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OK, If things are supposedly better at Philly, then why the hundreds of baggage claim files in LAS this weekend from PHL flights just at HP alone? Seein as I work in RA (Quality Mgmt) at PHX HP REZ, and we take the bag calls, it was a H... of a Christmas last year alone, let alone just the calls this weekend and yesterday regarding PHL bags. Is HP/US combined at PHL now? It's annoying as all get out to get these calls from frustrated pax and it sure seemed like last Christmas was already starting to many of us this weekend. So, those of you who work there, please, tell me, was it an equipment issue? Or is it bag handlers ways of getting to the company? Just remember, what you guys do doesn't just affect your dept. It affects all of us. We were left last year having to answer for all those bag delays. Even tho HP and US weren't merged, as I'm sure you know it dominoed across the entire industry!

PHL is just throwing westward-bound bags on any aircraft. The US bags are sent on HP flights. HP bags on US flights. No reroutes, rush tags, messages sent... Are they being hateful? Spiteful? Just don't care as it's all headed in that direction? Don't know any better? It will continue until Doug Parker does something drastic. :unsure:
PHL is just throwing westward-bound bags on any aircraft. The US bags are sent on HP flights. HP bags on US flights. No reroutes, rush tags, messages sent... Are they being hateful? Spiteful? Just don't care as it's all headed in that direction? Don't know any better? It will continue until Doug Parker does something drastic. :unsure:

According to CLT baggage service people, same thing here!
Yawn....Not another "I don't work in Philly but I know it's the agents fault" thread.
Yawn....Not another "I don't work in Philly but I know it's the agents fault" thread.

Don't you just love them?

Bottom line: equipment shortage + cold weather + screwed up belt systems + inexperienced agents = upcoming meltown.
OK, If things are supposedly better at Philly, then why the hundreds of baggage claim files in LAS this weekend from PHL flights just at HP alone? Seein as I work in RA (Quality Mgmt) at PHX HP REZ, and we take the bag calls, it was a H... of a Christmas last year alone, let alone just the calls this weekend and yesterday regarding PHL bags. Is HP/US combined at PHL now? It's annoying as all get out to get these calls from frustrated pax and it sure seemed like last Christmas was already starting to many of us this weekend. So, those of you who work there, please, tell me, was it an equipment issue? Or is it bag handlers ways of getting to the company? Just remember, what you guys do doesn't just affect your dept. It affects all of us. We were left last year having to answer for all those bag delays. Even tho HP and US weren't merged, as I'm sure you know it dominoed across the entire industry!

We were left with the impression that there were many who called in sick in protest of what the company was doing with the bankrupcy and contracts and concessions. What is truthfully going on there? It sure seems to us (who have pax yelling in our ear) that something more is up ...again.

Can I just tell them to call the rampers instead of us? Seein' as we're soooo underpaid in comparison to what US East folks get to begin with. My stomach was turning in hesitation that this could be the start of another disaster season.

Well, you could get your head out of the sand, or where ever it is that you have it stuck, and just do YOUR job! Quit whinning about your pay...if it's not adequate, quit and find another one that is.

"we're soooo underpaid in comparison to what US East folks get to begin with."

poor baby
Well, you could get your head out of the sand, or where ever it is that you have it stuck, and just do YOUR job! Quit whinning about your pay...if it's not adequate, quit and find another one that is.

"we're soooo underpaid in comparison to what US East folks get to begin with."

poor baby

So, "HULA" I bet you don't work directly with the pax do ya? I'd almost bet you're a ramper or "other" that doesn't have to deal w the pax on a daily basis that the airline has screwed over becuz of inefficiency or pathetic...and I mean ..pathetic...customer service! You sit in my desk 8+ hrs a day and talk to these poor people that are fed a bunch of lies from the gate agent promising their bags will be rerouted, to the BSO agent promising they are coming in on the "next flight" to the ticket counter agent making them pay a fee that they shouldn't have to pay due to the "airline" cxl or dly or sked chg. Go ahead...take the calls...or better yet...talk to them face to face and ANSWER for the inadaquacies the airlines have...cuz it does get exhausting...believe me...when WE have to answer for our own employees incompetence or uncaring!!!! Maybe there were "rumor mills" but that's why I asked the question to begin with. When we all realize this is a CUSTOMER SERVICE INDUSTRY across the board...and starting giving CUSTOMER SERVICE and stop the HARDNOSING attitudes, then perhaps we can and will lead the country in this industry and profit substantially because we really DO CARE! Hmm....now there's a concept!
The entire situation in Philly is "very disappointing" to people like myself that have been in this business for almost 25 years now and always try to see the customers side of things. When this merger was announced, the feedback was all based on cultural differences and the challenges that go with that. I don't believe the ridiclous situation with the ramp workers in Philly was ever considered and its a shame that this group (not all of them) can be so inconsiderate the rest of the US Airways employees that are so willing to make this work.

For those ramp workers in Philly that are doing a great job and really trying to make things work out Thank you. Please consider standing up to the losers in your work group and giving them a piece of your mind, or better yet, figure out a way to have them terminated. We really don't need that nastiness around.
Today, 12/2/5, 4 tugs, 3 beltloaders, and 1 pushback arrived in PHL. They are down at GSE, and they are painted white. They will be in service after a few minor modifications,hopefully in a couple of days

What minor mods?
Is that where the employees in PHL kick all the windows out of the tugs? :lol:
Today, 12/2/5, 4 tugs, 3 beltloaders, and 1 pushback arrived in PHL. They are down at GSE, and they are painted white. They will be in service after a few minor modifications,hopefully in a couple of days

What minor mods?
Is that where the employees in PHL kick all the windows out of the tugs? :lol:

Congratulations! I do hope that this helps to "lighten the load" so-to-speak for all of you (and us). Does this meet the needs for holiday travel, or is there still more needed? If this truly was the problem, then we will see in time, won't we. Congrats to PHL looks like corporate is listening.
The entire situation in Philly is "very disappointing" to people like myself that have been in this business for almost 25 years now and always try to see the customers side of things. When this merger was announced, the feedback was all based on cultural differences and the challenges that go with that. I don't believe the ridiclous situation with the ramp workers in Philly was ever considered and its a shame that this group (not all of them) can be so inconsiderate the rest of the US Airways employees that are so willing to make this work.

For those ramp workers in Philly that are doing a great job and really trying to make things work out Thank you. Please consider standing up to the losers in your work group and giving them a piece of your mind, or better yet, figure out a way to have them terminated. We really don't need that nastiness around.
Sure PHL may have been the focus of the xmas meltdown, but I think every station in the system East & West have their share of employees that dont give 100%. Pointing fingers @ PHL really serves no helpful purpose. I dodge bags laying in the alley in CLT everyday, some rampers stop and pick them up, others dont, it's not a perfect world...Hopefully it will get better.
You sit in my desk 8+ hrs a day and talk to these poor people that are fed a bunch of lies from the gate agent promising their bags will be rerouted, to the BSO agent promising they are coming in on the "next flight" to the ticket counter agent making them pay a fee that they shouldn't have to pay due to the "airline" cxl or dly or sked chg.

Wow, Bambi, I’m very sorry to hear about that.

Perhaps you could transfer to the department that only takes calls from happy pax? I bet that job goes real senior.

...or better yet...talk to them face to face and ANSWER for the inadaquacies the airlines have...cuz it does get exhausting...believe me...when WE have to answer for our own employees incompetence or uncaring!!!!

Or you could just transfer to the US Airways Happy Customer Kioskâ„¢. Coming soon to an airport near you. Stop by and tell us how much you luuuuuuuv US!
So, "HULA" I bet you don't work directly with the pax do ya? I'd almost bet you're a ramper or "other" that doesn't have to deal w the pax on a daily basis that the airline has screwed over becuz of inefficiency or pathetic...and I mean ..pathetic...customer service! You sit in my desk 8+ hrs a day and talk to these poor people that are fed a bunch of lies from the gate agent promising their bags will be rerouted, to the BSO agent promising they are coming in on the "next flight" to the ticket counter agent making them pay a fee that they shouldn't have to pay due to the "airline" cxl or dly or sked chg. Go ahead...take the calls...or better yet...talk to them face to face and ANSWER for the inadaquacies the airlines have...cuz it does get exhausting...believe me...when WE have to answer for our own employees incompetence or uncaring!!!! Maybe there were "rumor mills" but that's why I asked the question to begin with. When we all realize this is a CUSTOMER SERVICE INDUSTRY across the board...and starting giving CUSTOMER SERVICE and stop the HARDNOSING attitudes, then perhaps we can and will lead the country in this industry and profit substantially because we really DO CARE! Hmm....now there's a concept!

Dear Dear Bambi.....agian, your bitterness in your position is quite evident. You really do need to move on.

Tell ya what, I'll do your job...res right? Yeah, I can go back to where I started, and handle the job. Might need the whinning training that they apparently offer though, cause I dont think I can whine nearly as well as you!

I'd offer you a shot at my job, but hey, it's a good gig that I dont want anybody to find out about. I sit in a corner office overlooking the city, or a mountain, or a meadow, take your pick. I don't deal with passengers, I don't deal with employees, I dont deal with anything airline related....yeah, it's a good gig.

Get over yourself, sweets. Again, if you cant handle it, move on.

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