Chip Munn said:
I am not trying to throw stones, but how many financial institutions have made a formal offer to UAL Corp. to provide exit financing, or to be an equity plan sponsor, or buy the post bankruptcy security in a private placement? By comparison, how many financial institutions have invested in US Airways?
Moreover, according to ALPA president Duane Woerth the ATSB has increased its requirements for United to receive a loan guarantee three times and now the airline says its needs $2.5 billion from the government, which may be because nobody else is willing to invest in the Chicago-based airline.
I've been biting my tongue for some time, but I think it's time to clear up some FACTS.
Fact#1: US Air was forced out of bankruptcy. (Too early by most experts opinions)
Fact#2: Back when UA said that it may emerge in Q4 2003, and everyone assumed this was good news, it was actually bad news because what they didn't say was that based on revenue forcasts, UA might be forced out of bankruptcy.
Fact#3: When revenue started to turn around and UA actually improved by 15% when the rest of the industry only improved by 7-8%, the new forcasts meant that UA would not be forced into an early exit. Many thought this was a bad sign, when actually it was the best thing for UA. (wait to exit into a busy summer season, put more cash in the bank, take time to complete lease restructuring, wait for changes in pension rules, etc. etc.)
Fact#4: UA is not interested in an equity investor (ie, Texas Pacific Group or similar) and it is NOT part of the current plan.
Fact#5: US had investors BECAUSE of the ATSB loan. How many did it PUBLICLY have prior to receiving the ATSB loan guarantee??? NONE. When UA is out of BK, and has the ATSB guarantee, and our POR is revealed, you will be surprised how many legitimate institutions will be willing to put money behind UA.
Fact#6: Although UA is in constant touch with the ATSB and is working very closely with them, UA cannot submit it's final application until ALL lease restructuring is complete. This is taking some time. Therefore, no application, no approval, no PUBLIC announcement of investors. What makes you think there are no investors lined up waiting approval of the ATSB guarantee??? Oh, that's right... If it hasn't been reported by the media, and no one has called Chip Munn to inform him of confidential information, it must not be happening.
Fact#7: When you buy a house and take on debt, the bank wants to see a debt to dollars ratio. No different than the ATSB. That's why the loan amount will be increased above the $2 Billion mark. Just a little extra pad to make everyone more comfortable. You are reading WAY too much into this.
Fact#8: Duane Woerth is an outsider just the same as Chip Munn, and knows just as little about what is going on within the board room of UA. His speculation is no different than anyone else's. (How many meetings with the ATSB have you or Duane attended???)
Fact#9: This came straight from the UAL MEC master chairman's mouth (who, as a reminder to all, does attend all board meetings)... "A deal with US Air is NOT part of any current plan. USAir has significant problems of their own right now." And "Of course if USAir faulters, many things could change. We wouldn't want to lose the code-share revenue to a competitor."
To all: I certainly don't expect to change the opinion of a certain USAir captain, but the above are facts that support a very different conclusion. Only time will reveal the ultimate outcome. Until then lets hope that our codeshare agreement continues to bring the much needed revenue to both companies. Good luck to all! (Except to Chip of course, who doesn't need luck since he has it all figured out already.) <_<