When is the last time that you have heard executives say we have to reduce executive compensation in order to be competative? The fact is never. When times are good you hear we have to pay them this salary because look how well they are performing. When times are bad we hear we have to keep them so their expertise can get us out of this mess- It never seems to dawn on anyone that if they had the expertise to get them out of the mess they never would have gotten into it. Even when executives agree to symbolic pay cuts or freezes this could hardly be compared to asking people who make reasonable rates of pay for their labor to agree to cuts or freeezes that they will never get back. At the last AMR stockholders meeting the board put forth the proposal to add 18 million shares of stock to the Key employees incentive program. So even at todays value of $8/shr that a bonus package worth $144 million. If it goes back up to $20/shr the package is now worth $360,000,000. So if they give up $250,000 this year and even next and are then rewarded when the company turns around they will easily cover their loss. What avenues are open for us to recover our losses? None.