Parker; How Much Longer Will He Last?

AAL closed at $16.04 yesterday, but traded as low as $15.98 during the day yesterday. Looks like Rogallo may be our stock swami for the future. :rolleyes: It will be interesting to see how it opens today. This has gone way beyond my "wait until it hits [fill in the blank]. US dollars only please. That huge buy in Turkish lira was not real.o_O (Joke, people. Just a joke.)
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Picked up some DAL a couple days ago. Still have my buy at $15 for AAL.

May put my profit sharing check from today back into the company!!

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AAL opened at $14.80, but quickly soared to $15.97. Happy Days are Here Again!

Just checking. I read an article this morning about the millions Warren Buffet was losing on his purchase of airline stocks. The article seemed to infer that he still had his AAL stock. I thought he had sold it all recently when he bought a big share of Delta. Anyone know for sure?
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Currently AA 16.55 and climbing.
Not sure if your call for 15.00 will hit.
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Give it time.........

Closed at $15.97 today.

Wait for it........Wait for it........Wait for it........
Now your looking good on your call.
15.24 currently and probably will close dam near the 15 today. Good call. I was a bit sketicall on the 15 call out. Didn't think we would see AA at this level with those record numbers in the past. Now I hope Parker doesn't have to eat his words on never losing money again.
Couldn't be worse timing for AA labor -- even with oil plummeting, AA needs a lot of cash coming to be able to service its debt.

Mechanics might want to re-think opposing that TA from January. I don't think the Company's offer would be quite so advantageous to labor if it were on the table today.
Couldn't be worse timing for AA labor -- even with oil plummeting, AA needs a lot of cash coming to be able to service its debt.

Mechanics might want to re-think opposing that TA from January. I don't think the Company's offer would be quite so advantageous to labor if it were on the table today.
Haven't even seen the proposal other than a few highlights and the rumors about what's in it.
Couldn't be worse timing for AA labor -- even with oil plummeting, AA needs a lot of cash coming to be able to service its debt.

Mechanics might want to re-think opposing that TA from January. I don't think the Company's offer would be quite so advantageous to labor if it were on the table today.
They're a long,long way trouble.Debt gets reworked all.the time and you know it

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