It is my opinion that workers, not only at US AIRWAYS but everywhere, are beaten and broken. Broken not only by the companies but also by the Collective Bargaining Agents who work hand in hand with companies nowadays to keep the 'business' [dues] flowing. Unions like the IAM/ALPA/CWA/ and to a lessor extent the AFA don't know how to build strong enough solidarity to inspire, lead into battle, etc. In fact, with the IAM, solidarity has not so much been 'captured' in the least. As a side, I think this is due to the fact that big business labor unions are run by laptops, accountants, 'Top financial people' etc who tell workers what they should expect, but these financial people don't understand the plight of the working man and what is fair to him.
I read the rhetoric of IAM leaders who point to Bush and say he is the problem.
To be sure, Bush is certainly a profane image in these matters, but Bush, Big Business corporations, and Big Business Bargaining Agents, could do nothing if workers were led as soldiers into battle to fight for the livlihoods of middle America. Unfortunately, I think if workers are going to succeed in stopping the bleeding that they will have to be willing to do so with or without the direction of the piss clam labor organization....and to be sure, they must finally recognize that their labor organization is a piss clam organization that cares NOTHING about workers today.
Until the workers have had enough, they will continue to 'take it in the pants'.
Of course my hope is that supper will be ready soon enough.
Tim Nelson