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Airport Managers Being Reduced?

Roughly 50 Shift Managers from outstations have been given notice they no longer have jobs effective around the middle of June.
Many smaller outstations never had shift managers until the HP merger, some got more PSSs and admin reps as well. Now they may go back to having just station manager..."Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose"

Any word on which cities?
At my last station they cut a large number of fleet service and the shift managers barely winced. They could have cared less. They didn't plead to Tempe to save our jobs. If you were RIFfed out of PHX, do you think they would care? They would say, "Just trimming the fat."

you know if it was 2007 i really wouldn't care .. tons of people have been laid off or let go from us airways through the years ...

but these times are different ... there is almost litearlly NO work out there ...i mean how can you let people go into an enviorment like this ?

i'll tell you what's happening , the 30 or 50 VP's of us airways must have had a meeting on the 13th floor of HQ and decided that they needed to effect "cost controls" so they came up with this heartless plan .... i bet they looked at each other and made sad solem faces ... then said some sad words like " while this is regretfull that we must layoff our fellow employee's we are obgligated to do so for our shareholders and the rest of the workers so that we can keep us airways a strong viable company , i know that no one here WANT's to see this happen , but this was part of the job we all signed on for , and these are the types of decisions we all pray we never have to make " .. then the 30 or 90 VP's walked out of the room and had lunch .... and how many VP's have we decided to layoff ? HMMM that's funny , i haven't heard of any vice presidents getting the boot ? Our corporate structure is messed up , it's like out of the movie wall street where that one guy is talking about the board of the paper company saying that they have 50 VP's and all they do is send messages back and forth to each other all day ....

not that i would recommend getting rid of even VP'S in an enviroment like this , but hell if these guys want to start cutting throats i think it's time we address the issue of having far far too much top mangment for a SHRINKING company ....

US airways needs to find jobs for it's workers , ALL of it's workers ... in this economy in this country there is no excuse to be laying poeple off contributing to the growing snowball that's rolling down the economic hill .. our company isn't going to make it unless one and only one thing happens and that's nationalzation .... i don't think we will be around for that ... so why don't we all just suck it up like men and go down standing up instead of tapping the guy on the shoulder who's standing next to us , pointing out at the sea and when he's distracted throwing him overboard ..

but hey , what do i know , i'm just a bag smasher .... so i'll give everyone who's getting a pink slip some bag smasher advice .... SUE ... SUE SUE SUE .... and let me tell you why , the company may offer you a 2 month servence pacakge , but two months from now you'll still be out of a job and your moratge will still need to be paid , without the possiblity of getting work then , what will you do ? At this point , if you've gotten a pink slip you have nothing to lose so say no to the severance offer unless it's REALLY GOOD cause your going to go BK without a job , so you might as well gamble and go for broke .... if you win your lawsuit you could get one of many nice prizes , your job back , pain and suffering , discrimination awards ... etc ... ..so remember , it doesn't matter if your black, white , young, old, female, male , catholic, moromon , muslim etc ... a lawyer can ALWAYS find discrimination against you ... :shock:
Freedom, your not for real are you?

I know freedom and he is a good guy. As a former colleague, I respect him highly as a worker and a human being. It just seems that he is one of those people whose IQ drops about 30 points as soon as he gets on the internet. If I had kids, he could babysit them. If I had a daughter who brought him home and said she wanted to marry him, that would be just fine with me - BUT KEEP HIM OFF THE INTERNET!
While this is unfortunate for those being let go, it is part of the world we live in right now. Every business in just about every industry is hurting and facing difficult choices.

This airline gets a lot of flack for its policies on this message board but it really is just like any other company. It's a business with the main goal of making money. If the business does not make money, then people are let go, that's not rocket science. There also seem to be a lot of people who think management is out to get them. Gimme a break. Management is not part of some big brother conspiracy, their job is to run the airline and make sure the people they are in charge of are doing their job. While, I wont say that every manager is a good manager, the blanket statements around here that management (both front line and CHQ) is just looking to get you are petty and ridiculous. Just do your job to the best of your ability (and safely) and nobody is going to hassle you. I believe this is a great airline with a lot of great people working for it, most of whom take a lot of pride in their job. However, if you are one of those that doesnt then quit your belly aching and help the company lighten its payroll by exiting this all volunteer force. Then maybe we could keep some of these folks that dont want to go employed

There are a few hundred Utility folks on layoff who's former job was to clean planes, go read the IAM M&R CBA, they would have first rights to clean planes if the work is brought back inhouse, not some manager who is not part of a union, and what are you going to say when the West stations that get closed down as soon as the protections expire?

They may have the first rights but sober up, Utility was a joke - big group of complainers who whined about other people doing their job and then tried to get out of doing it when it became their job to do. If a station closes it closes, there are no 'protections' that I know of other than the ones listed in the CBA.....nobody is safe here. The protection is on a personal level and way above my pay scale.
Hate to burst your bubble but I dont drink and second there were a fine bunch of utility and there were some bad ones, just like any classification, and I can say the same about some of them mechanics too, the term "tug slug" come to mind?
Hate to burst your bubble but I dont drink and second there were a fine bunch of utility and there were some bad ones, just like any classification, and I can say the same about some of them mechanics too, the term "tug slug" come to mind?

Fine bunch? Exception to the rule - in my opinion
Tug slug? No doubt there are a number of them too
So you worked with the almost 1,000 Utility on the east side of the operation and observed everyone's work ethic?
Sorry to those who are about to lose their jobs but that is life in the airline industry!! When I(along with many others that day) was handed my paperwork a few years back by a supervisor (with little company time) and wore a smirk on his face explaining how he was a valuable asset to the company and his job was secure! Well times are tough these days, face it, the company could care less about you!!
Sorry to those who are about to lose their jobs but that is life in the airline industry!! When I(along with many others that day) was handed my paperwork a few years back by a supervisor (with little company time) and wore a smirk on his face explaining how he was a valuable asset to the company and his job was secure! Well times are tough these days, face it, the company could care less about you!!

Been there too.....I agree.
Been there too.....I agree.

I received some credible information that the management reductions are coming primarily from the cities that were pre-merger HP stations. Additionally, I heard there is a systemwide management hiring freeze (except in PHL) so that displaced HP managers can be interviewed and potentially slotted into open East airport positions. Can anyone confirm this information?

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