Prater's threat!

That's right sharktooth you tell him how this clown is the reason for most of your problems and about to cause you harm the likes of which will have you assessed for the rest of your career in order to pay the judgement that you east pilots will lose when we sue you!!!

Yeah you keep on listening to people like him and USA320 and see where you are 24 months from today!!

From inside the east camp, USA320 and the PHL Capt Rep are seen as polar opposites. How interesting that you see them as closely aligned.
How interesting that you see them as closely aligned.
You have to admit, if one doesn't know the history of their divergent views of each on many past issues they seem very aligned because of similiar positions on this one issue. Sort of a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" moment of converging views in one specific case......

From inside the east camp, USA320 and the PHL Capt Rep are seen as polar opposites. How interesting that you see them as closely aligned.

I think AWA pretends to be an MEC member. He doesn't fly much and suckling the ALPA pig he probably has a widely divergent viewpoint on a lot of things compared to those he supposedly represents.
You have to admit, if one doesn't know the history of their divergent views of each on many past issues they seem very aligned because of similiar positions on this one issue. Sort of a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" moment of converging views in one specific case......



Yeah, until the next concession comes up. Then you have one refusing to budge and the other begging anyone who will listen to give in.

You hit it dead on Jim.
Then you have one refusing to budge and the other begging anyone who will listen to give in.

Is there something wrong with demanding proof for said concessions, as the ALPA Constitution and ByLaws demand? Something that ALPA National bypassed by demanding other sources (lawyers) shut up about alternatives, like the retirement fiasco?

Perhaps his refusing to budge was the correct action. Your stance was, likely, wrong. as usual.
I think AWA pretends to be an MEC member. He doesn't fly much and suckling the ALPA pig he probably has a widely divergent viewpoint on a lot of things compared to those he supposedly represents.

What makes you think I am a member of the MEC and if I were why do you think I would have "a divergent view point"?? Look don't be upset with me because you actions are telegraphed. You and the rest of the east clan are just a short distance from being assessed the rest of your career to pay us and I am loving the idea more and more!!! Dumb move after dumb move followed by even more dumb moves...
Excellent points, pilot. I for one think Prater is unfit to lead ALPA but I have mixed feelings on removing ALPA from our property for one reason only; The next round of consolidation will require an enormous amount of money that might just BK our small in-house Union, unless we decide not use any credible legal support. Voting in USAPA will allow east to control our future I'll give you that, but there is a downside to that whether you want to believe it or not. Voting in USAPA will guarantee the Nic list will be implemented as-is without any added protections that might be agreed on through the JNC. Sure, there is a remote possibility USAPA attorneys will set some legal precedent and overturn a federal arbitrated decision, but my many legal sources say otherwise - it's an extreme long shot. So, go ahead and take that chance. Once again you will look back and wonder why you did not try to find a consensual solution - I guess some just never learn from past mistakes.

I have posted before on my opinions of USAPA and the Nic list. My only goal is to see ALPA removed the property. The list can live or die on it's own merits. When the roadshow comes to the west next month the bottom line is they are looking for a starting point for consensual solutions. That was brought up in CLT. One pilot facetiously said "Build fences that last forever", the response was "That is what we're looking for, a starting point". But doesn't that sound like separate operations? Why not separate contracts? Oh yea, Doug said that he didn't want to do that. So now what?

The west folks are supposed to have their turns in Sept. Wonder why he came east first though? My guess is that ALPA is very worried about USAPA. Seems the Usairways pilots have always been leaders, first to offer up a concessionary contract in the early 90's, (without a vote, I might add) first to the bottom with LOA93 concessions, first to give up a DB plan (No vote again), first to give concessions to the new DC plan (Vote?), first to share a profitt sharing check to garner unity, and the first in recent history to have a credible opportunity to bail on ALPA. No offense to AWAPA's credibility.

BTW. I am so glad I was able to vote on sharing my concessions returns with someone who didn't sacifice to earn them. So I have many problems with ALPA and these are only a scant few. So your worried about a "Little in house union? Look what a big national association has given us!!!!

Later Prater
You and the rest of the east clan are just a short distance from being assessed the rest of your career to pay us and I am loving the idea more and more!!! Dumb move after dumb move followed by even more dumb moves...

Thank you for posting the obvious. The east ALPA MEC under the tutelage of National is making a lot of ill advised moves lately.

As for the assessments? That is so funny. Assessments to the east can only be levied on ALPA members. How many pilots will stay members now? And since we're all non-members, I guess we'll just roll over and pay maintenance dues or be terminated. Wow that will work. SOS by termination. Laughable.

Your point is well taken, therefore the only alternative is to drop ALPA and their assessment powers and join a Union! USAPA. That is just one more reason. Send in your card today and avoid paying assessments to the west :up: THANK YOU

Later Prater
Thank you for posting the obvious. The east ALPA MEC under the tutelage of National is making a lot of ill advised moves lately.

Wrong, national is making no moves which up to now has been in your favor but that too is coming to an end!!

the assessments? That is so funny. Assessments to the east can only be levied on ALPA members. How many pilots will stay members now? And since we're all non-members, I guess we'll just roll over and pay maintenance dues or be terminated. Wow that will work. SOS by termination. Laughable.

Wrong again, you see AAA73 this group doesn't make moves unless their calculated and the calculated move in this one is to sue not your mec but the pilots individualy and jointly!!! Now AAA73 we're looking at your homes, stocks, bond and other personel assests that you could use to pay this judgement. Laugh all you like and it will be funny right up to the point when the lein is placed against your belongings then tell us how laughable it is then...

Your point is well taken, therefore the only alternative is to drop ALPA and their assessment powers and join a Union! USAPA. That is just one more reason. Send in your card today and avoid paying assessments to the west :up: THANK YOU

Wrong again on two fronts this time AAA73. First for the for what I've mentioned above. Second also having your new faction sued as well for attempting to get out of what already amounts to a judgement being this arbitration. What are you going to tell a the federal judge? That it doned on you AFTER the arbitration that a new union was the way to go?? Why were you not pursueing this PRIOR to the arbitration? In other words, what's changed???? Here is where your arguements will sink you for good.

Later Prater

AAA73 right up until now your posts have been somewhat intelligent but now it seems as your thinking level has put you up there with that of your elected reps...
AAA73 right up until now your posts have been somewhat intelligent but now it seems as your thinking level has put you up there with that of your elected reps...

What exactly are you going to sue for? The East is perfectly within their rights to change representation if there are enough votes to do so. So you think you can win a case in federal court for what you "think" you might have gotten in a contract? Unless you can prove specific damages, you are wasting your time, so take your threats and make a supository out of them.

We may have to eat this list when all is said and done, but we certainly DO NOT have to do it represented by the ALPA.

A320 Driver <_<

Card IN.
So, now, AAA73s posts are more intelligent?

Usually in most courts you sue for damages. No damages have yet occurred other than wounded egos. Future damages? You'll have to prove you would have received pay raises and that would have to come through ALPA bargaining. One party threatening the other party. But all the threats I've read are real hot air about placing liens on peoples houses? Jeez, get over it, get out of the sand box, my Daddy ain't no bigger than yours.
What makes you think I am a member of the MEC and if I were why do you think I would have "a divergent view point"??

Did I say, divergent? Sorry, I meant deviant.

Look don't be upset with me because you actions are telegraphed.

Upset? You are way too entertaining, in a Baghdad Bob sort of way, to be upset about.

You and the rest of the east clan are just a short distance from being assessed the rest of your career to pay us and I am loving the idea more and more!!! Dumb move after dumb move followed by even more dumb moves...

You know, if you just click your heels three times........

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