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PIT shows its hand (that was dumb)

actually its only 3m being offered(sans loans):

3m/450jobs= 6.7k per job
very very cheap

was rendel a former used car salesman?

He does seem like a used car salesman, doesn't he?
Oh poor poor put upon Allegheny County. Allegheny Airlines/USAir provided scores of high paying jobs to former mill workers during and after the demise of the steel industry in the region. The media and county officials loved the company....when they got something out of it. Allegheny county is getting what it wants and deserves. Low fare competition to a handful of destinations. They fought long and hard, and now they have won. But...they still are not satisfied. They want USAirways to provide the same level of service to the same destinations (and more) that were served prior to 9/11. And what incentives did they offer? ZILCH.

Historically, no matter what USAirways has done it has not satisfied the local government and community. I don't want to bite off my nose to spite my face, but the time has come.
Time to move on. My bags are packed and ready to go. I'm ready for the move. Farewell Pittsburgh, and Allegheny County! May the best city win!
Could it be that our favorite PA Governor "Fast Eddie Rendell" is behind the scenes with a "Take this S&*T deal and we will help in PHL big time" offer to US??

If this is the case then all you PIT folks can call off the movers. Even the sandcastle knows to play politics many are ex AA and NW like DP.
Ponder for a moment WHY would PIT tip their hand with such a minscule offer

thanks piney for bringing this to our attention.

just two more great reasons for soc/occ to move/stay in clt/phx:

1) dealing with the corrupt PHL, PIT & State governments in

2) good ole backroom Northeast/Rustbelt politics.

the new usairways does not need that.
thanks but no thanks!
whatever the company decides,
lets do it right the first time
just stay away from PIT for the soc/occ location.
the company does not need to play games with the likes
of the above mentioned nasty characters!
In order to get what we need in PHL (ie more international gates) then the company has to be accomodating to politicians. To say we are better than that and we should not play ball is the most naive thing I have ever heard.

ALL airlines have had to dance with politics and the bigger you are the longer the dance card becomes.

All LCCs are keenly aware of this and use this to their maximum benefit. The main problem is that US has a bad history of fulfilling their end of the bargain.

However with different management and so far a relatively stable operation (as oppossed to say DH). US might be able to change some minds in PA.
I think your right. Most here at US that had the bad blood with the political folks in PA are all pretty much gone. The state on both ends knows we are run with new people. They may work with them. They need the help of the state more than the state needs Usairways.
Dignity lost in battle for US Airways

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The politics of subsidy requires that abject groveling before US Airways is characterized for the public as a bold stroke for saving jobs.

State and Allegheny County officials have promised $16.25 million in loans and aid so the airline won't locate its new flight operations center in Phoenix, Ariz., or Charlotte, N.C. Those cities also are offering financial incentives. The airline has a flight operations center in Phoenix and its largest hub is in Charlotte.

US Airways operates like a high school Casanova, pitting three girls against each other for the promise of giving up the most on prom night.

Twice-bankrupt US Airways, headquartered in Tempe, Ariz., once had a hub in Pittsburgh, which in 1992 opened a $1 billion airport for the airline, which has reduced the local work force from 12,000 to 2,900 since 2001.

Jim Roddey, former Allegheny County chief executive, says local authorities put together an incentive package to save 800 flight reservation jobs in Green Tree. But US Airways moved the center to Winston-Salem, N.C.

"They always tell us they were considering Pittsburgh, and then we find out later they never were considering Pittsburgh," he said.

How does it feel, Pittsburgh, being thought of as a skank and watching your elected officials begging for a chance to abuse the taxpayers?

For such an act of low desperation, will the airline throw this skank a tumble?
Ponder for a moment WHY would PIT tip their hand with such a minscule offer?

Could it be that our favorite PA Governor "Fast Eddie Rendell" is behind the scenes with a "Take this S&*T deal and we will help in PHL big time" offer to US??

Wolf, Siegel and the whole lot at US were no match for slickster politician extrodinare Rendell and my feeling is our boy Doug is gonna have his hands full dealing with the corrupt PHL, PIT & State governments in PA.

Remember that if Rendell was morally & ethically challenged to the point were he knowingly put an innocent man on death row to further his career, why would he shy away from tangling with the boys at the Sandcastle

Pray for our friends in Tempe as they are IMO about to get a large dose of reality in the form of good ole backroom NorthEeast/Rustbelt politics.
I am not quite following what PHL has to do w/ PIT... Am I correct in assuming PHL is a city run operation? What does that have to do with PIT or the state? I would think that any funding that PHL needs/or gets would be through the sale of bonds and/or AIP funding through the Federal government.AIP funding covers a wide area for improvments done on an airfield. I know there a political game that could be played, I just dont see both cities getting anything out of it...IMHO...