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PAX stuck on jet 8 hrs no food, overflowing toilets

Its to bad management could care less about the people on board that Aircraft.
They are overworked and underpaid. If AA could give them some incentive pay to go the extra step this sort of thing would never happen.

😀 :lol: 😀
Your statement of extortion shows your ignorance. What comes next, 10 dollars more and you will watch the passengers car at the airport and house while they are gone and you will then make sure no harm will be done. What if that was your relative on the airplane, would you feel the same. Maybe one day you will be stuck in a hotel elevator for 12 hours. I hope the employees think they are paid enough so they find compassion in their hearts to attempt to have you let out.
"American Airlines passengers flying from San Francisco to Dallas ended up being stuck on the same plane for 12 hours Friday. The flight was diverted to Austin and was then stuck on the tarmac for more than eight hours, according to The Dallas Morning News. The paper said the plane sat in Austin with "no food, dirty toilets and frustration levels rising."


Not saying the story isn't true, but: given the long flight time between SFO and DFW, it is probable that AUS was in fact the diversion station.

If the WX conditions in DFW were so bad that an alternate was used; why wouldn't the crew have been required to refuel in AUS to make the remainder of the SFO AUS DFW run with alternate fuel in case WX closed DFW again after an AUS departure?

SItting on the ramp with any electricity on requires that engines and/or APU is on to furnish HVAC and power to critical systems: thus, fuel was being burned and eating into the minimums required for completion of the flight.

If the aircraft was in a position to be refueled, but not serviced, someone in the BONUS RANKS needs to "leave to pursue other opportunities." If the aircraft was not refueled, I really want to know what the aircraft type was so that we can figure out minmal fuel burn on engines or apu.
I read this artical on dallasnews.com the day after it happened. Just out of curiousity I went on sabre and looked at this flight. A few of the facts were greatly exaggerated. For one thing, the flight left the gate at 0710 sfo time and landed in aus at 1254..a total of 3:44 flying time. They sat on the ramp till 1800 aus time according to the sequence which is 24977/29dec. They sat on the ramp for 5 hours..not 8 hrs. Also, the time from gate departure until arrival in aus was a little less then 9 hrs..not 12 hours. With that said, it still doesn't excuse the situation. No one should sit on an airplane for 5 hrs on the ramp. From what I read online...it sounds as though a passenger used his cellphone on the plane and alerted the media and we all know how much people can add things to their situation to make their case seem better.
Looks like someone at the Morning News hasn't heard of time zone differences...

If the aircraft was in a position to be refueled, but not serviced, someone in the BONUS RANKS needs to "leave to pursue other opportunities." If the aircraft was not refueled, I really want to know what the aircraft type was so that we can figure out minmal fuel burn on engines or apu.

Typically they do a gas and go -- refuel on the pad and wait for clearance into DFW. Fueling is outsourced pretty much everywhere except LGA and a few other locations, so drivers were probably available. Whether or not they had a truck and available driver to service the lav is another story altogether.

Exnw, last time I checked, having the rear stairs lowered meets the requirement to have the door open during fueling.
landed in aus at 1254..
That's kind of strange, the severe weather at DFW started rolling in around 3 pm, with a tornado warning at the airport at 5 pm, and the severe stuff was over by 8 pm. Not sure why the diversion so early?
That's kind of strange, the severe weather at DFW started rolling in around 3 pm, with a tornado warning at the airport at 5 pm, and the severe stuff was over by 8 pm. Not sure why the diversion so early?

I live in Dallas. It rained with lightning all day long. Actually, it started the night before. The ramp had probably been opening and closing all morning long and was already backed up.
I live in Dallas. It rained with lightning all day long. Actually, it started the night before. The ramp had probably been opening and closing all morning long and was already backed up.
I'm just north of the airport and before 3 pm, we had just light showers and no lightning to speak of. After 3 pm, it was quite the show. I guess that's why they call it isolated thunderstorms? 😛
Your statement of extortion shows your ignorance. What comes next, 10 dollars more and you will watch the passengers car at the airport and house while they are gone and you will then make sure no harm will be done. What if that was your relative on the airplane, would you feel the same. Maybe one day you will be stuck in a hotel elevator for 12 hours. I hope the employees think they are paid enough so they find compassion in their hearts to attempt to have you let out.

Lighten up Francis

Todays airports are overcrowded and overflown. When weather hits guess what... you are screwed.
This is not the first time and it wont be the last.
I have waited on airplanes into LGA on more than one occasion. This instance was a little severe but you cant blame the ground workers for this screw up now can you... Francis
Lighten up Francis

Todays airports are overcrowded and overflown. When weather hits guess what... you are screwed.
This is not the first time and it wont be the last.
I have waited on airplanes into LGA on more than one occasion. This instance was a little severe but you cant blame the ground workers for this screw up now can you... Francis
I do not recall blaming the ground workers. Please refer to my post. I blamed this on the decision makers and ground workers are not included in the statement. Ground workers are ground workers, not decision makers. Please defend your statement, which included more pay and you will treat other human beings with respect.
There should be a law requiring a time limit on how long passengers should be held hostage on an airplane. There is no reason why an air stair could not be brought up and let the people off in the terminal. The main reason this happens is airport and airline personnel are too lazy and do not want to deal with the passengers so they leave them on the plane. Their utter ignorance, insensitivity and inability to put themselves in the shoes of the people left on the plane is appalling.

My statement needs no defending
Seems yours does though
Nothing would have gotten the A/C, passengers,crew members, etc, to the gate FASTER than a "good ol' MEDICAL EMERGENCY" !!

And you can bet your A$$, if I had been OB, I, and a "few others" would have been experiencing significant CHEST PAINS !!

Nothing would have gotten the A/C, passengers,crew members, etc, to the gate FASTER than a "good ol' MEDICAL EMERGENCY" !!

And you can bet your A$$, if I had been OB, I, and a "few others" would have been experiencing significant CHEST PAINS !!

Been there, done that, Bears. They'd most likely send EMT's directly to the aircraft.

When I worked at ORD a bazillion years ago, inbound emergencies were just as likely to go directly to the penalty box as they were a gate -- it allowed the EMT's to get onboard faster, and was a faster egress to get to the hospital than from the terminal.
Looks like someone at the Morning News hasn't heard of time zone differences...
Typically they do a gas and go -- refuel on the pad and wait for clearance into DFW. Fueling is outsourced pretty much everywhere except LGA and a few other locations, so drivers were probably available. Whether or not they had a truck and available driver to service the lav is another story altogether.
Exnw, last time I checked, having the rear stairs lowered meets the requirement to have the door open during fueling.

I believe the Fueling Manual Requires a Jetbridge at each and every refueling operation. Since the GPM incorporates the Fueling Manual; the more restrictive standard becomes the rule.