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Overwhelm the system

Didn't the Demorats pass a little thing known as ObamaCareTM, in the middle of the night, behind locked doors, pushing their socialistic ideas on the American public, long before the GOP controlled the house ?

Just because Nobama was stopped, doesn't mean he wasn't trying to implement A Marxist, Government Dependant , Socialistic Society upon us all !
Didn't the Demorats pass a little thing known as ObamaCareTM, in the middle of the night, behind locked doors, pushing their socialistic ideas on the American public, long before the GOP controlled the house ?

Just because Nobama was stopped, doesn't mean he wasn't trying to implement A Marxist, Government Dependant , Socialistic Society upon us all !

Good point...... you and I and many others realize O is only the face of a well defined and coordinated radical movement.
So what writing on the wall did the American people see in 2006?

Same writing as now only is was "Right" Handed instead of "Left" Handed. Look at the similarities.

Non stop war mongering and foreign intervention

Expansions of the War in Iraq and Afghanistan

The beginnings of the recessions instead of the throes of one.

Unstable oil/gas pricing

Expansion of the Federal Governments reach into our day to day lives.

Continued blows to our Individual Liberty, FISA Courts, Patriot Act, TSA etc etc. All created under Bush and all subject to repeal under Obama, didn't happen.

Incurring economy crushing debt from 2000 to present. Yes the speed of growth is accelerated by Obama but the concept is the same.

Enacting economy crushing regulations that continue at alarming levels.

When it comes to the restricting of economic and civil liberty it is of little comfort that if you're a Republican Neo-Fascist Totalitarian or a Democratic Socialist Totalitarian unless you derive your livelihood from one group or the other.

True change will only occur when "We The People" rise up in righteous indignation and demand that those elected be held accountable to those who elect them. We, do NOT work for our elected representatives and their crony capitalism. They work for us and they need to be reminded of this by being sent home in record numbers.

Fiat currency driving up the price of ALL commodities creating a hidden tax on those who can afford it least.
Did you see wha the original poster underlined? If you did you would know this article to be an op ed piece. Transalation, it is someone's OPINION. There is a differenece between bewteen facts and opinion. Now it is up to the writer of that op ed piece to prove them if he believes in them so much.

Here's a FACT for you. Even if Obama had some diabolical plan to turn us into a Marxist state he has one little problem. A GOP controlled House. We can't even get funding for FEMA until the eleventh hour, what make syou think we could radically change the way our economy works.

People develop opinions based on what they perceive as factual....... :lol:

Root is not obligated by any means to 'prove' his opinions.
Here's a FACT for you. Even if Obama had some diabolical plan to turn us into a Marxist state he has one little problem. A GOP controlled House. We can't even get funding for FEMA until the eleventh hour, what make syou think we could radically change the way our economy works.

What just happened in the Senate?

Thankfully the moron Jobs bill was defeated by the forces of Freedom and Liberty.

Who needs "StimuLite" after the abject failures of the AIG bailout, TARP, GM, Solyndra that gave us a national debt that will likely never be paid. Thrown the continuation of the epic failure of Keynesian economics.
What just happened in the Senate?

No one on his team wants to be held liable for Rocky Bama's bill in this upcoming election cycle.

Notice he already again looking for an end around on the Constitution and doling out monies .

We need a national crisis or emergency so we can suspend the Constitution and keep our leader in power.