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Pit hub to IND ?

It is nice to see that people like "delldude" can have an intelegent and adult conversation about the topics on this board. This persons inability to reply to posts with something appropriate leads me to one conclussion, you're a **deleted by moderator** Whew.. thats the first time I've almost insulted someone on here. So Delldude, evidently you live in a wonderfully magnificent place, tell us about it. Otherwise, could we stick to the topic of the post and leave pointless attitudes out of it.

Thank You
Normally I would respond, but out of politeness I will not. I normally agree with PB, and I agree that all have the rights to their own opinion..as do I.
Humor is a great stress reliever, especially if you now and then point it at yourself.
To bad you can''t just go out and buy a sense of humor or I''d go to Wal-Mart and buy you one. Lighten up we''re not solving world hunger here, it''s just a web site.
I agree 100% with the alternative being increasing your serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine with pills or better yet, daily work outs. Like the little book say: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff.
On 4/3/2003 7:28:09 AM Bradly71 wrote:

It is nice to see that people like "delldude" can have an intelegent and adult conversation about the topics on this board. This persons inability to reply to posts with something appropriate leads me to one conclussion, you're a **deleted**. Whew.. thats the first time I've almost insulted someone on here. So Delldude, evidently you live in a wonderfully magnificent place, tell us about it. Otherwise, could we stick to the topic of the post and leave pointless attitudes out of it.

Thank You


Have to disagree about the "lack" of service at IND by ATA... Take a look at the map... nonstop jets to LGA, a few places out west, and Florida. And connections via MDW to others. Actually pretty good coverage.


Not every midwest city of 1 mil people should have a hub. Look at CMH where AWA is moving out... Or MCI, which already lost Vanguard and Midwest is having a tough time (not to mention Braniff and Eastern hubs of long ago). I think comparatively, IND has very good service for a city its size, and its citizens are probably better served with a good dose of competition vs. a monopoly hub.

Should US Airways move into the IND maintenance facility? If it makes sense for US Airways, then absolutely. I am not sure if this is the time for US Airways to be out acquiring new facilities, but if it allows for some consolidations or cost-cutting it may be the right thing to do.

On a slightly different topic... Didn''t US Airways close its own MX facility at TPA? Didn''t US Airways remove from service a large number of airplanes? This makes me question whether US Airways needs more maintenance capacity or not. This move may only make sense if it consolodates other facilities or is used to support the 100''s of new RJ''s.

There is something to be said for this.
They show those on their route maps, but like other airlines - where they have the authority to fly them (IND to LGA, IND TO MIA, IND TO HNL), they don't. There is the occasional seasonal flight thrown in once a day to SRQ, one non-stop to LGA, and the likes, but other than LAS that's it. If you tried to book them you would find that they either don't fly it or you have to connect thru MDW. I just tried it again to make sure it hadn't changed since I worked there many many years ago. Keep in mind, even though it doesn't really matter in the scheme of things, that I just thought it was a "hmm.. thats a possibility" kind of idea, not a "jump on that right away". In the long run, at least IMHO, if US stays with the mentality they have had for many years, they will do whatever doesn't make any sense at all, so they could end up with a presence in IND afterall.
In you haven''t noticed we don''t have a hub anymore in PIT, we use to
----------------On 4/3/2003 12:45:56 PM Bradly71 wrote: They show those on their route maps, but like other airlines - where they have the authority to fly them (IND to LGA, IND TO MIA, IND TO HNL), they don''t. ----------------​

Actually, ATAH doesn''t show IND-MIA or IND-HNL on its route map. And I''ve seen no airline that puts route authorities on their maps unless they fly them. Also, there are no "route authorities" for domestic service (IND, MIA, etc.)

Not sure where your information is from... but for the sake of the arguement here: According to ATA''s April 2003 timetable as published on their website, they fly 15 jet flights to 10 destinations nonstop from IND - listed below. The only one that is less than six days per week is Sarasota. Yes, maybe they drop some Florida service in the summer, it makes sense. Not many folks vacation in Ft. Myers in August.

ATA''s IND service:
SRQ 1 (5 times per week)
Total 15
+ 11 ATA Connection flights to MDW.

This seems to be a good bit of service from IND compared to other similar sized cities... Since deregulation, CMH has not had nonstops to FLL, SRQ, or SFO. They are losing their nonstop service to LAX, and DL''s service to RSW and FLL is on ERJ''s. So again is my point that IND enjoys relatively good service because it has nonstop service by low-fare carriers to quite a few places. Not to mention that ATA is competing with Southwest on many of these routes... Should IND be a full fledged hub? Probably not... There are all ready many hubs in the midwest. The national system does not need another one, and IND does not need one. In fact, IND enjoys competitively priced nonstop service to major business and leisure destinations, largely due to ATA, that other cities envy.

I cannot speak to the availability, as I have not tried to buy a ticket on ATA. Suffice it to say, however, that low-fare leisure flights tend to book up early.
On 4/2/2003 5:10:40 PM delldude wrote:

why don''t they just relocate to utica...makes about as much sense.

Doesn''t Legacy use all the gates at Utica?
On 4/3/2003 12:45:56 PM Bradly71 wrote:

They show those on their route maps, but like other airlines - where they have the authority to fly them (IND to LGA, IND TO MIA, IND TO HNL), they don''t. There is the occasional seasonal flight thrown in once a day to SRQ, one non-stop to LGA, and the likes, but other than LAS that''s it. If you tried to book them you would find that they either don''t fly it or you have to connect thru MDW. I just tried it again to make sure it hadn''t changed since I worked there many many years ago.


Try twice daily service to RSW/MCO/TPA/LAS, once daily to FLL, god knows how many times to MDW, twice daily to LGA(once daily on the biz-slow weekend), 5x weekly to SRQ, once daily to SFO/PHX/LAX, plus many connections through MDW. That''s 15 flights/day from IND not including the 10 Chicago Express and one mainline flight to MDW. That isn''t the ''occasional flight out of IND except to LAS''. That''s a small focus city, including many flights that would potentially eat into US''s yields to SFO; LAX; NYC; and CHI.

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