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PIT Ramp/CSA work being outsourced?

In a station of less then 20 CSS agents,

why is there a NEED for a Shift Manager, and an ADMIN SECY?

Eliminate one...Shift Manager is NOT needed...if heads are being DISPLACED< start internally with those of higher salaries.

This has to stop..

Issom needs to look @ Headquarters,Cut within your offices. Positions are created , absence management etc....

Leave the Rank & File alone...

Good idea. Too bad it doesn't work that way at the new AWA, I mean USAirways.

After all, we are just complainers. And I have proof.

See this thread started by a Management troll
our jobs are more secure then ever!

Received this in the inbox just now. Good luck to everyone affected. Been there, done that and its no fun. Hang in there.

USNewsNow: Staffing Reductions: An Important Message from Chief Operating Officer Robert Isom
January 11, 2011

Dear Fellow Employees,

In years past, normal attrition rates (people leaving US Airways permanently) meant we wouldn’t have extra people on the payroll as we shifted that flying around. Today that simply isn’t the case given the economic conditions of the past few years. People are postponing retirement and working longer for their current employer. Also, people who used to leave one employer, US Airways for instance, to transition to another company or job are no longer doing so; rather they’re choosing to stay where they are.
This is code for lets fire some people
This is code for lets fire some people

The word from the inside is that US Airways fleet service will keep control of 4 gates to handle 14 daily mainline flights. The remaining 37 US Airways Express flights will be serviced by Jetstream Ground Services. The US Airways management structure will also change with the elimination of 2 ramp shift managers. There is also speculation that the Station Director will be downgraded to a Station Manager title, and the Ramp Duty Manager and Customer Service Manager positions will be eliminated.

Good luck to everyone who is displaced. America West has finally found a way to get rid of the employees who broke their backs to make the company what it is today.
Wow! What a shame. And I know how it feels, having been an employee of PSA at PIT.

Good luck to all of the mainline employees who will be displaced by the reduction. As bad as it seems, the sun will rise tomorrow, and I'm sure you all will find life after US Airways is better than you thought.
It is a shame that our Unions (CWA &IAM) are not willing to work together when it comes to outsourcing of our jobs. Granted that they would have had to be on the same page when these crappy contracts came into being, but that is far behind us now. One union on the property will continue to service aircraft that have had their ground handling outsourced to some scumbag NON UNION contractor that pays beans causing the loss of another Unions members jobs. Could you imagine our F/A's working a flight that has had the flying outsourced to a contract vendor? I realize that this issue in PIT isn't the only occasion where this has taken place, since it has been going on since 2005 in 20+ stations where FSA jobs were outsourced and CSA jobs still remain. I am happy for those CWA members who have kept their jobs due to better scope language on the amount of seats the A/C they handle. The IAM didn't consider that 70-75 seat A/C would be flying a good portion of the domestic operation within a few years of the last CBA...
The word from the inside is that US Airways fleet service will keep control of 4 gates to handle 14 daily mainline flights. The remaining 37 US Airways Express flights will be serviced by Jetstream Ground Services. The US Airways management structure will also change with the elimination of 2 ramp shift managers. There is also speculation that the Station Director will be downgraded to a Station Manager title, and the Ramp Duty Manager and Customer Service Manager positions will be eliminated.

Good luck to everyone who is displaced. America West has finally found a way to get rid of the employees who broke their backs to make the company what it is today.

I hope that means that Cindy Fox is gone. WHAT A PIECE OF COW MANURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is a shame that our Unions (CWA &IAM) are not willing to work together when it comes to outsourcing of our jobs.
I am happy for those CWA members who have kept their jobs due to better scope language on the amount of seats the A/C they handle.

They are already hammering the F/As to remove this from the next joint contract. The compensation offer was one thing - but elimination of scope make this contract D.O.A.

Now waiting for all the union haters out WEST to chime in......where are you UP?

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