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Plane Held After Spat Involving Iraqis

It is far from the truth. I suppose Iran is our friend? Lets all just stick our head in the sand and wait.

What has Iran done to YOU? They've done nothing to me. To paraphrase Mohammad Ali when he refused to go to Vietnam, no Iranian ever called me a racial slur.
Yes I realize they took the hostages and blah, blah, blah. We've been meddling in Iran since the 1950's when we overthrew Mohammed Mossadeq. Mossadeq was actually pro U.S. His sin was that he nationalized the oil. I'll confuse you with some facts.
NY Times article
Operation Ajax
Never mind. Go back to watching Fox and listen to your "good christian" George Bush. What would Jesus say about the killing of almost 1 million Iraquis?
Iran poses a threat to no one. Nukes? Pakistan has nukes, India has nukes and our good little Palestinian slaughtering buddies in Israel have nukes. I suppose those are good nukes. Russia has nukes. Lets "git them Ruskies! "What about our good buddies the Chinese? Lets invade them too. They have nukes also. China is more of a threat economically and militarily than Iran could ever be. Oh, I forgot, "free trade" rules. Free trade my arse! Its neo-mercantilism.
Oil is the only reason we want to invade Iran. Don't worry, you will still pay $10.00/ gallon. After all, you are just a peon like the rest of us. The oil companies and their lackey politicians will continue to get theirs.
Hillary and Obama won't save you either! :down: :down:

What has Iran done to YOU? They've done nothing to me.

Not yet anyway. Lets just wait until another 911. Like I said just put your head in the sand and hope nothing happens. Do you really think that those animals dont want to see the USA and Israel blown up? These people do not like our way of life and will do anything to change it. 🙄

Hillary and Obama won't save you either! :down: :down:

Well, I agree with you on that! I would never vote for one of those communist. 🙄
I would like to see you back up your PC tough talk next time you travel, and 5 or 6 of these stereotypical looking potential terrorists gets on board. Add to the fact, these guys knew the reaction they would get - so they could file a lawsuit. So why not get on board and act a little suspicious, do and say things that are borderline suspicious - but not enough to get in trouble - will stand up in court in their favor. Could be a lot of money in a settlement. They would get all the free help they could possibly need from CAIR to the ACLU.

Our biggest problem here in the good ole USA is liberal apologists and their stinking PC claptrap. Had it not been for political correctness, those scumbag terrorists on 911, would never have gotten on board those aircraft, much less into this country.

As far as your statement about cowards goes, what was it that made these passengers so nervous about these types? Like your socialist buddy NHBB says, "if the shoe fits, wear it".

BTW I doubt these clowns were working at Camp Pendleton for free. 😛h34r:

You have hit the nail on the head. :up:
What has Iran done to YOU? They've done nothing to me. To paraphrase Mohammad Ali when he refused to go to Vietnam, no Iranian ever called me a racial slur.
Yes I realize they took the hostages and blah, blah, blah. We've been meddling in Iran since the 1950's when we overthrew Mohammed Mossadeq. Mossadeq was actually pro U.S. His sin was that he nationalized the oil. I'll confuse you with some facts.
NY Times article
Operation Ajax
Never mind. Go back to watching Fox and listen to your "good christian" George Bush. What would Jesus say about the killing of almost 1 million Iraquis?
Iran poses a threat to no one. Nukes? Pakistan has nukes, India has nukes and our good little Palestinian slaughtering buddies in Israel have nukes. I suppose those are good nukes. Russia has nukes. Lets "git them Ruskies! "What about our good buddies the Chinese? Lets invade them too. They have nukes also. China is more of a threat economically and militarily than Iran could ever be. Oh, I forgot, "free trade" rules. Free trade my arse! Its neo-mercantilism.
Oil is the only reason we want to invade Iran. Don't worry, you will still pay $10.00/ gallon. After all, you are just a peon like the rest of us. The oil companies and their lackey politicians will continue to get theirs.
Hillary and Obama won't save you either! :down: :down:

Iran poses no threat? Their psycho president has already made known his intentions of wiping out Israel. He is supplying the insurgents in Iraq with rockets and bomb materials to use against our soldiers. As far as your history lesson on Iran goes, why not cover how your idol Jimmy Carter botched things up in the seventies by enabling the deposing of the Shaw of Iran? That act alone helped create modern day terrorism. When Iran put that seventh century reject into power the Ayatollah Khomeini - that lit the fuse. Remember the hostage crisis in Iran? We had a wimp for a president named Jimmy limp wrist Carter. Unemployment was rampant, double digit interest rates, economy was in the dumps - yeah that was the guy.

Still beating the same liberal mantra on the oil is the only reason we did this or that - give it a rest. How many years have we been in Iraq taking all their oil? My how the prices have come down. Why if we keep invading countries for oil as you suggest, at that rate oil per barrel should be at $150 per barrel before you know it. :up:

BTW you might want to check your source on the Iraqi casualties, and who is responsible for what. Nice try though. :down:
With all that foreign aid from the U.S. tax payers, I believe Israel can defend itself. Its easier for Israel to use all that AIPAC money to influence U.S. foreign policy and get us to do their dirty work.
You guys crack me up. Still believing in the phony left vs. right, liberal vs. conservative bull.
Jimmy Carter (CFR member) was an unknown governor before he was selected to be president. Bill Clinton was also an unknown governor... and poof...he's president. Your boy DICK Chaney is also CFR, as is daddy Bush and Kerry. Carter did what he was told, just like the rest of our selected presidents. Your girl Hillary is the next annointed one.
The Shah fell out of favor and the Ayatollah was allowed to take over.
Everyone has always loved the U.S. and our way of life. It has been U.S. government foreign policy that has caused our name to be dragged across the mud.
Iran poses no threat? Their psycho president has already made known his intentions of wiping out Israel. He is supplying the insurgents in Iraq with rockets and bomb materials to use against our soldiers. As far as your history lesson on Iran goes, why not cover how your idol Jimmy Carter botched things up in the seventies by enabling the deposing of the Shaw of Iran? That act alone helped create modern day terrorism. When Iran put that seventh century reject into power the Ayatollah Khomeini - that lit the fuse. Remember the hostage crisis in Iran? We had a wimp for a president named Jimmy limp wrist Carter. Unemployment was rampant, double digit interest rates, economy was in the dumps - yeah that was the guy.

Still beating the same liberal mantra on the oil is the only reason we did this or that - give it a rest. How many years have we been in Iraq taking all their oil? My how the prices have come down. Why if we keep invading countries for oil as you suggest, at that rate oil per barrel should be at $150 per barrel before you know it. :up:

BTW you might want to check your source on the Iraqi casualties, and who is responsible for what. Nice try though. :down:
How's NORCOM? Or is it CENTCOM? :down:
It is far from the truth. I suppose Iran is our friend? Lets all just stick our head in the sand and wait.

That's what so many FAKE WAR supporters do about the lie regarding WMD and Mensaboy/Cheney/ Haliburton. Did I forget the $3 Trillion in American wealth transferred to the Saudis/ Kuwati (the people our former President Georgie Sr. works for), with the run up in oil price since Georgie took office? (it went from $32 to what is it now?) Of course they had NO idea terrorists were interested in flying planes into buildings. (even tho NW and Ual 747's were targets for hijacking in 93' with the plan to fly them into building in SF, LA, NY). But, we all know that it was Sadam and not Osama that was behind it. That's why Osama is still FREE...

How bout having a no boarder policy from both political parties...that way we can let 25-35 million slaves and terrorists pour across the boarder (over the last 20 years). We must KEEP them in FEAR! And we must KEEP wages LOW..(more for us)

It really goes to show you that it has nothing to do with liberal or conservative. They don't really care how you vote...just as long as you keep shopping, stay in debt, and don't learn too much about what really is going on.