On 6/6/2003 6:08:00 PM MarkMyWords wrote:
On 6/6/2003 3:12:03 PM golden1 wrote:
Not management here. Everyone that holds a different opinion the PitBull is considered management to her.
As for the press coverage....you are rockin! KDKA and 1 newspaper! Man, sure do hope they didn''t get in the way of the huge picket line! LOL
I use to feel the same way about PITBULL, but take a look at a few things. Now maybe the entire industry really sucks, but since all of these concessions, approved yes but because of threats, the airline is falling apart. How do you push back airplanes with little help? How do you clean the airplanes with little help? How do you get bags on the planes and the flight out ontime with little help? How do you get that full A330 with 266 passengers to London on time without a five hour delay because of crew shortages(this happened to me)with little help? It goes on and on. Meanwhile, the jerks in CCY are crunching the numbers and customer service goes to hell. Pitbull is one of many fighting to stop the tide of contractual abuses and continual staff cutbacks. So because the economy is bad, the employees are to blame? The big airlines did it to themselves. U hasn''t done anything to increase revenue. They just keep cutting and cutting and cutting. Mind you, it is alot about the way this team of "Daves" run things. They smile and cut with all the charm they can muster and shame you into believing if you do not go along, you are not a team player. This is idiotic.
I learned along time ago that I can seperate my intense hatred for management and still provide superior service. I am mature enough to know the difference, so my "attitude" in case it is of concern is just fine, thank you, but lets take a look at what Sherry Hendry. V.P. of inflight said in defense to cutting staffing on the Transatlantic flight on the 767 and 330''s. She stated that we are keeping in line with the staffing of other carriers.
Reality...U has either 15 or 16 flights a day to Europe...16...compared to the big boys, this is a fraction of flights....16. May 1 staffing-767-7 f/as...June 1-6 f/as....May 1-10 f/as...June 1- 9 f/as. Now you may think, whats the big deal, but I will tell you....SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE. We had a beautiful Envoy service that has now been simplified from our pleniful 16 flights a day....16. The service is at best adequate, but only to the American carriers. We compete with BA, Luftansa, and Air France. I will promise you they have kept their service nice for those top dollar fliers. ALSO, 16 flights a day is 16 less f/a postions a day. All this because Sherry believes that the staffing for a better service doesn''t justify the money spent.
I say, if 16 flights a day are going to make or break this company, then its time to close it down. Again, a short sided, impulsive move...and originally thay wanted 5 on the 767 and 8 on the 330 until they were remonded that with min. staffing, if someone gets sick, the flight is cancelled...duh!!
I live in NYC and I can tell you that I am angered at this industry and U inparticularly because they have decided to use and abuse what happened on Sept. 11 for their own arrogant, cost slashing, force dejure'' bull**** way of running an industry. The last body hadn''t hurled out of the buildings before some sick sob started the master plan to cut back and break the unions, using all the while the events of Sept. 11. If I were a person into conspiracies, WHICH I AM NOT, I could swear this was planned to break the carriers. That one event gave the power to US Airways to cut away everything they wanted.
Retirement of 737-200''s, DC9/MD80s, F100''2, areason to feel good about Metrojets failure and leverage to throw the co into bk to bring down cost. Fine, but how have they done so? THREATS THREATS THREATS THREATS THREATS THREATS THREATS!!!!!
We are continuing to only look at numbers and not service. Shrinking us into profitability will not work. It never has. Pity the international passengers from STAR ALLIANCE that have to endure the low level of service fron yet another poorly ran US airliner.
So when you start puttind down Ms. Pitbull, remember some of what I shared.