will rise dramatically. Hence "volume, volume, volume". And you are right - one source that takes Title X money and doesn't perform abortions is your local health department. Sometimes. There are 3 PP clinics in the KC metro area. KCMO health department does NOT provide family planning services, nor do they have the staff or facilities to start. The other side of the state line DOES - but their clinics are already pretty full. How do you absorb the clients from 3 facilities into one that is already running at pretty much maximum capacity?
Here is what I am saying....if you "defund" planned parenthood, you are defunding the source that PREVENTS a fetus from ever being created. Get rid of that, then there are a lot more fetuses being created. Which means that the number of abortions performed by someone ELSE will rise dramatically. Hence "volume, volume, volume". And you are right - one source that takes Title X money and doesn't perform abortions is your local health department. Sometimes. There are 3 PP clinics in the KC metro area. KCMO health department does NOT provide family planning services, nor do they have the staff or facilities to start. The other side of the state line DOES - but their clinics are already pretty full. How do you absorb the clients from 3 facilities into one that is already running at pretty much maximum capacity?
Listen KC, That's where we disagree. 3PP's, or any other abortion mills, is three too many! You fall back on using the term "fetuses", which is a cop out to help you avoid the fact that what you are talking about is humane life! What I am saying is that by defunding PP if that would save just one humane life, it's worth it! But am I naive enough to think it would eliminate all abortions? Hell no! What I am saying is that deliberately ending a humane life, and profiting from the sale of body parts of aborted baby's is morally repugnant, and dead wrong!
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Listen KC, That's where we disagree. 3PP's, or any other abortion mills, is three too many! You fall back on using the term "fetuses", which is a cop out to help you avoid the fact that what you are talking about is humane life! What I am saying is that by defunding PP if that would save just one humane life, it's worth it! But am I naive enough to think it would eliminate all abortions? Hell no! What I am saying is that deliberately ending a humane life, and profiting from the sale of body parts of aborted baby's is morally repugnant, and dead wrong!

What about the thousands of OTHER human lives that would be aborted somewhere else because PP wasn't providing contraceptive services? Defunding PP certainly wouldn't eliminate all abortions. But oddly enough, it would INCREASE them. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Yes...PP gets MEDICAID funding to pay for abortion services. That's it. But ending Medicaid payments isn't "defunding" planned parenthood...you want MORE.

Just a question, since I think I'm one of the few posting on the boards who actually had to face a decision to abort - ours was done at the University of Kansas Medical Center at the direction of the doctor. It was older than 20 weeks. Should we defund KU Med because they killed a baby?
Here is what I am saying....if you "defund" planned parenthood, you are defunding the source that PREVENTS a fetus from ever being created. Get rid of that, then there are a lot more fetuses being created. Which means that the number of abortions performed by someone ELSE will rise dramatically. Hence "volume, volume, volume". And you are right - one source that takes Title X money and doesn't perform abortions is your local health department. Sometimes. There are 3 PP clinics in the KC metro area. KCMO health department does NOT provide family planning services, nor do they have the staff or facilities to start. The other side of the state line DOES - but their clinics are already pretty full. How do you absorb the clients from 3 facilities into one that is already running at pretty much maximum capacity?

If planned parenthood went away, there are plenty other entities out there to provide services. Planned parenthood only exists due to being a big favored donor.

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