Pay Comparisons

Kev3188 said:
No pension at WN, but they do have 401k match.....
the WN ramp has a 100% match up to $7,500 yr contribution I believe with governing %. Along with a 'real' profit sharing plan.

Don't forget to include the profit sharing which is favorably written for the employees.
USA320Pilot said:
The major difference between US Airways and the LCC's competitors is the employee to aircraft ratio.

According to a recent story in the Washington Post "Another key number listed was 84.6 -- the number of employees per aircraft at Southwest Airlines, For US Airways, the current ratio is 102 employees per mainline aircraft.
If its employees per AIRCRAFT, how is keeping employee count the same, but expanding flying going to lower that? Also is there some handicap, for lack of a better word, that takes into account the extra crews needed for the 767 and A330 (front end and back) and the extra agents required for INTL staffing which is becoming such a big factor in our flights? Or is it strictly x amount of employees divided by the number of planes we have? If this is the case, then once again, this is comparing apples to oranges until WN gets some A330s, 67s and starts some international flights.

Don't forget the inefficiency (headcount wise) of the hub/spoke system vs point-to-point system and the extra training for pilots because of having a mixed fleet vs single type.

What management wants is concessions to offset the headcount difference - which is caused by the structure of U vs the LCC's. In other words, we are stuck with extra headcount, so we have to get less pay & benefits than the LCC's to make up the difference.

oh you can forget about the parity plus 1% because those people who cant run this airline threw it out

I thought parity plus one was a reasonable offer/possibility from the co?
:rolleyes: Okay I'll compare U's salary to HP. Now, I don't exactly know what res is making now at top out but here's starting salary information at HP. I started at $7.65 per hour. That was in May. I receive free short term disability, free long term disability, and free vision. My health insurance is $54.65 per month for a family. I pay $10 co pay and $10 for meds. Hummm am I up to $9.00 per hour yet??? Now for incentives. I received 7.5% of my last year salary as a bonus for HP making a profit last year. And with our new first class fares and ability to upgrade ANYONE 30 hours prior to departure for $50 per 500 miles==max being $150 for everywhere except coast to coast--jfk to lax==being $250 max. I make $5.00 each time I upgrade someone!!! Heck I'm almost up to my $21.17 salary I was making when I retired from U. Hey guys this is an airline that suports their employees. Oh by the way the top revenue employee received a $2500 credit card at Circuit City. I'm happy to be back in the business and having a blast doing my job again. I'm actually excited about going to work every day and upgrading everyone I can. Our first class cabins are always full--I'll never see first again personally---but what the heck with HP's prices I can purchase a real ticket, fly confirmed and upgrade!!! It's also nice to have the VP of res come and visit us once a month and actually LISTEN to us. We're soon to be able to do trades, bid and choose our vacation and send each other emails from our work stations. Guess I'll have to come in early to get that stuff out of the way, but what a wonderful place to work. Technology is rampid at HP and I'm loving learning new stuff. Oh and by the way===they're seperating sales and service calls and sales will be working on a commission type salary!!!!!! Service will be learning everything in the office and will get raises based on how much we learn. Example--regular service, frequent flyer, srd, qm--which is your suport desk for mad pax. I learn now to do this stuff and I'll be in top tear---and won't have to be here 16 years to do it. Have fun guys---yes I miss you all, but this job can still be fun if you have the suport from top managers and local staff too. They're suportive of everyone and I actually had a monotoring where the sup didn't say---you had a perfect monitoring but=====. :up:
I hope everybody reads your post drifter, cuz this is the 'type' of vision-thing, that U needs to roll out-- something for the employees can visualize at least enjoying and succeeding. I have to admit to assuming that this was the nacent vision at U management and that they would start revealing it once they put all the fires out, but I hope it is actually there, somewhere, coming to life.
When comparisons are being drawn...I think everyone should take a moment to read the story on the home page of this website in the News section. DL's 71 yearold CEO is only accepting a "Flat Rate" wage of $500K with no added perks in an attempt to fend off his companies woes...and he's capping the salaries of all the other executives as well.

Sure DL is going to have some turnover and retirements in light of this...but for a man in his position to be pressing the labor ranks for more...he's certainly willing to except less for himself and those below him while asking the difficult of his employee's.

I find this in stark contrast to what we are witnessing and enduring is so many ways. This is just the mindset that needs to be running U not attempting to rule it at gun point.

A time for a sense of shared sacrifice and equal treatment is long over due here...U needs to re-unite as a family and an airline. We do not and cannot contnue to function as the fabricator of "Golden Parachutes" and silk letdowns for only a select few anymore.

The executive branch is either in this with us?....or it's time for them to deal themselves out of the deck without a soft landing being hand crafted for them.