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Petition drive

all i here is alot lot of bitching and alot more when a guy actually has to get off his ass to do so work

Ain't that the truth??

it would be nice if we had more accoutablity we could do away with 60% of you

At least!!
Wow paul1. Your a pretty negative guy. I'm sorry you feel that negotiating with Fleet would be so awful. I'm also sorry that others complaining seems to have caused you no end of negativity and pesticism Seems to me however your doing a little complaining yourself. What makes you think your so much better than your co-workers that you can pass judgment on their work habits. You act like your paying them yourself. I have an idea. Since your obviously so against your co-workers and the union (yet you put an application in at a union shop) why don't YOU go get a job at Mcdonald's. Maybee after they crap on you for a year or two your attitude will change. Let's see how you like getting a whole whopping 25 cent raise a year and no benefits other than a paycheck. Go get a job at a glass factory working in extreme heat for a whole seven dollars an hour and insurance that you can't afford.
Fact is Corporate America has been crapping on the working individuals of this country for years. Wonder why we have an immigration problem? Big business wants it that way so they can pay NOTHING for labor. The government is doing their part too. Socialized healthcare is a great example. Lets heavily tax people with decent insurance so we can provide it to people sitting at home working the system, yet do nothing about cost. Like for instance Pharmaceutical companies charging us several times more what they do other countries. That is the governments way of doing away with the middle class. Its called redistribution of wealth. Take from the middle class and give to the poor that way were all poor and equal, and the government has control. Let's call that communism just for kicks. What's the point of working if your given food (food stamps), shelter (Section 8), money (welfare), and health insurance (Obummer Care)? Those are the reasons I go to work.
I am glad you feel so comfortable letting the company take care of you by letting them direct your living standard (communism). I mean obviously you feel that way because were all a bunch of whiners and AA is the golden goose. You sir are a spineless fool.

The fastest response you can get is to call for an emergency membership meeting and the membership demand by a vote that your president put in writing to Jim Little that he wants the T/A removed from the table. If Jim Little gets enough presidents telling him that he will have no choice but to remove the T/A.

The fastest response you can get is to call for an emergency membership meeting and the membership demand by a vote that your president put in writing to Jim Little that he wants the T/A removed from the table. If Jim Little gets enough presidents telling him that he will have no choice but to remove the T/A.
... you are, of, course, referring to the same "presidents" who are trying to sell this hot and steaming heap to their people - right?
Kevin and I are believe that the tentative agreement the International expects us to approve is flawed and unworthy to bring back to the membership.
Words are like the wind they have a tendency to float away.
Kevin and I have begun a petition drive in Tulsa to demonstrate to Jim Little we mean what we say. It is our intent to get the majority of TWU union members in Tulsa to sign our petition. So far it is going well.

Kevin and I know that many of you at the line stations and AFW believe the same way we do. We believe if a majority of people in Tulsa, AFW and the line stations demonstrate to Mr. Little, via signed petitions, that we believe the t/a is unworthy and unrecommended perhaps he will get the message and suspend the agreement as he did with the Fleet agreement, or in a worst case scenario Mr. Little will learn that the contract has little chance of passing.

Here is the verbiage once again. Perhaps someone at each station will feel the same as us and decide to take action rather than complain about an obviously concessionary and age discriminatory tentative agreement that IS NOT being recommended by local officers.

The signatures can be sent to Tulsa and we can send them all in together or each station can send them individually. Contact me via the message feature if you choose to send them to Tulsa.

My thanks for the signatures from DFW Supply. It is this type of teamwork that demonstrates to the International, the company and the world that we are not willing to be deceived and pushed around anymore.

To: Jim Little, President of the TWU International

We the unionized TWU membership at American Airlines demand the suspension of our tentative agreements (Mechanics and Related, Stores, and Technical Specialists) with American Airlines.
We believe that the tentative agreements are concessionary and of a categorically discriminatory nature toward our brothers and sisters that are forty-nine years of age and younger.

Mr. Little you publicly made the claim that “if we cannot recommend it, we’re not sending it.” The Presidents and negotiators from a majority of TWU locals at American Airlines are in fact NOT recommending the terms of these proposed agreements.

It is our belief that your sound judgement in suspending the Fleet Service tentative agreement proposal for lack of recommendation should also apply to the other groups of TWU workers at American Airlines.

Mr. Little we must have our tentative agreements suspended.

Kevin Creaser
Dennis Hayes


I voted not to bring back a TA that was probably better that this one , it was shorter and did'nt touch retire medical. I was replaced fair and square by our membership for out current "yes man". I have a hard time with the notion of all our problems being organizational. From where I sit maybe some small hand held mirrors should be handed out at some of our locals for our voters to look into as a possible problem ... and possibly the saying "watch out what you ask for ... because you just might get it"

K. S.
Ex local president
Sign the Petition to have the tentative agreement suspended.

We were promised no more concessions and we were lied to.

In 2003, the company was on the verge of bankruptcy and our sacrifices helped prevent the company from going bankrupt. Our scope language, pension and medical prefund was left untouched.

Today the company has more money on hand and less debt than in 2003 why are these items in jeopardy?

Jim Little said, “If we can’t recommend it, we’re not sending it.”

Jim, who’s recommending this concessionary agreement?


Dennis Hayes
5C Avionics
2nd Shift

Kevin Creaser
Composite Shop
2nd Shift

to have the petition delivered to your work area.

There are aprox. 5,500 union members in Tulsa we want to get at least 3000 signatures, a clear majority, in order to send Jim a clear message.

In Tulsa we have well over 1,000 signatures and more signatures coming everyday. Now with the election campaign over Kevin and I can dedicate more time and effort toward having the t/a suspended.

We are 514 Defenders. Join us in our effort to defeat a clearly concessionary t/a and defend the membership of the 514 and our union brothers and sisters throughout the system.