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PIT maintenance reductions

Was the most junior guy on line senior to junior guy in heavy?

Are the guys that are getting abolished on line being forced to heavy or can they exercise their seniority per the contract?

It seems it could work like this for the guys in heavy that would have been bumped.

28 (G) Employees affected by a reduction in force (abolished) or displaced
29 by senior employees (bumped) must exercise their seniority. Junior employees
30 abolished , or bumped from their bid area, must exercise their seniority and
31 bump the most junior employee in another bid area in their station, in their
32 classification, provided they are qualified for that position. Such rights must be
33 exercised within three (3) working days after receipt of reduction or
34 displacement notice.
36 Employees abolished or bumped will be absorbed in their current
37 classification, in their bid area, at their station, on their shift, when the
38 company determines a position becomes available prior to their last day
39 worked. Realignment provisions of Article 9, paragraph C, may be applied.
Any word by those affected by the reduction, have you been absorbed into heavy or given paperwork to bump the system? We all know how the contract reads, just curious!!

Just to clarify if you meant bump systemwide. I don't think there is such a thing anymore unless the bumpee is junior at his station at all jobs he is qualified for. ( by junior I meant his seniority couldn't hold any jobs he is qualified for at his station)
Just to clarify if you meant bump systemwide. I don't think there is such a thing anymore unless the bumpee is junior at his station at all jobs he is qualified for.

:angry: Correct. After Bk 1. To keep movement down, we got bid area seniorty ,to save the company money. So until you exercise station seniorty,you can't bump system. So reducing head count in one bid area, moves the junior people out and captures the senior people. So until a station is closed or reduced to the very senior people ,the junior people are captured at that station. ie "absorbtion". This is to keep the tidal wave of bumping to a minmum. And you thought that the revote was for the IAM retirement! I'm confused !! :blink:
:angry: Correct. After Bk 1. To keep movement down, we got bid area seniorty ,to save the company money. So until you exercise station seniorty,you can't bump system. So reducing head count in one bid area, moves the junior people out and captures the senior people. So until a station is closed or reduced to the very senior people ,the junior people are captured at that station. ie "absorbtion". This is to keep the tidal wave of bumping to a minmum. And you thought that the revote was for the IAM retirement! I'm confused !! :blink:

Anyone know what "company determines a position becomes available" means? Can the company just create new slots to "absorb" without putting them out to bid? Does it mean only vacated slots?
Anyone know what "company determines a position becomes available" means? Can the company just create new slots to "absorb" without putting them out to bid? Does it mean only vacated slots?

they are useing the T/A "no mechanic can be laid off" and the OEI date. This bypasses the bid. I don't know of any "other" language that would let the company not bid. Would have to read station realinement language / bid area language. Then check with the AGC's on how it was negotiated.
The latest word on the line reductions is that they will be (absorbed) into heavy maint. All those being reduced from the line have received abolishment paper work.

There has been no explanation from the union as to why they are not staying put until the OIE, or how they could move to a new department that currently has no openings, (why is no one in heavy being bumped). All the moves are supposed to take place by the 24th.

There will be mechanics with over 35 years heading for 3rd shift in line maintenance who will have no opportunity to bid the supposed vacancies in heavy maintenance. They deserve an explanation as to how people could move to a place that has no openings.

However, PIT management assures everyone that absolutely everything will be fine in PIT. The station will have more work than they know what to do with; no one should worry, everything is going to be fine, trust us.

A spot on post.

"Trust Us, everything will be fine". You forgot to add, "everything will be different this time". If you believe any of this, I know some good company stock you should buy.

I think with 41 guys coming to heavy, and the lack of work there now, the so called "absorption" will only be temporary. I think it will be more like a nice orderly extermination.

I think more like..... Move everyone out of the areas where any dissension could cause service disruptions, get them in a controlled environment, then silently show them the door.

With rumors of the OEI being signed in late July, and some rumors of mid September, the timing of the abolishments could not be more perfect. It's my belief that 40 or so people will be shown the door in PIT. Just like before.
Was the most junior guy on line senior to junior guy in heavy?

Are the guys that are getting abolished on line being forced to heavy or can they exercise their seniority per the contract?

Its another one of those LL1976/management sweetheart deals.....

Official mantra of the LL1976 Union office:

We don't want to piss them off...they'll close PIT down,you know :blink:

Another quote from the offices of the 'frightened' Machinists.

Anyways, if they close it down, how will 'Ten Grand Dan' strut his wonderful physique around the shop floor?
"Ten Grand Dan" ? Thats a new one for me, don't ever recall hearing anybody by that name in Pit......
:huh: As usual PIT Line reductions on hold again, probably until after OEI. Then who knows what, but with American taking the lead on layoffs I can see reductions system wide coinciding with A/C and schedule changes this fall. Oil falling to 100 or so could change that scenario.
:shock: OEI 9/29/08 That will be when the whole of Maitenance is balanced out by the PHX plain.
So get your house in order. This is what was voted in. Many may not like the shift, days off, or city that they can hold. Wait and see time again.........
And when the B***** and complaining starts just remember...."YOU VOTED FOR IT".......sold yourself and others down the road for a few $$$$ and a half a** pension!! :down:
:shock: OEI 9/29/08 That will be when the whole of Maitenance is balanced out by the PHX plain.
So get your house in order. This is what was voted in. Many may not like the shift, days off, or city that they can hold. Wait and see time again.........

I believe that also is the date when the leases go month to month again at PIT. :unsure:
The paperwork just came down from "the office of the Almighty".

The abolishment have been officially canceled. For now.

My guess is a hold until after the Operational Employee Integration take place.

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