Dog Wonder
Rant on.
The customers are wrong. You are right.
The customers are wrong. You are right.
I just found it odd that anyone would think 245 complaints were out of line for the month following that little bump in the road called res migration. That sure is some conspiracy to skew the results.....
Rant on.
The customers are wrong. You are right.
I don't think anybody here is saying that. Customers are not always going to be right and many customers use the DOT as a "crutch" of sorts. As has been mentioned the DOT needs to "weed" out the BS complaints.
Tadjr is saying exactly that.
Therefore, if you fly on USAirways express and file a complaint with the DOT USAirways does not take responsibilityThe airline can, and does get complaints thrown out or applied to another carrier (contract Express, for example). So there are checks and balances in place for the complaints that aren't in place for any other area ranked by the DOT - all the others depend strictly on info submitted by the airlines.
By definition, NO COMPLAINT IS BS! If the Customer percieves he/she has been wronged then in fact they have been wronged.
NOW, does that mean the Complaint is valid under the Contract of Carriage or any other regulations that may govern a particular situation? Certainly the answer is no. That does NOT mean the complaint is BS.
If US Airways along with every other commercial airline would make there CoC as transparent as possible so that even my 13 year old niece could understand it then you'd see a marked difference in the number and type of complaints. Did anyone ever notice that WN does pretty good in the Consumer Complaints portion of the DOT stats. Could that reason be that there rules are relatively simple and easy to understand. Somethings they just don't do and everyone knows going in.
What a concept. Manage Customer Expectations up front, eliminate complaints to the DOT?
Therefore, if you fly on USAirways express and file a complaint with the DOT USAirways does not take responsibility
As for a group skewing the numbers let's be real for a minute. If FFOCUS, for example were to attempt such an endeavor the numbers would be off the charts bad or good depending whether
we decided to be positive or not. We have just shy of 1200 members so if each member submitted ONE complaint per year, you'd start out with more complaints than you had last month from just our group. If we were doing such a thing you'd know and I wouldn't have to tell you.
The issue is Customer Satisfaction and the simplest cheapest way to achieve it is through employee satisfaction.
Think of it this way.
IF, Before, During & After the Res Migration, US Airways had been candid with it's customers. Especially those of us who are Frequent Fliers about the potential pitfalls that can occur with ANY computer system cut-over.
US Airways had ample opportunity and cash on hand to get in front of the Res Migration Disaster but for whatever reason chose not to.
IF, After the Res Migration, US Airways had responded in a timely fashion to the flood of consumer complaints, most of which were NOT to use your descriptor "BS". Again for whatever reasons they chose not to. As a result we have what we have now. A group of highly annoyed Frequent Fliers who may or may not be FFOCUS members on a mission.
We know from experience that a writing a letter to Customer Relations doesn't always lead to a timely resolution of a problem. Fact is often it doesn't even offer an accurate response to the question or concern and I've the e-mails and the apology to prove it.
So then given that oft times we can't get a response what are we supposed to do as consumers? Taking a Flame Thrower to Dougie's Bimmer is widely frowned upon in law Enforcement circles, so that's not viable now is it? So it's off to the DOT to at least get an aknowledgement.
I have always counseled that an agrieved customer should use all of the tools at their disposal to get a issue or concern addressed. DOT filing is but one of many avenues. If US Airways fails to respond tomy concern, then it creates the opportunity for me as an agressive consumer to file 2 DOT complaints over the same issue. One for the issue itself and one for failing to provide a timely response.
So once again if falls to the airline to manage expectations and deliver on their promises to customers. If the claim is invalid that will also work its way out as the customer will get nothing.
So 2/3 of US departures are express US runs a virtual airline with skew DOT statsWell when flying on Express you are flying on a different carrier other than US Airways so of course that complaint is going to get "applied" to the appropriate airline.
Travel is My Life,
I have to agree with Piney Bob. The lack of response from Customer Relations to just about any complaint has been less than acceptable-not just to Bob, but to me and to many of the members of FFOCUS who would wait almost 30 days, and when no response was received, would contact me and ask me to intervene.
Either way, it did not reflect very highly on US's Customer Relations department......or the company as a whole.