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Outcome-based Negotiations

I agree, but you will always have problems when there is no accountability.
PITMTC said:
O.K. You win, I quit.

It's all and always managements fault.
I did not blame management and I did not blame the union. Individuals that lack self-responsiblity is to blame, but when there is no check and balence in place that is how people get away with it.

Could it be that you are a foreman?
" believe the numbers are roughly 25% to 30% Utility to Mechanics. With Mechanics being the higher in numbers group. There are several Stores Clerks (under a thousand). The rest of the IAM members are Training Instructors, Planners, QA Auditors and some other positions. The Ramp Workers are on their own contract. Sorry I don't have hard numbers, but I can assure you Mechanics are the majority. Someone may post more factual numbers for you. "

thanks pit,
I forgot it was just in philly that they are the majority, not the whole system.
PineyBob said:

Hate to break the news but I can buy Russian immigrants to clean the plane twice as fast for half the $17.13 top of scale and have a dollar left over for a beer.

ATA does and their planes are spotless and that's the bottom line. If I'm a businessman I would ask "Why am I paying $17.13/hr when I can buy it for $7.50/Hr?"

This is the bottom line. It has nothing to do with anyone screwing anyone. If I can only charge $100.00 for a ticket and it cost $105.00 to deliver the customer then i have to find a way to $95.00 since I must deliver a profit.

Labor and management have got to get to that point or it's done
Piney Bob, Well, if that's what we want to do-bring in Russian immigrants to clean planes.. We could bring some in, invest in the schooling to be pilots, and they would be happy if we payed them 50,000 a year to be a pilot. That is a pretty lame agrument, because anyone from Russia, or a third world country would be happy to work for US wages. Try again!!!!
I was at a certain wholly owned that wanted to bring in prison labor to do the RON cleaning. They were gonna get labor for $1.10 an hour or something. I heard the FAA said no way. 😱

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