Who's leaving anytime soon? ..... We lost our retirement to Stephen Wolf, David Siegel and companies golden parachutes. But who knows Obama is handing out plenty of food stamps these days ,,, so maybe there will be some takers ....
While I find your assessment a bit harsh, US Airways hasn't to my knowledge done a buyout/early retirement in it's history.The reason is CASH and it takes a great deal of it to fund buyouts. DP & SK are first and foremost cash horders so a buyout would seem to be a long shot. If it takes a buyout to seal the merger you'll be offered a package.
Life is good after USAIRWAYS.If it got me retirement benefits (can't retire until 2019 with 21 years) I'd seriously consider it. Since I'm looking for a job outside of US in the next few years it would certainly hasten my leaving.