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Parker's moves so far

I don't resent anyone, and now that you have mentioned your past, I believe that we have gone back and forth before but you were under a different user name at that time. Given this, I am going to call it quits on this and wish you the best moving forward.
I don't resent anyone, and now that you have mentioned your past, I believe that we have gone back and forth before but you were under a different user name at that time. Given this, I am going to call it quits on this and wish you the best moving forward.

Fair enough.

We are on opposite sides of the issue but I think you normally do a good job presenting your side of the argument as long as you don't use obvious attempts at silencing your opposition.
There is no way that the APA is going to go along with USAPA's DOH drivel, especially when there is a arbitrated list already. The APA isn't going to want to touch that with a 10 foot pole. This is going to go to another set of arbitrators for resolution. And do you think they are going to take USAPA's fantasy DOH list over a list (regardless of its merits) that a fellow arbitrator made when both parties argreed to BINDING arbitration???

USAPA better start getting creative or they're going to come out of it looking like complete jackasses.

USAPA has done a fine job at doing just that. They have given us some great material. Like this present we gave them for their third birthday. They are coming up on their 5th and final birthday.

April 18, 2008

The date that is a disgrace to unionism.

Our gift to USAPA:


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