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Outstanding Article!

Well that is funny, because they are answering the discipline ones, not the contract language, and you are in PIT, not in CLT.
700UW said:
Well that is funny, because they are answering the discipline ones, not the contract language, and you are in PIT, not in CLT.
Info for you, maybe you could check into it. we were told they are not replying to ANY grivances. Maybe that is happening just here in PIT, Let me know, Thanks
I know what is going on in Charlotte, there are non-language grievances being settled, the language ones are all being pushed to the next steps, just like PIT, they company is answering them, they are not just sitting on them.

They are replying but with all negative replies in language cases.

Glad to see you are now being MS Cleo. No one knows what is gonna happen, but I am glad to see you are bringing in things that have nothing to do with the issue at hand.

The judge just does not abrogate a contract he has to order the parties to negotiate in good faith for 30 days.

Taking lessons from the propaganda pilot on ignoring the facts?

What next? Blame the IAM for JFK being assassinated? Bay of Pigs? War in Iraq?

When you put something that actually disputes what is going on then reply, stop trying to deflect attention to the issue at hand instead of having diarrhea of the keyboard.

bob, US' 5,000 mechanic and related is part of 125,000 transportation members, if the IAM loses us, it is no big loss when you have over 400,000 active members and 300,000 retired members.

And your lack of knowledge is showing, the state right to work laws, do not apply to contracts under the Railway Labor Act (Federal Law supersedes State), since all the contracts contain a union security clause you have to join the union as a part of the terms of employment.

Keep trying though.

Your hate for unions is really showing. What do you want, Master and Servant again? You would really like that I bet, letting the workers have no check in balance.

Is it time for a cold one at your favorite fast food joint?
700UW said:

Glad to see you are now being MS Cleo.

Is it time for a cold one at your favorite fast food joint?
LMFAO :lol: :up:
NeedForSpeedNFS & PineyBob:

We have hundreds and hundreds of outstanding IAM Fleet Service, Utility, and Mechanics members and the negative attitude of some of the IAM posters is not representative of the majority. You both are correct about the company’s alternative plans for the IAM and Piney, much of what you said in your last post is accurate.

In my opinion, the IAM has backed itself into a corner and there may be no way out. The sad part…many IAM members could get hurt more than other wise necessary and that’s truly sad.

By the way, the potential new IAM maintenance location is not Huntsville, it’s much worse.

Furthermore, David Bronner will likely fight to keep the company out of bankruptcy and I agree, I do not think the company cares if they get a deal with the IAM or not. In fact, they probably do not want a deal with the IAM because management has the alternatives you spoke of.

We will know more shortly.


Do you sit up all night dreaming of new things to try and scare IAM members?

The only person is scared is you.

When are you gonna get it through your head, you are not the CEO, CFO, SR VP, VP, Director or Manager?

You are a REGULAR LINE PILOT, a REGULAR WORKING JOE, you have no idea of the company is going to do or what direction they will take. You are in dreamland.

You have no idea of what the company is going to do in regard to the IAM.

You are terrified of losing your job and having to start over, your desperation show. You are obsessed with the IAM. Why don't you worry about ALPA and your contract instead of other unions who have their democratic right to take the stand which they are taking.

This company is barely hanging on by a financial thread and you think they will be able to do this be able to do that, you are in serious denial.

Funny, if the company does not care, then why did Lakefiled, McKeen, Glass, Crellin and Hemenway ask General Chairman Tony Giammarco, for the IAM to come to the table at the last LAC meeting?

Why are their discussions between the IAM and the company about meeting for cost savings happening on August 31, if the company does not care?

You could not be any further from the truth, time to wake up and see reality.

With every post your credibility sinks to new depths below sea level.

August 31, 2004, meeting scheduled

District Lodge #141 and District Lodge #142 President-Directing General Chairmen and General Chairpersons will meet at the Company’s Headquarters to explain the union’s cost saving proposals. The time has come for the Company to listen to our recommendations so as to achieve the significant cost savings proposed by the Union and necessary for the Company’s survival.

Remembering again, the concession stand is closed and will remain so.

We will continue to keep you advised of all future developments as they occur

Sincerely and fraternally,
William O'Driscoll

Steve Ebert Bill Freiberger Tony Giammarco Duke Synder

Tom Regan
USA320Pilot said:
Furthermore, David Bronner will likely fight to keep the company out of bankruptcy and I agree, I do not think the company cares if they get a deal with the IAM or not. In fact, they probably do not want a deal with the IAM because management has the alternatives you spoke of.

We will know more shortly.



I think they have some plans for you as well USA320pilot, how does MDA at 50 bucks a pop sound ? It may take a few more iterations but that is where you are headed and you will have no one to blame but yourself.
I find it interesting that if I have "no idea of (what) the company is going to do or what direction they will take" than why frantically try to dispute my comments?

PineyBob is dead-on accurate and the IAM may have already "cooked their goose".

It's too bad because there are hundreds of great IAM members, but it may be over for the rank-and-file due to their union's position.



P.S. The "painful" plan is yet to be revealed and I do believe the company would like to save as many IAM jobs as possible, but the union has refused to participate in the new business plan, so far...

what will come about of the mainline express employees? will they be spared the brutual treatment? or will it go well below the 13.00 top pay? can you please elaborate on this and will they become mda instead of mainline express???

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I feel sorry for you, you need professional help and I hope to God you are never a captain on a plane I would have to fly on, because I would get off and take the next flight.

You have some serious delusions of granduer.

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PineyBob, the only way Roach would be my 'boss' would be if I were IAM. I am not.

20 years of experience does not prevent you from making false assumptions.
Thought I would write back to the editor of this article.....

Hey Jack,

Glad to hear you're in retirement. I think you came up for air and wrote the story about USairways in today's paper with not a clue in what is being asked or what is going on. I think the public has a better handle on it than you do.

You state that the "give backs" aren't necessarily give backs, but only gives for what was promised in the future. That is the biggest cock'in bull story to write I've ever seen.

All of labor at USAirways has given concessions twice and approaching a third for a total of $2 billion per year in cost savings out to 2012. That is more than any, and I mean any, legacy airline in the history of aviation. That places our wages and benefits in the early 90's and late 80's. What is being proposed is the elimination of 30% of the existing ranks with these productivity cost savings the co. is demanding! But guess what? The company has no concession proposal for themselves and still gets an added "perk" and senior management to fly First Class Space POSITIVE for them and their families for vacation and personal. Yup, bump paying passengers for that little perk!

And there is that problem with the pensions that the co. just doesn't want to honor and is looking for ways to dump to the government. All this bankruptcy doom and gloom in the midst of great breaking news that the co. will be opening up a "mini hub" in Fort Lauderdale, FL, which just happens to cost million and millions and millions of dollars.

You should be asking USAirways, with what money? I thought they were at death's door cause of all these pesky unions who are demanding a wage just for their personal survival.

Think in the future you need to investigate your facts, so that your opinion may have a tinge of credibility.

In my opinion, the IAM has backed itself into a corner and there may be no way out. The sad part…many IAM members could get hurt more than other wise necessary and that’s truly sad.
By the way, the potential new IAM maintenance location is not Huntsville, it’s much worse.
where then do you elude to mr propaganda pilot??point barrow alaska??

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