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Passengers Separated From Bags

:down: What's bad is when a passenger has their electric scooter left off and arrive to find it missing. This is their means of mobility and some jerk in PHL made His/Her point to stop this passenger dead in their tracks. Wow! Low Life!
Same thing happened here last night on a flt from PHL. Psgrs own wheelchair failed to board. She was unable to walk so we gave her one of the airport wchrs. That's just sick when someone does stuff like that.
Zeus said:

I have not read any news releases where CCY was blaming labor.

Stop trying to find fault with CCY and focus on supporting your colleagues and management.

Don't allow the facts to get in your way.
Gee Zues, guess you got writing:

We sincerely apologize for the operational disruptions that have impacted holiday travel. Our efforts to recover from the severe weather on Thursday were complicated when some of our employees chose to call in sick at record numbers over the weekend. We are embarrassed by the situation, especially given the holidays and how important travel is to our customers at this time of the year.

We're addressing this by operating extra flights to transport customer's baggage to Charlotte where we have additional staff. We have also deployed additional managers to Philadelphia to handle baggage, and qualified managers are working as Flight Attendants. Other frontline employees are volunteering to work on their day off to help resolve our staffing issues.

Please be advised that our call centers are experiencing long waits for customers to get through, especially regarding baggage. Customers will be contacted by our delivery companies once they have the customer's bags in hand, to coordinate delivery.

We have kept officials at the Transportation Department briefed regarding the situation and our efforts to help our customers.
Al Crellin should be called on the carpet in front of the BOD...and fired..plain and simple...This is of his making............

He is the Executive Vice President of Operation....

Do you hear us .....Dr. Dave and Bruce....
"Says the Fed's are getting involved in an investigation...hummmmm"

The feds are investigating lost bags? I thought they had enough to do.
Dog Wonder said:
"Says the Fed's are getting involved in an investigation...hummmmm"

The feds are investigating lost bags? I thought they had enough to do.
Since the feds in the form of the ATSB had a huge hand in the wreckage of UAIR, they SHOULD feel responsible for the condition it's in. If these guys weren't pulling the strings and insisting on these HUGE paycuts they would NOT be anything like they are today. The company might have a fighting chance if it could keep competent and capable employees, but they are apparently too expensive.
oldiebutgoody said:
Since the feds in the form of the ATSB had a huge hand in the wreckage of UAIR, they SHOULD feel responsible for the condition it's in. If these guys weren't pulling the strings and insisting on these HUGE paycuts they would NOT be anything like they are today. The company might have a fighting chance if it could keep competent and capable employees, but they are apparently too expensive.
DEREGULATION - Ruined a very stable industry....
Bear96 said:
How am I "blaming the customer"? What is going on in PHL shouldn't be, but it is easily avoidable.

OK, what do you suggest people who live in or visiting Philadelphia do? Drive to BWI or EWR to catch a flight?
JS said:
OK, what do you suggest people who live in or visiting Philadelphia do? Drive to BWI or EWR to catch a flight?
Fly a different airline. All major airlines serve PHL.
PineyBob said:
That's just ONE flaw in a flawed statement.
What's flawed about it? It's 100% accurate. All I said was, "All major airlines serve PHL." What major airline does not serve PHL?

If you don't like the service provided, use another service provider. Simple, really. Yes it may be more inconvenient, but that is your choice. If I don't like the service provided by my neighborhood grocery store, I will patronize another one even if it is a bit farther away from home.

US controls something like 70 plus percent of the take-offs and landings.
They don't "control" anything. PHL is not an FAA slot-controlled airport. If enough people flew other airlines, the other airlines would add more frequencies. If PHL FFers are so addicted to U's DM program that they CHOOSE to put up with the situation at U in PHL, they will continue to see few choices in the marketplace.

It's like the people in PIT who all heralded the arrival of Air Tran (I think it was), counting on the added competition to reduce fares on such routes as PIT-NYC. Trouble was, all the PIT FFers counted on everyone else to actually fly the competition, because none of them wated to give up earning FF miles on U. Well guess what, AirTran didn't last very long because not enough people flew them, so they went away along with the more reasonable PIT-NYC fares. Mileage addictions can be dangerous.

DL flys from ACY to CVG and then you can connect only trouble is no MQM's on the ACY leg and DL doesn't count segments towards status.
Boo hoo. If you want to be a slave to mileage, that is your choice. Again, mileage addictions can be dangerous.

The answer for the east coast short haul Frequent Flyer is an operationaly sound, financially stable US Airways. The DM miles program is absolutely the best for flyers with a high frequency short haul flying profile like mine.
The message you are sending to U management is: Don't change a thing-- PHL isn't that bad, and neither is the current U F product-- just keep my mileage perks coming (a free trip to Europe a couple times a year, upgrades to a severely lacking F cabin) and I'll keep flying U. Anything else, like the actual quality of the product, is a distant second (if it is even on the radar screen at all).

You are providing U management with no incentive to improve anything. If you complain, they'll just throw a couple thousand miles at you and you'll be happy.

It's worse than a heroin addiction.
Bear96 said:
Fly a different airline. All major airlines serve PHL.

Yeah, and you have to change planes unless you're flying to another carrier's hub such as ORD, ATL or DFW. Flying another carrier to BOS or PIT or CLT or GSO, etc., adds a lot of time to an otherwise short trip, making the total trip time by air take almost as long as driving. Or what if you're flying to HHH, AHN, PGV, EWN, OAJ, BKW, BLF, LWB, CKB, PKB, MGW, SHD, HGR, SBY, IPT, LNS, AOO, JST, FKL, DUJ, BFD, JHW, ITH, ART, OGS, MSS, LEB, RKD, AUG, PQI, or BHB?

Your grocery store analogy holds if you are willing to drive 50 miles out of your way just to shop somewhere else.

If everyone took your advice and flew someone else to PHL, the USAirways gates at PHL would be empty and the other airlines would be overbooked for weeks until they move resources into PHL to fill the void. I guess that doesn't matter to you since you work for UA. Then again, I thought UA and US were partners? What will become of your employer when the Chapter 22 alliance falls apart? Pointing blame at the customers won't pay the bills.
I don't know how much simpler I can make this. If you don't want the hassles of U in PHL, then don't fly U through PHL. Yes other options may be more inconvenient. It's all about allocating risk. If you choose to fly U through PHL because it is the most "convenient" (at least on paper), or because you are hopelessly hooked on the U FF program, then you are choosing a high amount of risk. That is certainly your choice; I just don't have a lot of sympathy when (unsurprisginly) things go crazy.

I felt the same about people who chose to travel on UA once the full horror of the Summer of 2000 became evident. I felt the same in Nov. 1996 (I think that was the date) when the AA F/As went (brifely) on strike, and they filmed passengers at the airport who were just SHOCKED that their flight was cancelled, despite the labor dispute being the lead story on every media outlet for weeks leading up to it.

I wasn't, and am not, "blaming" anyone (though I know that is how you will twist what I am saying around and continue to repeat that I am "blaming the customer"). It's like planning a vacation to Florida when a major hurricane is on the way, and then getting upset when your plans are disrupted. It's not your "fault" the hurricane hit, but I have to think, "Why? What were you thinking?"
How many leisure passengers know that PHL is a mess and should be avoided at all costs? What % of passengers are actually educated consumers?

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