Pilot J4J Pay


Aug 11, 2003
Does anyone know how we will be paid if we accept a job at a J4J carrier? Will we get 1st year pay at captain rates or FO rates? or what? I haven''t been keeping up with the most recent LOAs.
I can't comment on other J4Js carriers, but I know a little about PSA.

I don't have my contract in front of me so these numbers might be a little off. At PSA J4J FOs will get paid the highest FO pay rate on the scale for that year. Right now, I think the highest FO rate for the CRJ is around $40/hr. J4J captains will make first year captain rates which are about $48/hr. I'll try to find my copy of the pay scale once I get home and I'll post the exact numbers unless someone else beats me to it.

The other issue concerning J4J at PSA is seniority and bidding. All the J4J pilots will be below all current PSA pilots in seniority. As PSA takes delivery of more jets, more of our current pilots will be able to bid to the jet. A current PSA pilot will be more senior than all the J4J pilots once that PSA pilots can hold a jet slot. The J4J pilots will be stuck on the bottom end of the seniority list.

If you're interested in working at PSA, you might be better off getting hired off the street right now rather than going through the J4Js program. If you get hired at PSA before J4J begins, you will be senior to all the J4Js pilots. Also, if you are hired off the street at PSA, you could still take a J4J slot if it is offered to you. This might get you a better pay scale or a captain slot, but you would lose your PSA seniority and be stuck at the bottom of the list again. Anyhow, if you are hired off the street you have more options than if you wait for J4Js. The big catch is our first year FO rates are $19/hour.
MDA is the same, top of scale for F/O (About 35 hr) and first year rates for Captains (About 53 hr) I am going from memory from a conversation with the MDA guy but these numbers are close.

I have a buddy at MESA on the J4J gig and their payscales are about $5 dollers an hour worse.
Nice to know that PSA is, or is about to, hire off the street. It's one thing to have a mainline furloughee treated to the bottom of the list at PSA, but New-Hires!?!

Does anyone remember the other wholly-owneds?

Where all employee groups gave concessions to participate in the furture, unlike the PSA CWA People who gave up nothing. I know they earn practically nothing, but that is no different to their counterparts at ALG or PDT who did agree to givebacks.

Allegheny begins furloughing October 1st., and no doubt Piedmont will start laying-off soon as they are slated to lose 8 (I believe) Aircraft by the end of the year.

Good luck to the PSA new hires. Be proud to be part of the newest low-ball-bidder addition to the US Airways Regional Jet Operators. Stand by your Mesa and Chautauqua brothers as they destroy what once was a good job.

Please just try to be understanding of the disgraceful mess that is the lot of the wholly-owned pilot, where having a good contract means your airline dies while a sister airline expands. In years to come, just don't try to improve that contract at PSA, or you may have the pleasure of seeing new-hires at another wholly-owned as you are being layed-off.

On another topic:

Dave Seigel, if you truly knew what you were doing, there would be a bunch of Dash8-400s on order along with the Regional Jets. Horizon is beating Southwest with these on the west coast. You are no visionary, just providing the same old tired business plan that worships RJ's.

If marketed properly, the Q400 would revolutionize the whole east coast. Customers don't like Turboprops because they think B1900 or Jetstream. Make them think Q400, and this industry will once again be turned on it's head. But that takes a Visionary, and you, Mr. Siegel, are no visionary. Unfortunately, you are just another overpriced suit.
I found the actual pay rates for PSA. J4J FOs will make $34.59/hour and J4Js captains will make $49.44/hour. First year pay for street hires on the Dornier are $20.40/hour.
On 8/12/2003 5:23:24 PM TBONEJ4J wrote:

Nice to know that PSA is, or is about to, hire off the street. It's one thing to have a mainline furloughee treated to the bottom of the list at PSA, but New-Hires!?!

Does anyone remember the other wholly-owneds?

Where all employee groups gave concessions to participate in the furture, unlike the PSA CWA People who gave up nothing. I know they earn practically nothing, but that is no different to their counterparts at ALG or PDT who did agree to givebacks.

Allegheny begins furloughing October 1st., and no doubt Piedmont will start laying-off soon as they are slated to lose 8 (I believe) Aircraft by the end of the year.

Good luck to the PSA new hires. Be proud to be part of the newest low-ball-bidder addition to the US Airways Regional Jet Operators. Stand by your Mesa and Chautauqua brothers as they destroy what once was a good job.

Please just try to be understanding of the disgraceful mess that is the lot of the wholly-owned pilot, where having a good contract means your airline dies while a sister airline expands. In years to come, just don't try to improve that contract at PSA, or you may have the pleasure of seeing new-hires at another wholly-owned as you are being layed-off.

On another topic:

Dave Seigel, if you truly knew what you were doing, there would be a bunch of Dash8-400s on order along with the Regional Jets. Horizon is beating Southwest with these on the west coast. You are no visionary, just providing the same old tired business plan that worships RJ's.

If marketed properly, the Q400 would revolutionize the whole east coast. Customers don't like Turboprops because they think B1900 or Jetstream. Make them think Q400, and this industry will once again be turned on it's head. But that takes a Visionary, and you, Mr. Siegel, are no visionary. Unfortunately, you are just another overpriced suit.



Without getting into a whole big thing, I'll just say that your anger is misplaced when it comes to the PSA Pilots. And unlike every other unionized group within the US Airways Group, the PSA pilots have'nt been allowed to vote on a anything. Had we, the entire outcome would have been much different.

But the past is the past, and for now I'll just ask you to keep in mind that there is a very large group of individuals that are trying to do whats right by ALG and PDT. Hopefully you will soon see that.

You can, in the mean time, rest assured that there will not be any off the street new hires unless no one takes the Jets4Jobs positions. And there is currently preferential hiring in place at PSA for ALG and PDT, but to my knowledge no one has applied.
Well put TBone!

Lufthansa has parked some CRJ's and will replace them with Q400's. The German's figured out that the 50 seat jet is not as profitable as the Q400 on some of their routes. I believe they ordered 12 400's.

Airways should have marketed their Dash-8's more effectively and looked to Europe for a clue bag!

PDT parks 7 Dash-8 200's in the 4th quarter. Rumor is that Mesa will take them and fly them for United in Denver. Ouch that really hurts!

We will most likely furlough in December I believe when 4 of the 7 are returned. We have hired new FO's in July just to furlough them at the end of the year! Merry Xmas!
Yea, but european pax dont have a cow when they see Props!!! They just want to get to a point on time and in comfort. The Dash does it. Wont work in the United States, they have already made it a point that props are dangerous...

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