Oh yes, George Sorors. Another one talk radio's boogeymen.
Soros and the protesters deny any connection. But Reuters did find indirect financial links between Soros and Adbusters, an anti-capitalist group in Canada which started the protests with an inventive marketing campaign aimed at sparking an Arab Spring type uprising against Wall Street. Moreover, Soros and the protesters share some ideological ground.
The Hungarian-American was an early supporter of the 2008 election campaign of Barack Obama, who will seek a second term as president in the November, 2012, election. He has long backed liberal causes - the Open Society Institute, the foreign policy think tank Council on Foreign Relations and Human Rights Watch.
According to disclosure documents from 2007-2009, Soros' Open Society gave grants of $3.5 million to the Tides Center, a San Francisco-based group that acts almost like a clearing house for other donors, directing their contributions to liberal non-profit groups. Among others the Tides Center has partnered with are the Ford Foundation and the Gates Foundation.
Disclosure documents also show Tides, which declined comment, gave Adbusters grants of $185,000 from 2001-2010, including nearly $26,000 between 2007-2009.
Aides to Soros say any connection is tenuous and that Soros has never heard of Adbusters. Soros himself declined comment.
It just amazes me sometimes how some poeple get in a tizzy at the very mention of his name. I for one would have thought you to be a fan of his when attacked bank bailouts becasue they "provide artificial life support for the banks at considerable expense to the taxpayer."
Who do you think has done more harm to not only our economy but the world, George Soros or the CEO's of banks and investment firms? Yet more people for some odd reason more people have probably heard of George Soros than say the CEO of Goldman Sachs who helped Greece hide it's debt. My guess is that Mr. Soros is talk radios flavor of the month.
It just amazes me sometimes how some poeple get in a tizzy at the very mention of his name. I for one would have thought you to be a fan of his when attacked bank bailouts becasue they "provide artificial life support for the banks at considerable expense to the taxpayer."
Who do you think has done more harm to not only our economy but the world, George Soros or the CEO's of banks and investment firms? Yet more people for some odd reason more people have probably heard of George Soros than say the CEO of Goldman Sachs who helped Greece hide it's debt. My guess is that Mr. Soros is talk radios flavor of the month.
Soros is pretty good at playing the banker game and profiting from it.
Funny though...he seems so well connected to all these extreme progressive causes and agenda's......Tides Foundation.....Apollo Project.....notice by chance most of the hippie commies from the 60's are working for these types? And old George is right up there fronting money? I guess its just a damn coincidence....... I hope I don't get hit by a meteor tonight when I take the dog out.....
“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.”—George Soros
George Soros is a wealthy man with a political agenda. In that respect he's no better or worse than the Koch Brothers.
Funny how some people ger all worked up when the name George Soros is mentioned yet play deff, dumb and blind when you mention the name Koch.
Nothing in there about him somehow being resposnisble for the current mess we are in. So like I said before, whose done more damage to the US economy? George Soros or the CEO's of various banks and investment firms along with a long list of politicians?
Government socialism experiment run amok. The US economy goes across the pond these days dude. It isn't quite that simple or easy to place blame.
So what exactly was George Soros role in all this?
You know this is right out of Cloward-Piven strategy.......isn't that peculiar?
Interesting read. IMHO, this has been perpetuated 'long' before then.
Had a friend in Elementary living in 'the projects'.
Visited his unit a couple of times, but in the late 50's the projects were pretty well kept up, at least on the outside.
His house was a disaster on the inside and I never met his mama and papa on my visits. Seems the kids had to fend for themselves. Went there one time at the beginning of the month (welfare payday) and he received a call from papa to deliver the mail. Yep, I went with him. Lo and behold mama and papa were at a local bar getting smashed and cashed their check. Never went back after that (after I told my parents... 😱 ).
I have no idea of how things work now but I drove through EPA, Mission District, etc... and wouldn't change a tire if it went flat. We have created a sub-culture that breeds welfare, crime, corruption, etc...
IMHO the "Cloward-Piven strategy" was created long before they 'thought this up'.
B) xUT