Do you sit up all night dreaming of new things to try and scare IAM members?
The only person is scared is you.
When are you gonna get it through your head, you are not the CEO, CFO, SR VP, VP, Director or Manager?
You are a REGULAR LINE PILOT, a REGULAR WORKING JOE, you have no idea of the company is going to do or what direction they will take. You are in dreamland.
You have no idea of what the company is going to do in regard to the IAM.
You are terrified of losing your job and having to start over, your desperation show. You are obsessed with the IAM. Why don't you worry about ALPA and your contract instead of other unions who have their democratic right to take the stand which they are taking.
This company is barely hanging on by a financial thread and you think they will be able to do this be able to do that, you are in serious denial.
Funny, if the company does not care, then why did Lakefiled, McKeen, Glass, Crellin and Hemenway ask General Chairman Tony Giammarco, for the IAM to come to the table at the last LAC meeting?
Why are their discussions between the IAM and the company about meeting for cost savings happening on August 31, if the company does not care?
You could not be any further from the truth, time to wake up and see reality.
With every post your credibility sinks to new depths below sea level.
August 31, 2004, meeting scheduled
District Lodge #141 and District Lodge #142 President-Directing General Chairmen and General Chairpersons will meet at the Company’s Headquarters to explain the union’s cost saving proposals. The time has come for the Company to listen to our recommendations so as to achieve the significant cost savings proposed by the Union and necessary for the Company’s survival.
Remembering again, the concession stand is closed and will remain so.
We will continue to keep you advised of all future developments as they occur
Sincerely and fraternally,
William O'Driscoll
Steve Ebert Bill Freiberger Tony Giammarco Duke Synder
Tom Regan