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Planners or Schedulers Tulsa Maintenance Base

700UW said:
Once they have a JCBA that is ratified, they will be IAM members and pay dues and no longer will be management, like I posted when the thread first became active.
Gee because I asked one of our new planners about that he knows NOTHING of becoming union.
Well then they should ask their management.

It's in the NMB's decision.
700UW said:
Once they have a JCBA that is ratified, they will be IAM members and pay dues and no longer will be management, like I posted when the thread first became active.
Once they have a JCBA that is ratified, they will be IAM at IAM stations and TWU at TWU stations, right?
No they are going to be IAM I believe there was a letter put out on it.
700UW said:
No they are going to be IAM I believe there was a letter put out on it.
Ok, so is this the first of many lies ?
How is it a lie when the IAM and TWU agreed to it and put out the letter, did you not read it?
If it goes anything like how the planners went, they will be welcomed by a phone call in the middle of the night by their stock clerk union brother in Indianapolis before any word comes from the company or IAM.
700UW said:
How is it a lie when the IAM and TWU agreed to it and put out the letter, did you not read it?
I read everything I can find. When I go to the USAMERGER site now it is scrambled.
Long before the Association was granted, TWU station were going to be TWU Represented with in the Association. Now you state because a leter was issued all Schedulers / Planners will fall under the IAM.? 
Buck said:
I read everything I can find. When I go to the USAMERGER site now it is scrambled.
Long before the Association was granted, TWU station were going to be TWU Represented with in the Association. Now you state because a leter was issued all Schedulers / Planners will fall under the IAM.? 
With all of your knowledge and connections, the least you could do is have someone from the Association talk to these people here at Tulsa.
700UW said:
How is it a lie when the IAM and TWU agreed to it and put out the letter, did you not read it?
Sof far the only thing we have learned about the Association is that promises and letters mean nothing.
I.e. we will vote on the Association
We will start negotiations after 30 days of the fix being in. Etc etc.
700UW said:

This is what I see when I click your link


TWU-IAM Association

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TWU-IAM Association Determines Servicing and Negotiating Responsibilities for Work Groups Within the Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service and Stores Classes and Crafts



July 21, 2015



The TWU-IAM Association determined servicing and bargaining responsibilities for the following work groups, which were included as part of the TWU-IAM Association’s certification for the Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service and Stores classes and crafts, but were only represented by either the TWU or the IAM (or were unrepresented) prior to the US Airways/American Airlines merger.
The TWU will maintain all servicing and negotiating responsibilities for Flight Simulator Technicians and Engineers as it did prior to the US Airways/American Airlines merger.
The IAM will maintain all servicing and negotiating responsibilities for Quality Assurance, Planners (including CLP/Weight & Balance) and Technical Document Specialists (including the previously unrepresented persons in these work groups that are included in the NMB class & craft determinations) as it did prior to the US Airways/American Airlines merger.
Both the TWU and IAM will assume servicing responsibilities for all Tower Planning and Tower Operations personnel in accordance with the TWU-IAM Association’s station allocation agreement.
All of the other work classifications that were commonly represented by TWU and IAM on either pre-merger US Airways or American Airlines will continue to be jointly represented in negotiations and future servicing on the New American Airlines.
These Association determinations are critical as they will lead to joint contract negotiations for the above specialized work groups, as well as maintain and extend representation to existing and newly represented workers.

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⇐ TWU-IAM Association Schedules New Meetings: Reconciliation Process Continues
TWU-IAM Association Negotiating Committees Continue Reconciliation Process In Chicago ⇒

- See more at: http://www.usaamerger.com/2015/07/21/work-groups-within-the-mechanic-related-fleet-service-and-stores-classes-and-crafts/#sthash.ElNA3Lle.dpuf
Clearly states the IAM will service the planners.
700UW said:
How is it a lie when the IAM and TWU agreed to it and put out the letter, did you not read it?
Who is the iam and the twu? Be more specific and give a persons name because that is what controls these organizations. Two dudes at the top made a decision to be puppet masters over the planners. Just put out a letter and regardless of what has been said before, the letter is the rule of law! Who cares about the peons that are affected its their dues money that takes priority! Those folks are nothing more than sources of revenue and dont deserve to be informed..

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