They show those on their route maps, but like other airlines - where they have the authority to fly them (IND to LGA, IND TO MIA, IND TO HNL), they don't. There is the occasional seasonal flight thrown in once a day to SRQ, one non-stop to LGA, and the likes, but other than LAS that's it. If you tried to book them you would find that they either don't fly it or you have to connect thru MDW. I just tried it again to make sure it hadn't changed since I worked there many many years ago. Keep in mind, even though it doesn't really matter in the scheme of things, that I just thought it was a "hmm.. thats a possibility" kind of idea, not a "jump on that right away". In the long run, at least IMHO, if US stays with the mentality they have had for many years, they will do whatever doesn't make any sense at all, so they could end up with a presence in IND afterall.