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Penguins Crosby Shirt Missing After Flight

Fnigerprints on the bag? Since all TSA and airport people are fingerprinted it shouldnt be too hard to see who at least touched it, unless of course they were wearing gloves.
Friction may unzip some bags but surely friction doesn't wedge items between equipment and a stairwell.... Who could it have been? Hmmmm 😛h34r:
I think it was Colonel Mustard, in the TSA screening area with the backpack? Or Mr Green (as in new hire), in the bin with the baggy uniform? hmmmm :disguise: :disguise:
Heard from a pretty reliable source it was found A concourse area. All PIT-BUF flights are US Airways Express.
what you trying to say Eye that express employees are theives ...i think because it was found it fell out if it was a mainline ramper maybe it would have disappeared forever after all there is thread going on about you thieving, cheating mainline rampers
madders said:
what you trying to say Eye that express employees are theives ...i think because it was found it fell out if it was a mainline ramper maybe it would have disappeared forever after all there is thread going on about you thieving, cheating mainline rampers

Just saying WHERE it was found. Cripe, some of you on here are amazing! You're quick to blame the TSA and refuse to believe there may be a bad apple among the work group. No offense, but when you hire people for $7-8 bucks an hour this sort of stuff is going to happen more often. The fact is this: It makes the entire company look bad. 99.9% of US employees are good people that I don't think they would engage in this sort of petty theft. For the .1% don't be blind to it as peer pressure can do amazing things and sort out the bad apples.
oh for $15/hr they are lazy rampers who go crash pad while they are suppose to be working
FWAAA said:
NEVER check anything valuable. Ever.

FedEx it. UPS it. Send it USPS insured First Class Mail.

But never, ever, entrust it to the TSA/Airline rampers.


While I agree that I would never check something valuable, it does say something not so good about the whole system in general when the employees that these people work with don't trust them either...
60 minutes did a story on the entire bagage theft deal some years back, story talked about Newark among other cities. Most of the guilty ones turned out to be contractors and not actual employee's of the company. Who in there right mind would risk their job going through someone's luggage? Used to find things on through flights, would not even touch them, especially wallets!! Would go to the jetway and call for a CSS and let them deal with it!!
At the end of the day (at least at PIT) you can actually see the TSA rummaging thru your stuff, if you stick around while they scan/rummage.

I've never seen them do their rummaging in a stairwell.
was reported on local news that it hasbeen found and is in process of being returned.
castlevetter would not comment on how's or why's...
Wow...a entire thread dictated to the new God's...sports and celebrities.

Of course, it’s to be expected, much wasted time and energy being diverted as the snare tightens.