I can see it now. The plane is late because of air traffic. We arrive and have to wait on a gate because the manager can't figure out where to gate the airplane. We're now 20 minutes late and the pax have trashed the aircraft like they normally do. Once at the gate, the manager forgets to have the cleaning equipment forwarded to the new gate. The pax deplane and the FAs wait another 15 minutes for the cleaning equipment to be delivered so they can finish vacuuming and cleaning the full lavs that the manager at the last station didn't have dumped. On top of that, the FAs have a tight turn and don't make it to the new gate until 5 before departure. Since there's no FAs, the gate agent can't load the aircraft. The station manager is pissed and charges the late departure on the FAs. Yep, those dam* lazy union people are sending the airline down the tubes again.