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Phone Res agents

I was a res agent in SYR for many years, I worked both General Res. and Executive Accounts (corporate accounts and travel agencies). We were the highest producing Res office on the system and the first to go after 9/11 (go figure). We were also a very senior office and we had very knowledgeable agents. I would love to be able to help you guys with your travel problems......I kind of miss my airline days.
I remember calling Res on difficult issues. The seasoned Res crew of the past is forever missed
I was a res agent in SYR for many years, I worked both General Res. and Executive Accounts (corporate accounts and travel agencies). We were the highest producing Res office on the system and the first to go after 9/11 (go figure). We were also a very senior office and we had very knowledgeable agents. I would love to be able to help you guys with your travel problems......I kind of miss my airline days.

You know, I can relate as well. I was in the IND office and our numbers were always great, good service, a fun place to work. That was before they were big on "numbers" instead of "service". While I do miss it, there is NO WAY I would do that job for the beans they pay now, and definitely wouldn't do it with a quota hanging around my neck.
It doesn't matther where the res offices are if they don't service the calls. It seems that the res agents are so scared about not making their timers, they will say anything to get a caller off the line, no matter how inaccurate it may be. I recently took a call in the BSO from a psgr that had to chance her travel date due to a family emergency. A stateside res agent told her she had to drive 40 miles to the nearest ATO as they couldnt help her because she had paper tickets. I found a CSS to call this lady back since res was too busy to offer any kind of assistance. As a former res agent myself, if I handled a call like this I'd've been given 3 days off.
I called this evening...I'm booked on a cruise and air was done via the cruiseline...AA down to San Juan, US back. The info didn't have seat information, so I called. Once I got past the damned "automated" maze, I spoke to a gal who sounded very American and was quite helpful. Too bad it took 3 calls thru the automated line to get to her. Here's a tip...if a person presses an invalid number...GIVE THEM THE OPPORTUNITY TO TRY AGAIN. All the automated line does is tell you to call back and try again.
Are you referring to INTRO? Where do you get that INT had the least senior agents? Many agents had 20-25-30 yrs or more....and a lot were hoping INT would close just to get out of the hell-hole. Just curious as to what office you meant.
Are you referring to INTRO? Where do you get that INT had the least senior agents? Many agents had 20-25-30 yrs or more....and a lot were hoping INT would close just to get out of the hell-hole. Just curious as to what office you meant.

When the res offices began to close one by one the CWA was investigating age discrimination. It was discovered that the average age of the res agents were the same, but the average seniority of the offices were different. Also the offices that closed, had more agents going from B scale to A scale pay and vacation . The CWA had documentation of the seniority issue