Par 4 The Course

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  • #16
SparrowHawk said:
We have had this conversation over and over. I have already told you I have paid that back several times over through increased income already,  I have also told you there is a difference between getting a helping hand and becoming a dependent. You choose to hear what you want and ignore what does not fit into your fantasy. 
You know why you keep harping on that... because that is all you have (which is nothing). You keep trying to credit me with something I never said. As much as you want to debase my political beliefs you can't so you just keep recycling the same crap in a futile effort to derail me. The truth is if you had a damn thing you would move on but you don't so here we are rehashing this same tired out conversation.

Show us the receipts from your reimbursement to the US Treasury.  If you don't have any then you didn't pay back your fellow taxpayers.
Earning more and paying more taxes is NOT reimbursement. So how does it feel being a sponge and Nanny State supporter?
Maybe I should ask engage something in conversation that is going to give me a slightly more intelligent response.
Hello wall, what do you think?
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Maybe I should ask engage something in conversation that is going to give me a slightly more intelligent response.
Hello wall, what do you think?
Well since you asked. I think you're the end of the horse without a mouth. Face it, you're busted by your own actions. Everyone bemoans the "Liberal Hypocrisy" but it seems to alive and well on the right with you HA, I got a Government grant now all the rest of you freeloaders get a damn job. How very very convenient for you.
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  • #19
SparrowHawk said:
Well since you asked. I think you're the end of the horse without a mouth. Face it, you're busted by your own actions. Everyone bemoans the "Liberal Hypocrisy" but it seems to alive and well on the right with you HA, I got a Government grant now all the rest of you freeloaders get a damn job. How very very convenient for you.
Here we go again. Again, you have nothing so you keep recycling this same tired out argument. I am going to give you the same answer this time I have every other time.
I am busted? Only in your own mind. 
I never said I was 100% against government assistance. Not one time. I have only ever said I am against long term dependence. Anything else you attribute to me you manufactured yourself.
I am not the hypocrite here, but you are the liar. Prove me wrong. 
I have suggested Work Advance (a government funded program) A+, CNC machining, welding, and Diesel Mechanic (among others) training to many people going through career transitions because I believe it is a good TEMPORARY investment of tax dollars that generates a return and helps stimulate the economy.
That training allows for people with no skills to receive increased opportunities for self reliance.
What I don't support is someone sitting on welfare their whole life on someone else's dime because out government has made it easy and convenient for them to do so, all for the sake of creating an "entitled" dependent class they can count on for votes.
If a man needs food give him a fish until you teach him to fish for himself, if he refuses to fish let him starve. That is my philosophy. Again, anything else you attribute to me you manufactured yourself. 
Government programs are there to help you through a rough time not become a way of life.
You may not be a liberal but you certainly share their talent for self delusion and fanatic behavior. Have a nice day you dullard.
Taxation is theft. 
Confiscating wages from one to redistribute to another is socialism. A little socialism is like being a little pregnant. 
You took what you did not earn from the government pure and simple. Stevie Wonder could see that.
To further prove that you are one of "them" is your reaction when confronted you resprt to insults and name calling. So Ill be off on my dullard way now.
SparrowHawk said:
Taxation is theft. 
Confiscating wages from one to redistribute to another is socialism. A little socialism is like being a little pregnant. 
You took what you did not earn from the government pure and simple. Stevie Wonder could see that.
To further prove that you are one of "them" is your reaction when confronted you resprt to insults and name calling. So Ill be off on my dullard way now.
WTF????  How do you expect the military to be funded? Donations?
Ms Tree said:
WTF????  How do you expect the military to be funded? Donations?
I was referring to the Federal Income Tax. Thought you would know that by now.
Additionally Taxation is theft when the confiscated money is redistributed to others under the guise of "help"  La La poopy scoop's education grant is a prime example. The IRS confiscated income tax from everyone on this board and then gave it to another (La La). That is theft.
If all of us who post here decide that La La is worthy of our help and we voluntarily give him the same amount of money it is charity and part of our moral obligation to each other. The true social contract.
What he doesn't grasp is that I have no problem with him accepting the grant. I just want him to 'fess up and admit what it really is. The IRS stole our money to give to him.
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  • #24
SparrowHawk said:
What he doesn't grasp is that I have no problem with him accepting the grant.
I can tell by the way you keep going on and on and on and on and on about it.
SparrowHawk said:
I just want him to 'fess up and admit what it really is. The IRS stole our money to give to him.
If you think I did not know what you were after you are even dumber than I thought.
Keep waiting. Feel free to hold your breath.
Not interested in dialog with a name calling twit. Have a nice day. When you learn to civil perhaps a new round od debate. I find myself wanting to revert back to being like you. NOT happening. Find someone else to insult. I really don't care for Socialists posing as Neo-Cons.