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Pax sick of -or sick on U?


Nov 2, 2002
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Passengers on Phoenix flight fall ill
The Associated Press

IMPERIAL, Pa. - About 28 passengers were briefly quarantined at Pittsburgh International Airport on Sunday when they complained of flu-like symptoms on a flight from Phoenix.

The passengers aboard US Airways Flight 150 were loaded onto a bus and examined by paramedics, who cleared them to continue on their way to Charlotte, N.C., said airport spokeswoman JoAnn Jenny.

The people with symptoms were apparently doing some work on an Indian reservation and had exhibited some nausea and cold symptoms the day before, Jenny said.

Calls to the Valley Ambulance Authority, the primary responder to the call from airport authorities, were not immediately returned and it was unclear Sunday night what the passengers suffered from.

Airport officials did not know what caused the illness.

The passengers were scheduled to land in Pittsburgh to board a connecting flight, Jenny said.

None of the passengers was transported to the hospital. They all boarded another flight about 45 minutes after they had landed at around 8:45 p.m., Jenny said.

Jenny did not know what reservation the passengers had visited.

Airport officials contacted the Allegheny County Health Department as a precaution.

There were about 100 people on the flight, Jenny said.
Good to see all the pax are doing fine now. However, I do question the motive behind the title for this thread since it shows some bitterness. Perhaps it is time for the Mods to put a foot down and keep these personal feelings where they belong...in threads not relating to an illness experienced by passengers that has nothing to do with them contracting it onboard a US Airways airplane due to something the company did.
The Hantavirus can be deadly and has been found almost exclusively in the rural US southwest. Most human deaths have been on or near Indian reservations. Concern and caution are reasonable under these circumstances.
I dont think the posts should be controlled. None of Ex''s posts have shown anything but animosity/disdain towards anything U does or did. This is just another example of getting to know the poster and whether you want to believe what they say or do by how they present an item. In this case, ignore would be my verdict.