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Pay Cuts

If you remember over the holidays the company got people to work for "Free"

So if you think you have given enough to this $@&% airline your mistaken.

The boys and girls at the top of the food chain know exactly how to manipulate

the mindless.

All the yes voters don't complain they just keep there brain in the off postion like

its been for so very long.

The cuts are coming no doubt about it
This whole situation, with all of the airlines struggling is just a waiting game. Everyone believes that if they can survive longer than one or two others, they will be just fine. My question would be: if it takes so much out of your company to survive the flood, do you have anything left to bail the water and start putting away for the next flood? 🙁
roadtrip said:
If you remember over the holidays the company got people to work for "Free"

I worked over the holidays and I don't recall anyone working for "free" <_<
roadtrip said:
If you remember over the holidays the company got people to work for "Free"

So if you think you have given enough to this $@&% airline your mistaken.

The boys and girls at the top of the food chain know exactly how to manipulate

the mindless.

All the yes voters don't complain they just keep there brain in the off postion like

its been for so very long.
The cuts are coming no doubt about it

It is my opinion that workers, not only at US AIRWAYS but everywhere, are beaten and broken. Broken not only by the companies but also by the Collective Bargaining Agents who work hand in hand with companies nowadays to keep the 'business' [dues] flowing. Unions like the IAM/ALPA/CWA/ and to a lessor extent the AFA don't know how to build strong enough solidarity to inspire, lead into battle, etc. In fact, with the IAM, solidarity has not so much been 'captured' in the least. As a side, I think this is due to the fact that big business labor unions are run by laptops, accountants, 'Top financial people' etc who tell workers what they should expect, but these financial people don't understand the plight of the working man and what is fair to him.

I read the rhetoric of IAM leaders who point to Bush and say he is the problem.
To be sure, Bush is certainly a profane image in these matters, but Bush, Big Business corporations, and Big Business Bargaining Agents, could do nothing if workers were led as soldiers into battle to fight for the livlihoods of middle America. Unfortunately, I think if workers are going to succeed in stopping the bleeding that they will have to be willing to do so with or without the direction of the piss clam labor organization....and to be sure, they must finally recognize that their labor organization is a piss clam organization that cares NOTHING about workers today.

Until the workers have had enough, they will continue to 'take it in the pants'.
Of course my hope is that supper will be ready soon enough.


Tim Nelson
Now that hits very close to the mark. If Tim's words wern't so true, You would have never belived that so many people, are so happy that they are getting laid off. The IAM is hated as much as the company.
Tim Nelson said:
It is my opinion that workers, not only at US AIRWAYS but everywhere, are beaten and broken. Broken not only by the companies but also by the Collective Bargaining Agents who work hand in hand with companies nowadays to keep the 'business' [dues] flowing. Unions like the IAM/ALPA/CWA/ and to a lessor extent the AFA don't know how to build strong enough solidarity to inspire, lead into battle, etc. In fact, with the IAM, solidarity has not so much been 'captured' in the least. As a side, I think this is due to the fact that big business labor unions are run by laptops, accountants, 'Top financial people' etc who tell workers what they should expect, but these financial people don't understand the plight of the working man and what is fair to him.

I read the rhetoric of IAM leaders who point to Bush and say he is the problem.
To be sure, Bush is certainly a profane image in these matters, but Bush, Big Business corporations, and Big Business Bargaining Agents, could do nothing if workers were led as soldiers into battle to fight for the livlihoods of middle America. Unfortunately, I think if workers are going to succeed in stopping the bleeding that they will have to be willing to do so with or without the direction of the piss clam labor organization....and to be sure, they must finally recognize that their labor organization is a piss clam organization that cares NOTHING about workers today.

Until the workers have had enough, they will continue to 'take it in the pants'.
Of course my hope is that supper will be ready soon enough.


Tim Nelson

What you say is true. But are the alternatives any better? Look at AMFA at UA and NW. According to some UA mechanics on another website, some AMFA reps are telling the AMTs that "your too old to get a job somewhere else" and should "rethink" their position. Some of the UA AMTs say that AMFA is just going to bring back the same agreement that they rejected only a short time ago. Nothing like another vote "to get it right the second time". The UA mechanics voted no to the TA and YES to strike. So far, they have not done so and we will see what will happen at the end of the four months. At NW, they just announced another 900+ AMT layoffs. At this rate, when it is time to strike, there will be so few AMTs that a strike would be ineffectual.
Whether it the IAM, TWU, IBT, or AMFA, they are all the same. They just want to keep the dues flowing. And in my opinion the AGW is just AMFA without Delle.
midnight cowboy said:
The IAM is hated as much as the company.

I bet the hate is more than you would ever believe.

The IAM international Execs all hide in its Overpriced Overated Corporation Style Headquarters in Maryland while the workers lives are being bankrupted broken and destroyed. While its IAM Execs, Presidents of Districts AGCS and others make outlandish salary's from ever increasing dues. They don't care one bit what the American workers in this industry are going thru. Just shut up and keep paying your dues attitude from the IAM flag waivers will push and alienate more workers every day.

With the pay going down and the dues going up it is the ultimate slap in the face of the airline workers

If the IAM want to improve its image and relationship to the workers and members its leadership should impose voluntary cuts in Pay and benifits across the board on themselves. (Don't hold your breath on this action!)
aafsc said:
What you say is true. But are the alternatives any better? Look at AMFA at UA and NW.
Whether it the IAM, TWU, IBT, or AMFA, they are all the same. They just want to keep the dues flowing. And in my opinion the AGW is just AMFA without Delle.

I did not mean to suggest that AMFA is excluded. IMO, AMFA is better than the others since it allows more democracies. However, what good is democracy if a muzzle is placed on it. I mean, AMFA members vote for strike, then AMFA leadership says something like it isn't going to strike. The point isn't whether they were going to strike or not but why announce in the media that you are not going to strike immediately after your members vote for it? What the hell?
Any rate, I think you missed my point, my idea was that what needs to happen is much bigger than AMFA, AGW or any other union.

Workers need to empower themselves like before. That was when workers turned to other workers and united. And to do that, workers must first recognize that the American Labor movement is bought. I mean, all the workers passion to fight for his/her fairness on the job is blindly directed to the American Labor movement which then bottles it up and comes back to the workers in rhetoric but in the end tells them they should be thankful to have a job. Until workers everywhere 'SEE' that the Unions in America practice business unionism and are more concerned with a political agenda that has nothing to do with worker rights, they will continue to wonder why their union continually says one thing but does another.

When workers recognize that fairness on the job has to be fought for and fought for without the corrupt American business unions of today, then 'supper will be ready' and there will be nothing that corporate America will be able to do about it.

Until then, there will be even greater oppression of the spirit of the working men and women of this great country.

Color me ready when supper is ready, and I'm not speaking as the Interim Director of the AGW. Supper will be much greater than any union.


Tim Nelson

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