Parker to Retirees: Get over it

WeAAsles said:
So far. He said that they could not just discontinue the benefit without having to take the retirees through court and prove their case. So far Judge Lane has not scheduled anything in regards to that issue and it looks like he is going to hold that one till dead last.

The Judge is still hearing issues in regards to AA's BK.
The retirees PAID for that coverage. If they were to discontinue it they would become creditors and be entitled to be made whole like every other creditor. They were entitled to $50,000 worth of Insurance, so less what they were paid they would be entitled to. 
john john said:
Thats a good article for those who listen to Overspeed .
Even though we have plenty of similar examples here are AA the article clearly shows that loyalty to any corporation is foolish. Once again we see where workers produce and get screwed anyway, just like STL, MCI and AFW here at AA. Yet still Overspeed will come here with the management lie that if you work hard, work with the company and be faithful to management they wont screw you. If they have the opportunity to blame it on performance, as a means to get other stations workers to jump through hoops they will, and people like Overspeed will do all they can to fan the flames, but what do they say when the workers are performing well and they screw them anyway? They tell the truth, its a management decision based on the way the people running the company want to run it and there is nothing the workers could have done to change that. Moral of the story, do whatever it takes to put as much money in our pockets with the least amount of effort possible, in other words follow their example. Don't expect loyalty and don't give it-get the money. 
luvthe9 said:
Sorry son this our forum.........a 35 year employee
Oh great, more elitists..."a 35 year employee" win!
He was hired in 1999.

Courtney can't keep his lies straight..;)

Posted by luvthe9 on 22 December 2014 - 06:25 PM in American Airlines
Sorry son, more like coming up on 33 years but whose counting, but we all luv you think I'm Courtney..

Posted by luvthe9 on 31 January 2015 - 06:00 PM in American Airlines
Guess your clueless about your new boss. 34 year USAirways employee

He gained 3 years in 6 months :lol:
Bob Owens said:
 I'm retired, what difference will it make if I see my Grandkids a day later? Isn't that better than someone losing their job  so a retiree could get home quicker? 
Bob, don't forget many of us retirees are older.  We don't have a lot of "days later" left.  I keep reading that retirees have so much time to wait to get on a flight.  Not true in many cases.  
Seatacus said:
Bob, don't forget many of us retirees are older.  We don't have a lot of "days later" left.  I keep reading that retirees have so much time to wait to get on a flight.  Not true in many cases.
Please don't roll out the "Pity Brigade" If you're willing to trade your Pension for mine, I'll gladly let you skip in front of me if we're booked on the same flight?

Do we have a deal?
As a current employee..I have absolutely no issue with retirees boarding at the same level as me.  It's only'll be there someday.
I just don't get it...what problem did Parker think he was fixing by lowering the retiree status?
Bob Owens said:
Parker had his numbers. He said that only 3% of D2Rs don’t make their flight. What nobody mentioned during the meeting was that retirees get D1s just like current workers. I was unaware of that till they told me. So six times a year, people who receive a check to stay home and do not have to work, fly before current workers who have limited time off or need to get back to work and could lose their job if they don’t make it back on time. These people want to be ble to be first on the list all the time, after all they are retired so they can make sure they check in the second they are able to. 
You are assuming all retirees have the luxury to stay home and collect their meager pensions and survive. Mine at US was frozen in 1991. It was SUPPOSED to be a very nice one.  MOST of my fellow retirees left to get other jobs since they were sick and tired of the stress. The longer I worked, the less I made and the less time off I had.  I left to avoid a stroke or break down and went to an even less paying job with no seniority.  Not many of us who left have the luxury to just say oh well and try another day.  I really do appreciate the extra D1's and that will certainly help.  ​There will always be some group that isn't happy and it is what it is.  It was nice to be treated as an equal, not some second class act put out to pasture. I hope you do get to retire and enjoy whatever benefits you will get at that time. 
WeAAsles said:
Please don't roll out the "Pity Brigade" If you're willing to trade your Pension for mine, I'll gladly let you skip in front of me if we're booked on the same flight?

Do we have a deal?
No "pity brigade".  Just stating a fact that I bet a lot of people don"t think about.  I do get a meager pension that was frozen in 1991 and then taken over by the government at a reduced rate.  Yeah, I don't have to work at the airlines anymore and I bet many think that is awesome.  But guess what, I couldn't afford to live on what I had so I had to find another job.  So I have about as much time as you to wait for "another" flight as any of you active people.  Plus, I am old and I don't like it so pardon me if I sound grumpy.  You may understand someday.     
Seatacus said:
Bob, don't forget many of us retirees are older.  We don't have a lot of "days later" left.  I keep reading that retirees have so much time to wait to get on a flight.  Not true in many cases.  
Not forgetting it at all. Lets add a few details, lets say your Grandson, against your advice, just started as an Aircraft Mechanic with AA, and with his one week of vacation he gets a year (something that passed thanks to an early out package slipped in at the last minute enjoyed by current retirees), between the two of you pooling your passes you were able to get the whole family a getaway reunion. Now its time to go home, your Grandson has no more Vacation for the rest of the year, and if he doesn't get back he will face discipline, possibly termination and at the very least loss of pay, and it comes down to either you get home that day or he does, what do you do? "Screw you kid, you gotta pay your dues, I got mine, I dont need to get home but I'm going because I can"? Bad Grandpa. That kid you want to go ahead of every time, is someones else's grandson. 
I'm sorry, I'm closer to being a retiree than the kid with one week of VC but I still feel the retirees are coming off as selfish.If I already used 6 D-1s and I'm on yet another trip, let the current employees go first. Only 3% of D2Rs don't get on. 
The fact is you get 6 times a year to go first, then after that you go after current workers with limited time off. 
ChrisUS said:
Parker had his numbers. He said that only 3% of D2Rs don’t make their flight. What nobody mentioned during the meeting was that retirees get D1s just like current workers. I was unaware of that till they told me. So six times a year, people who receive a check to stay home and do not have to work, fly before current workers who have limited time off or need to get back to work and could lose their job if they don’t make it back on time. These people want to be ble to be first on the list all the time, after all they are retired so they can make sure they check in the second they are able to. 
You are assuming all retirees have the luxury to stay home and collect their meager pensions and survive. Mine at US was frozen in 1991. It was SUPPOSED to be a very nice one.  MOST of my fellow retirees left to get other jobs since they were sick and tired of the stress. The longer I worked, the less I made and the less time off I had.  I left to avoid a stroke or break down and went to an even less paying job with no seniority.  Not many of us who left have the luxury to just say oh well and try another day.  I really do appreciate the extra D1's and that will certainly help.  ​There will always be some group that isn't happy and it is what it is.  It was nice to be treated as an equal, not some second class act put out to pasture. I hope you do get to retire and enjoy whatever benefits you will get at that time. 
So in other words you left for greener pastures and you want a shot of going ahead of those that still have to endure the stress? Thats your argument?
The odd thing is that if your employer isn't an airline the excuse that the flight was oversold and you could not get back would probably be accepted better than as an airline employee. 
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
So once more plz.
Am I reading this correctly.
That retirees just receive (limited) D1's and unlimited D2R's and ZERO D3's   ???
The number of D-3s was reduced for everyone.
ChrisUS said:

You are assuming all retirees have the luxury to stay home and collect their meager pensions and survive. Mine at US was frozen in 1991. It was SUPPOSED to be a very nice one.  MOST of my fellow retirees left to get other jobs since they were sick and tired of the stress. The longer I worked, the less I made and the less time off I had.  I left to avoid a stroke or break down and went to an even less paying job with no seniority.  Not many of us who left have the luxury to just say oh well and try another day.  I really do appreciate the extra D1's and that will certainly help.  ​There will always be some group that isn't happy and it is what it is.  It was nice to be treated as an equal, not some second class act put out to pasture. I hope you do get to retire and enjoy whatever benefits you will get at that time. 
It is understandable why you and your fellow retirees left because the grass were greener on the other side. You left for whatever reasons but yet STILL want to be treated equally? We hear about how retirees BUILT the company, but yet retired as soon as they were eligible because they hated coming to work, but yet they STILL want to be treated equally? Those who stayed to endure BK contracts and loss or freeze of pensions and loss of retiree medical and live under post BK contracts SHOULD have that priority of boarding. They are the ones living under the new world. They are the ones who will not receive what was promised them as most retirees did. 
I can't help but recall how many senior people voted YES on the worst contracts so they could "get out early" screwing the younger people.
And when my day comes, I will gladly wait to board that aircraft behind active employees. I have never been nor will I be a "I GOT MINE" senior employee. 
The retirees voted in 2003 give backs to SAVE THEIR PENSION, in 2012 they voted in the BK contract for THEIR EARLY OUT PACKAGE, let's face it they're also the ones that voted in B scale so THEY COULD GET THEIR RAISE. The retirees are sueing us for equity share on something we got after THEY RETIRED, The retirees already got THEIRS now they want ours too.

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