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Striking Workers Ask For Help

Well I for one will not help a striking employee of any company. I will help a furloughed AA or TWA employee that needs my help but a greedy striking one...no thanks. Why doesnt the union they love soo much help them in their time of need. That is what they pay dues for. They all knew ahead of time that they need to put money away for the time when they might strike. So if they didnt do that I have no sympathy.
AAviator said:
WOW, LOL LOL! JS is an insurance geek. Talk about an industry that pretty much demands their own profitability!!! 😀

JS, your reply?
Insurance companies cannot force doctors to accept patients at a particular price. If the price that insurance companies offer is too low for the doctors, they won't accept.
Can't help but disagree with that JS!

Doctors will accept what insurance companies pay or the patient has to pay the difference. There isn't a doctor around that doens't know that not accepting the insurance means they loose business.

So yes, insurance companies can't "force" the doctors to accept their contract price, but they can sure as hell not put that doctor on their PCP lists.
WingNaPrayer said:
Can't help but disagree with that JS!

Doctors will accept what insurance companies pay or the patient has to pay the difference. There isn't a doctor around that doens't know that not accepting the insurance means they loose business.

So yes, insurance companies can't "force" the doctors to accept their contract price, but they can sure as hell not put that doctor on their PCP lists.
Many doctors are understand that they might lose business, but they accept that and won't sign on with the provider. Many doctors are willing to provide the same service for "non covered" patients for a pretty substantial discount.
Bizman said:
...Snip for legnth ... If you don't have insurance then that's your own fault. Anyone can buy insurance.
I disagree with that. Having been furloughed, and having had my spouse furloughed, NO ONE will sell us insurance, other than "short-term" policies because we are both unemployed. Does not matter that we can afford "regular" policies, they will NOT sell them to us. These "short-term" policies don't cover anything except major "oh sh!t" medical; but yet, at $450 per month, we can't afford COBRA, either.

So NO, NOT everyone can buy inurance, and it is through no fault of our own. So now I can no longer go to the doctor unless I pay out of pocket, and God help me or my spouse if one of us gets sick.

Of course, neither of us should have been furloughed, but that is another arguement for another day.

Trans World First
TransWorldFirst said:
Bizman said:
...Snip for legnth ... If you don't have insurance then that's your own fault. Anyone can buy insurance.
I disagree with that. Having been furloughed, and having had my spouse furloughed, NO ONE will sell us insurance, other than "short-term" policies because we are both unemployed. Does not matter that we can afford "regular" policies, they will NOT sell them to us. These "short-term" policies don't cover anything except major "oh sh!t" medical; but yet, at $450 per month, we can't afford COBRA, either.

So NO, NOT everyone can buy inurance, and it is through no fault of our own. So now I can no longer go to the doctor unless I pay out of pocket, and God help me or my spouse if one of us gets sick.

Of course, neither of us should have been furloughed, but that is another arguement for another day.

Trans World First
Let me get this straight. You are eligible for COBRA coverage, and you are offered individual catastrophic coverage (short term is not a big deal). How can you say that no one will sell you insurance? You've got two choices right there!

By "regular" policy, do you mean group insurance rates? The way it works is this -- in the individual marketplace, you aren't going to get the same terms as a group. You can still buy insurance, just not at favorable rates. Catastrophic rates don't differ by that much between individual and group as far as I know, because the probability of a policy generating a claim for a major cost is pretty small and about the same for group and individual.

The reason why group insurance with rich benefits (i.e., not catastrophic) is cheaper than individual for most people is because the group (e.g., employees) is forced to pay premiums. With individual insurance, people who are unlikely to make claims don't bother buying the policy, so the people who do buy policies have to pay higher premiums to cover the higher claim per policy. This is called anti-selection. Underwriting will combat some anti-selection (e.g., existing medical conditions), but not all of it.

The only useful piece of Hillary's proposal for nationalized health care is the fact that everyone would have to pay premiums. This would eliminate the individual marketplace and its underwriting requirements, providing everyone with group rates. However, the rest of her stupid ideas in the proposal outweigh that advantage by a factor of ten.
JS said:
TransWorldFirst said:
Bizman said:
...Snip for legnth ... If you don't have insurance then that's your own fault. Anyone can buy insurance.
I disagree with that. Having been furloughed, and having had my spouse furloughed, NO ONE will sell us insurance, other than "short-term" policies because we are both unemployed. Does not matter that we can afford "regular" policies, they will NOT sell them to us. These "short-term" policies don't cover anything except major "oh sh!t" medical; but yet, at $450 per month, we can't afford COBRA, either.

So NO, NOT everyone can buy inurance, and it is through no fault of our own. So now I can no longer go to the doctor unless I pay out of pocket, and God help me or my spouse if one of us gets sick.

Of course, neither of us should have been furloughed, but that is another arguement for another day.

Trans World First
Let me get this straight. You are eligible for COBRA coverage, and you are offered individual catastrophic coverage (short term is not a big deal). How can you say that no one will sell you insurance? You've got two choices right there!

By "regular" policy, do you mean group insurance rates? The way it works is this -- in the individual marketplace, you aren't going to get the same terms as a group. You can still buy insurance, just not at favorable rates. Catastrophic rates don't differ by that much between individual and group as far as I know, because the probability of a policy generating a claim for a major cost is pretty small and about the same for group and individual.

The reason why group insurance with rich benefits (i.e., not catastrophic) is cheaper than individual for most people is because the group (e.g., employees) is forced to pay premiums. With individual insurance, people who are unlikely to make claims don't bother buying the policy, so the people who do buy policies have to pay higher premiums to cover the higher claim per policy. This is called anti-selection. Underwriting will combat some anti-selection (e.g., existing medical conditions), but not all of it.

The only useful piece of Hillary's proposal for nationalized health care is the fact that everyone would have to pay premiums. This would eliminate the individual marketplace and its underwriting requirements, providing everyone with group rates. However, the rest of her stupid ideas in the proposal outweigh that advantage by a factor of ten.

JS- I am perfectly aware of the fact as an individual I am not eligible for "group" rates, that was NOT what I was referring to. By "regular" I meant normal office visits, regular coverage, wellness, etc., more than 90 days (BC/BS), more than 6 months,(Fortis) regular medical/hospital policies that they advertise. "Catastrophic" policies Vs. normal ones the rates may not be all that different, however the coverage IS. Short terms are basically if you get hit by a car, or shot while walking down the street. "Short term" policies do not cover normal office visits, wellness, and the like. NO ONE WILL SELL US A NORMAL POLICY BECAUSE WE ARE UNEMPLOYED. We can pay for it, as it is much cheaper than COBRA, but they will NOT sell it to us because we are UNEMPLOYED. Try buying insurance while unemployed. I have. Have you?

And do NOT tell me COBRA is an option. When COBRA is $450/mo for 2 healthy (No pre-existings) adults, no kids and my mortgage is $500, there IS NO CHOICE. Keep a roof over our heads? OR Hope to God we don't get sick? What would you choose? Because we can't do both. Right now, keeping the house wins.

So, NO. Not everyone can buy insurance. I have been trying. When you can tell me a company that will sell regular insurance to unemployed people, you let me know, OK? Cause I haven't found one yet; and I have called them all and even went to a broker. He couldn't find one either.

Trans World First
TransWorldFirst said:
JS- I am perfectly aware of the fact as an individual I am not eligible for "group" rates, that was NOT what I was referring to. By "regular" I meant normal, office visits, regular coverage, more than 90 days (BC/BS), more than 6 months,(Fortis) regular medical/hospital policies that they advertise. "Catastrophic" policies Vs. normal ones the rates may not be all that different, however the coverage is. "Short term" policies do not cover normal office visits and the like. NO ONE WILL SELL US A NORMAL POLICY BECAUSE WE ARE UNEMPLOYED. We can pay for it, as it is much cheaper that COBRA, but they will NOT sell it to us because we are UNEMPLOYED. Try buying insurance while unemployed. I have.

And do NOT tell me COBRA is an option. When COBRA is $450/mo for 2 healthy (No pre-existings) adults, no kids and my mortgage is $500, there IS NO CHOICE. Keep a roof over our heads? OR Hope to God we don't get sick? What would you choose? Because we can't do both. Right now, keeping the house wins.

So, NO. Not everyone can buy insurance. I have been trying. When you can tell me a company that will sell regular insurance to unemployed people, you let me know, OK? Cause I haven't found one yet; and I have called them all and even went to a broker. He couldn't find one either.

Trans World First
I don't work in the health insurance department, so I don't know the specifics, but what I'll theorize is:

1) your employment status counts against you in the underwriting

2) a policy that did allow for this risk would have a premium so high that no one would buy it (or the few who do make claims even larger than the premium)

It doesn't make any sense to say that you can afford it, because it's just not available. I don't know why unemployment is included in the underwriting, but apparently it is.

COBRA is an option. Available and affordable are two different things. COBRA is available to you, so it's not the case that you are refused insurance.

Terminated pension plans and individual annuities is my area of expertise. I find health insurance to be irritating to work on, and you're right, it does suck for some people. One thing is for sure, I post on this board because it's interesting, NOT because I like AA. A while ago, I had the pleasure of flying with an ex-TWA crew, following two nAAtive flights that were just wretched. I hope you find work soon! 🙁
operaations wrote;

Well I for one will not help a striking employee of any company. I will help a furloughed AA or TWA employee that needs my help but a greedy striking one...no thanks. Why doesnt the union they love soo much help them in their time of need. That is what they pay dues for. They all knew ahead of time that they need to put money away for the time when they might strike. So if they didnt do that I have no sympathy.

Operaations are you planning a avenue to help our fellow laid off Brothers and Sisters?

Our Local has donated thru charities in the past to help our Brothers and Sisters families during Christmas.

is AA going to/or have set up an avenue to help this year?

In Tulsa the Love Fund helps many Employees thru-out the year. The Employees regularly take up collections to help each other.

The answer is yes, If someone is in need of help than by all means we should Help, I've always been taught to give and expect nothing in return! The rewards will be coming thru the heart and compassion you have shown. 🙂

Never thought I'd say this but cio has the right idea in that it is an honorable thing to help people in need, especially other union workers facing the same obsticles... Not bragging here but every year I give fair share to the United Way campaign because I am able to help, I am fortunate to have some left over... The very rude and thoughtless post following cio's coment says alot about that person, their mindeset and selfish nature.. I only hope you never get down on your luck and need to ask for a hand up... Bob Owens has the right idea as well.. Remember someday you will be judged by the same yardstick you used to measure with and you will be responsible for the hatred you have expressed for your fellow man...

Best wishs to all, reject hatred and intolerance..
