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Philadelphia Inquirer

Well, you must have been on my flights. I joked about 21% less work, and about liquidation. But it is better than crying or being down right mean. Joking and laughing are defense mechanisms that keep us going. We have been reduced to wages from almost 20 years ago, give us a break, let us laugh and get the stress out that way. OR I'll guarantee you'll have something to really b*thch about!

But don't expect us to bend over backwards anymore to make you happy. Those days are gone. We will do what is expected, and I mean company policy. Those flights that the flight attendant was out in the cabin for the whole 4 hour flight are gone. The company says to check on you every 20 minutes after the initial service, well, then that's what you'll get. So, don't get all bent out of shape and threaten to contact customer service, we are just doing our jobs as written by a company that doesn't care about us or you!
deltawatch said:
But you know what .... if they pull this off WN can kiss their pay check good by within 5 years...... as well.
Should I be happy about that?
28yrsnojob said:
🙁 management is flying in and driving in from small cities to witness whats
going on in phl clt and bos . They are having big problems.

i had heard of a slowdown before but i dont know if this is the reason that the mgrs are flying into the hubs and large cities for days or weeks at a time. may be someone can elborate on this more.
PSA1979 said:
Well, you must have been on my flights. I joked about 21% less work, and about liquidation. But it is better than crying or being down right mean. Joking and laughing are defense mechanisms that keep us going. We have been reduced to wages from almost 20 years ago, give us a break, let us laugh and get the stress out that way. OR I'll guarantee you'll have something to really b*thch about!

But don't expect us to bend over backwards anymore to make you happy. Those days are gone. We will do what is expected, and I mean company policy. Those flights that the flight attendant was out in the cabin for the whole 4 hour flight are gone. The company says to check on you every 20 minutes after the initial service, well, then that's what you'll get. So, don't get all bent out of shape and threaten to contact customer service, we are just doing our jobs as written by a company that doesn't care about us or you!

I still think that there are employees who will work hard to make customers happy.

If you aren't doing anything wrong, who cares if they threaten to call Consumer Affairs.

And, of course, joking is a defense mechanism and is helpful, but it depends on the context and situation. Running out of brown limes and telling someone that you are sorry because you have 21% less limes on board or that management stole our limes is funny. Laughing and saying why would people buy tickets on an airline that is doomed is another. Or, saying loud enough that I am out of here soon because this place is going under is not good either. I would be madder than heck if my boss took 21% of my pay and kept his bonuses coming.

By the way, 20 minutes is pretty good. The problem is, when do you start measuring the 20 mins--from the time you start checking on people, or the time you stop checking on the last person? I had a flight recently where the FA told a pax when he asked her for another cup of coffee that she needed to sit down and rest--the flight was PHL-ATL!
US1YFARE said:
And, of course, joking is a defense mechanism and is helpful, but it depends on the context and situation. Running out of brown limes and telling someone that you are sorry because you have 21% less limes on board or that management stole our limes is funny. Laughing and saying why would people buy tickets on an airline that is doomed is another. Or, saying loud enough that I am out of here soon because this place is going under is not good either. I would be madder than heck if my boss took 21% of my pay and kept his bonuses coming.

By the way, 20 minutes is pretty good. The problem is, when do you start measuring the 20 mins--from the time you start checking on people, or the time you stop checking on the last person? I had a flight recently where the FA told a pax when he asked her for another cup of coffee that she needed to sit down and rest--the flight was PHL-ATL!

I agree on the I am out of here remark and the like. That is counter productive, no need to drive away the pax.

I start counting when I get back to the galley, because it can take 20 minutes or more to serve 16 heavy drinkers in First and sometimes the ones in the first row are asking for another before the ones in the 3rd row have had theirs. If you can't wait to get a drink, you've probably had too many already. Had a lady the other day get mad cuz I cut her off after she drank a whole bottle of champagne all by herself.
PSA1979 said:
Had a lady the other day get mad cuz I cut her off after she drank a whole bottle of champagne all by herself.

she had to be drunk before she got on the plane to drink that crap.

I was on a recent flight and the pax mixed the red wine with ginger ale or some soda. if it's that hard to get down, why drink it?
I think alot of people would be amazed at how little onboard service is required by the company and how much is F/As being nice.

Beverage services on short flights? They recently cut it to even longer flights where there is nothing offered. F/A will still try to offer at least something off of a tray if the load permits, but you won't see that any longer. F/As are only required to come throught the cabin either when the seatbelt sign comes on, or every 20 minutes. I bet you'll see folks adhering to that rule. They are there strictly for your safety, and time/weather/length of flight they'll give you a Coke or a blanket. If a crew feels it would be unsafe to serve, if the captain says "there may be bumps", there's nothing the company can do about it. Safety first!

If they are paying baby-sitter wages, that's all they're gonna get. It's a shame. That's not a slowdown, just working what your employer feels you are worth.

Airlines are a customer service business, and you can't put a price on that. Happy employees equal happy customers equals profits. Southwest? JetBlue? Or closer to home, Piedmont? Or PSA? They turned that smile upside down.

Blaming bad management on employees and taking thier money and jobs from them equals unhappy employees equals unhappy customers equals what's the point. Eastern? Pan Am? TWA? Those concessions sure saved them, huh?
sfb "Translation: even if everyone at US worked for free, Southwest still would have had lower costs. They would have made a profit last quarter even without their fuel hedges. Not to mention that they're not flying around a bunch of high-cost RJ's, they have tons of cash, and they own most of their fleet free and clear. US's big worry needs to be what's going on with Delta -- because if DL gets its costs down through negotiation ot the courts, you can bet that they are going to do their best to kill off their most direct network competitor."

You wait and see.... just like dominos, United then Delta, American ...... there is no way WN will continue to pay twice what the other carrier are .... Why should they? They don't luv-ya that much.
That will be the only fun part about it, is when the LCC dorks have to take a pay cut because the big boys are now undercutting them...

cue New Order... "How, does it feel...."
I have to chime in here--to be honest with you, the whole idea about a "slowdown" or doing nothing more than absolute minimum is tantamount to shooting yourselves in the foot.

Do I agree with the 21% cuts? Absolutely not!! Do I think there should have been other cost saving measures taken FIRST? Absolutely! I understand your frustration and anger, but I DON'T understand why you now plan to take it out on the customer...what does that accomplish besides driving loyal customers away and making a statement to management "I'll show them!!"

I have yet to see such a change in attitude or performance, and STILL feel you folks (the vast majority at least) are far above this kind of tactic--think about it. It IS like Eastern all over again--the only thing you will accomplish is to drive more customers away and put the final nail in the coffin.....

I apologize to PIT Bull and 700UW in advance, but this is the kind of thing I expect from the old union mentality........and I think it is not only wrong but will kill the company.

Sorry for the rant...

My best to you all....
Art at ISP said:
I apologize to PIT Bull and 700UW in advance, but this is the kind of thing I expect from the old union mentality........and I think it is not only wrong but will kill the company.
Sorry for the rant...

My best to you all....

PIT E-line:

Dear Members,

Just wanted to convey a few sentiments recently expressed by a customer who
called my office today.

I know that recent news of the Judge's ruling has upset many of you. I can
appreciate the anger, and I believe it is justified in many ways.

However, I can not express to you more that passengers understand our
personal plight as well as the company's constant harping about survival;
its everywhere, and in every paper, every city.

The customer who called today, only called to let me know that he feels very
badly for the f/as and what they must be going through with the constant
changes in the company along with the severe pay cuts. Normally, he said,
that service is excellent and smiles abound, but what disturbed him today is
the continued chatter regarding the 21% pay cut and constant talk about
liquidation while working.

I normally would never write out about this, but I can tell you that while
professionally performing our duties, we should never include the
passengers in our conversation regarding the company and our work
conditions. Whether we talk among ourselves or to them directly, they are
clearly not responsible in any way for our wage reductions or working
conditions. When we speak in the galley it carries into the cabin, and the
issues we vent to each other gets over heard very easily by the customers.
They can not change our condition, they can only help by their continued

Please refrain from discussing any discontent while working on the airplanes
or in ear shot of any customer passer by. They deserve our utmost attention
and continued professionalism.

If you are upset during working hours, and need to vent, just call our
office 724-695-3329, we are always available to listen,or contact Employee
Assistance EAP, Deb McCormick or Lorraine Kycinski, who can help with any
anxiety you are experiencing and look for solutions to help you get through
these most difficult times. 1-888-395-4463.


Local 40
I think this is a crock. Loud mouth Bronner and other management can scare away the customers when it suits them but the lowly masses better refrain.
If the f/as get written up for complaining or being perceived by the customer as not working in the best interest of the company or percieved as unprofessional behavior, they will be disciplined.

This type of discipline is unnecessary and will further create hostility between the employee and managment.

Simple explanation such as that written by the PIT Pres E-line will at least act as a simple reminder to the f/a and may prevent any unnecessary meetings with supervisors.

Union Reps. act in the best interest of the members, if a discipline can be prevented by a simple reminder...why not then?
DCD said:
I think this is a crock. Loud mouth Bronner and other management can scare away the customers when it suits them but the lowly masses better refrain.

Loud mouth Bronner and other management are not in the face of the customer day after day after day. Instead, you would have to be interested in the articles printing their stupid statements. Also, I recall that Lakefield was quick to respond to Bronner's stupid comments. Once the damage is done, it is very difficult to get back the customers. Why do you think so many flight attendants, particularly during bankruptcy, will walk down the aisles and look at the customers and thank each one for their business? PITBull is right, we can't change your conditions, but we can continue to patronize the airline and let management know what a great job you guys continue to do even though your wallets have been ripped out of your hands.

I think PITBull's suggestions are sincere and helpful.

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