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Paycuts did save Continental...

[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/5/2002 8:09:13 AM Biffeman wrote:
[P][BR] AA stapled them to the bottom of the seniority list except at STL and MCI. TWA was a shell of a company with thousands all ready laid off and not AA does the coup de gra and axes the rest of them.[/P]----------------[BR][/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P] [FONT size=1]Okay, to clarify this once again...[BR][BR] Former TWA employees,based on location got [STRONG][EM]three[/EM][/STRONG] different [BR] occupational seniority dates.[BR][BR] [BR][BR] STL is a 100% location.[BR] MCIE is a 100% location.[BR][BR] Stations where TWA made up 10% or better of the combined ASM's [BR] the employees got to utilize 25% of their occupational seniority.[BR][BR] Stations where TWA made up 10% or less of the combined ASM's the[BR] employees were given 04/10/01 seniority.[BR][BR] [BR] They were also granted 100% credit for company seniority at all [BR] locations which is used for vacation bidding and pay purposes.[BR][BR] Are you seriously going to tell me that if someone were to purchase[BR] a sizeable chunk of U and allow you to keep 100% of your seniority[BR] in CLT or PHL you'd be upset?[BR][BR][BR] As for all of the remaining TWA people getting laid off, where do you[BR] get this information from?[BR] [BR] Couldn't be farther from the truth, at least as far as the people on the[BR] ground go.In fact, from what I understand 20 more were recalled to [BR] JFK in the past week alone.Hell, the midnight shift in cabin at LGA is[BR] primarily former TWA guys.And they are there by their choice,they [BR] have enough seniority to go anywhere they want.Mids have steady [BR] weekends off, thats why they go there.[BR][BR] [BR] [BR] [/FONT][/P]
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/5/2002 8:09:13 AM Biffeman wrote:
[P][BR] AA stapled them to the bottom of the seniority list except at STL and MCI. TWA was a shell of a company with thousands all ready laid off and not AA does the coup de gra and axes the rest of them.[/P]----------------[BR][/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P] [FONT size=1]Okay, to clarify this once again...[BR][BR] Former TWA employees,based on location got [STRONG][EM]three[/EM][/STRONG] different [BR] occupational seniority dates.[BR][BR] [BR][BR] STL is a 100% location.[BR] MCIE is a 100% location.[BR][BR] Stations where TWA made up 10% or better of the combined ASM's [BR] the employees got to utilize 25% of their occupational seniority.[BR][BR] Stations where TWA made up 10% or less of the combined ASM's the[BR] employees were given 04/10/01 seniority.[BR][BR] [BR] They were also granted 100% credit for company seniority at all [BR] locations which is used for vacation bidding and pay purposes.[BR][BR] Are you seriously going to tell me that if someone were to purchase[BR] a sizeable chunk of U and allow you to keep 100% of your seniority[BR] in CLT or PHL you'd be upset?[BR][BR][BR] As for all of the remaining TWA people getting laid off, where do you[BR] get this information from?[BR] [BR] Couldn't be farther from the truth, at least as far as the people on the[BR] ground go.In fact, from what I understand 20 more were recalled to [BR] JFK in the past week alone.Hell, the midnight shift in cabin at LGA is[BR] primarily former TWA guys.And they are there by their choice,they [BR] have enough seniority to go anywhere they want.Mids have steady [BR] weekends off, thats why they go there.[BR][BR] [BR] [BR] [/FONT][/P]
On 12/5/2002 7:20:18 AM Biffeman wrote:
[SPAN class=BodyFont]1982 Lorenzo and Wolf declare BK and abrogate all contracts layoff thousands, break the unions.
CO files BK again in the 90's, those were not paycuts and concessions, the employees were non-union and the company did as they saw fit to slash and burn.

TWA employees gave concession FOUR times and now they are all going to be laid off by AA. TWA does not exist anymore.

Just a couple of minor points:
1) Wolf left CO just before Lorenzo declared BK.
2) TW employees gave money to Ichan, not to the airline.
On 12/5/2002 7:20:18 AM Biffeman wrote:
[SPAN class=BodyFont]1982 Lorenzo and Wolf declare BK and abrogate all contracts layoff thousands, break the unions.
CO files BK again in the 90's, those were not paycuts and concessions, the employees were non-union and the company did as they saw fit to slash and burn.

TWA employees gave concession FOUR times and now they are all going to be laid off by AA. TWA does not exist anymore.

Just a couple of minor points:
1) Wolf left CO just before Lorenzo declared BK.
2) TW employees gave money to Ichan, not to the airline.
LGAFLEET:[BR]yes I am because my contract contains Mohawk LPPs. When US Air bought Piedmont and PSA, we were dovetailed and everyone was treated equally.
LGAFLEET:[BR]yes I am because my contract contains Mohawk LPPs. When US Air bought Piedmont and PSA, we were dovetailed and everyone was treated equally.
Wolf was still President of CO when they filed Bk.[BR]Ask the former employees of these airlines if concessions, either mandatory or negotiated saved their jobs:[BR]Eastern, National (Two Airlines), Midway (Twice), Pan Am, TWA (four times), Air South, Pro Air, Tower Air, Vangaurd, Braniff (three times), Legend Air, Air Atlanta, Jet America, Eastwind, Frontier, Peoples Express, New York Air and countless others.[BR][BR]More airlines have been created and failed since the deregulation of 1978.
Wolf was still President of CO when they filed Bk.[BR]Ask the former employees of these airlines if concessions, either mandatory or negotiated saved their jobs:[BR]Eastern, National (Two Airlines), Midway (Twice), Pan Am, TWA (four times), Air South, Pro Air, Tower Air, Vangaurd, Braniff (three times), Legend Air, Air Atlanta, Jet America, Eastwind, Frontier, Peoples Express, New York Air and countless others.[BR][BR]More airlines have been created and failed since the deregulation of 1978.

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