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will fix for food said:
Maybe I didn't read some of your post closely enough. Sorry about that. After a while it all starts to sound the same and I start skimming.

I don't know why it hasn't been grieved. Laziness maybe. Trying to wade through those stats would be a formidable job and I don't think the company is going to help anybody do it by volunteering the info. I actually think you guys should worry less about stopping it and worry more about trying to get a piece of the action. I heard a rumor that MCI was going to bid on EASI's overhaul work. EASI being non-union and having resisted the TWU's attempts at organizing I am sure the TWU would love for it to happen. They could simultaneously "save TWU jobs" and increase the dues base. What a coup for them.

Is the TWU going to negotiate wage and benefit concessions to accomplish this goal?

It is a common practice for them.
Buck said:
Is the TWU going to negotiate wage and benefit concessions to accomplish this goal?

It is a common practice for them.

Who is this "TWU" everyone is talking about?

I saw a guy wearing a t-shirt that said "I AM THE UNION" on it. Should I ask him?
Decision 2004 said:
Who is this "TWU" everyone is talking about?

I saw a guy wearing a t-shirt that said "I AM THE UNION" on it. Should I ask him?

No definitely don't ask him, he will know nothing of the inner workings of twu. When we say twu we mean twu international. When we say AMFA we mean the AMFA membership!!! Hope this helps!!!
Rusty said:
No definitely don't ask him, he will know nothing of the inner workings of twu. When we say twu we mean twu international. When we say AMFA we mean the AMFA membership!!! Hope this helps!!!

ROFLAMO :afro:
Decision 2004 said:
I noticed you call me "Dave", do I know you?

SO are you the LIAR or is AA Management the liar?

Take a look at todays "JETNET" sign in.....



Ok so fuel has NOT consumed the entire concession package, but if not, then how much profit was AA planning to make? You do get the point dont you? "We have to have $1.8 billion in concessions or go Bankrupt", and then fuel consumes the concessions, and still no filing. Either the concessions were excessive, or someone had a fuel price crystal ball, or AMR would have posted a $1 Billion profit the first year after concessions were given.

No FWAAA, I have not taken any remedial math classes, maybe I just mistakenly believed what AA Management was telling me once again. And if I was a CPA, I wouldn't be working for AA in Tulsa, OKlahoma.

Thanks for clarification that AA Management must NOT ONLY be telling lies about fuel cost, but they are also now begging us to contact our congresssional representatives over the issue. How many Corporate Government handouts can one company gain from George W?

But instead, we should believe you, the internet bulletin board math wizard? Uh, OK!
TELL US FWAAA the MATH WIZARD, was AMR planning a $1 Billion Dollar Profit if Fuel had NOT risen?

Now go crawl back under your bosses desk and tell him that you have done well attempting to cover the hidden cash flow scheme.

Sorry about the "Dave" reference, but I still think of you as "AMFADave."

A $1 billion profit would be nice, since profits help pay the defined benefit plan contributions and debt repayment.

The concessions were excessive? Maybe in your view. I would have preferred larger ones, to avoid ever having to go back to the well. I'll bet the dummies in charge of USAir wish they had sought larger concessions the first time around, since they are now begging for more. But to each his own.
FWAAA said:
Sorry about the "Dave" reference, but I still think of you as "AMFADave."

A $1 billion profit would be nice, since profits help pay the defined benefit plan contributions and debt repayment.

The concessions were excessive? Maybe in your view. I would have preferred larger ones, to avoid ever having to go back to the well. I'll bet the dummies in charge of USAir wish they had sought larger concessions the first time around, since they are now begging for more. But to each his own.

Employee concessions have never saved an airline. Ask Carl Icaan about that, and the ex-TWA employees whose lives he touched so dearly. The "dummies" that have run US Air into the ground will have their "Golden Parachutes" deployed soon, and the will move on to destroy other businesses in their careers.
So Mr Owens' complaint about the "$1.5 billion to Eagle" basically boils down to this:

Regional Affilliate revenues climbed from $99 million in 2002 to $1.159 billion in 2003. A huge increase.


Regional Affilliate expenses climbed from $106 million in 2002 to $1.550 billion in 2003. A huge increase.

As usual, a nonstory.

And certainly ZERO evidence of any missing money, especially the $1.4 billion that is alleged to have been "hidden."

Some of you need to take a basic level accounting course - if you're going to read the financial statements, it would help if you understood them.
If I remember correctly they(Continental) recently stopped funding there pensions. So I guess what we are trying to say is that concessions only lead to more concessions.
767 mechanic said:
If I remember correctly they(Continental) recently stopped funding there pensions. So I guess what we are trying to say is that concessions only lead to more concessions.

Also these companies would fail no matter how many concessions the rank and file are scared into.

They could work for free at US Air and most likely UAL and they still would not make it.
FWAAA said:
So Mr Owens' complaint about the "$1.5 billion to Eagle" basically boils down to this:

Regional Affilliate revenues climbed from $99 million in 2002 to $1.159 billion in 2003. A huge increase.


Regional Affilliate expenses climbed from $106 million in 2002 to $1.550 billion in 2003. A huge increase.

As usual, a nonstory.

And certainly ZERO evidence of any missing money, especially the $1.4 billion that is alleged to have been "hidden."

Some of you need to take a basic level accounting course - if you're going to read the financial statements, it would help if you understood them.

This company hides money. Just like they lie and cheat. Just like they have BK proof SERP programs for upper management. They are professionals at the game. If we had evidence that could be solidly proven what they are up to, we wouldn't be talking to you. Although, you just never know what can happen. Well, maybe not in your bright mind.

As far as the basic accounting course, had that in High School, and we have you as our professional company "anal-ist". Are you any relation to Ray Neidl at Blaylock and Partners? He's my favorite "union hatin' company anal-ist". He always has the dirt on how the unions have squeezed the company dry, more concessions is never enough, and its never any of management failures. Such as spending millions on an "Executive Airline" like the geniuses that hatched Avolar at UAL.

The real coarse that you need is "AA Business Tactics 101", you get that from working here.
FWAAA said:
So Mr Owens' complaint about the "$1.5 billion to Eagle" basically boils down to this:

Regional Affilliate revenues climbed from $99 million in 2002 to $1.159 billion in 2003. A huge increase.


Regional Affilliate expenses climbed from $106 million in 2002 to $1.550 billion in 2003. A huge increase.

As usual, a nonstory.

And certainly ZERO evidence of any missing money, especially the $1.4 billion that is alleged to have been "hidden."

Some of you need to take a basic level accounting course - if you're going to read the financial statements, it would help if you understood them.

FWAAA, I have tried to follow your line of thinking to see where you are coming from or your point of view but have found it impossible. You make obscure statements that mean nothing. Then you post the same 10-K here as the one on page two of this thread with simply a different address. Doing this does not help you prove out your theory that AA would not lie or hide money.

Personally, I know first hand exactly what depths the company will go to, to lie and deceive their employees. Would you like to see a list of people who the company says should be eligible to vote??? Some of those people I have talked to myself as did others on this board. BS-ing us will not get you very far!!! Try again!!!
FWAAA said:
So Mr Owens' complaint about the "$1.5 billion to Eagle" basically boils down to this:

Regional Affilliate revenues climbed from $99 million in 2002 to $1.159 billion in 2003. A huge increase.


Regional Affilliate expenses climbed from $106 million in 2002 to $1.550 billion in 2003. A huge increase.

As usual, a nonstory.


Why because you say so? What was the reason for the shift? According to your numbers AA lost $7 million on the Eagle deal one year and $391 million the next. An additional 384 million dollar loss that was part of the $1.8 billion that we had to make up for. These funds are providing Eagle a guaranteed profit of 9%! I think thats a story of interest to every employee who gave concessions, maybe not to you but are you included in that group? If we had known that our concessions were in part being used to guarantee Eagle a 9% profit (even though historically a 5% ROI was considered respectable) I think at the very least that we could have said to knock that $1.8 billion down to $1.4 billion. I think that even a bankruptcy judge would have agreed that we shouldnt provide funds to guarantee a subsidiary of the same parent company a 9% return, thats way out of line!


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