Political Posturing Or Sad Reality?

PITbull said:

There is so much posting on the U board because there is so MUCH LABOR UNREST HERE! Airlines historically do not survive in the long term with this kind of UNREST. As I am sure you have surmised U Management has declared "war" on their employees, and you along with all the other employees of the Majors will be able to attest to a "show down" between this management and the employees if they out source the mechanics airbus work. We here at U started this "snow ball" domino, with giving all the concessions, and bending over to take it up the ###, with not 1 protest. and still U is crying boo, hoo, hoo, to the analysts and PA. After all the bailouts, and concessions, this mangement still can't get out of its way.

I apoligize for anyone who implies that UAL is worse off then us. We are in bad shape here and you can see the frustration in all the posts. Employee morale always effects the "bottom line". This management does not understand that fundamental principle. But they will soon, specifically with any "farm out".

Stay tuned.....worse is yet to come.

Thanks for your post. But please do not apologize for Chip! In any case, I am not trying to argue that U is worse of than UA or vice versa. Heck, I could easily argue UA is in worse shape than U-- after all, only one of the two is currently in Chapter 11 and it ain't U-- but it is very easy to argue the other way as well. The fact is, both of the companies are in bad shape and who knows what the airline landscape will look like in the future.

My point is that it is just patently ridiculous for someone to claim everything is just 100% hunk dory at one of the two airlines and the future's so bright there you're gonna need shades, while the other is just weeks or one bad management decision away from liquidation or fragmentation. And then on top of it to try to claim he is just the neutral messenger bringing innocent tidbits of "fair and balanced" news. I mean, give us some credit!

Anyway PITbull I always enjoy reading your posts and your point of view and I wish you and your colleagues at U the best.

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