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Operation Tarmac


Dec 30, 2007
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upstate ny
Land crews of all aspect of aviation are under alert to 'challenge' ramp employees who don't have their SIDA issued IDs exposed in ramp areas. Take this, or this as a guide to what I am talking about for example.

This pre-911 farce is yet another theatrical loophole to make TSA focus on airport employees that have to accept the burden of doing the job of the high paid useless security that targets Joe Taxpayer rather than terrorists or threats to American citizens.

I welcome the challenge! I have caught TSA six-figure income inspectors challenging the system. I've also ticked off airline employees, supervisors, and most who feel that they are better than me. Tough $#!T!!! I don't shun from this responsibility. I WELCOME IT!

I've also caught TSA screeners who feel they are above the law not having an exposed ID. This is a NO NO! I could have them de-certified and fired, but unlike them, I am not a narc. Nor am I a lowlife that would rat on my fellow employees.

TSA are scum and couldn't secure a paper bag and I am called upon to do the job of these incompetent boobs!

Airlines WAKE UP! It is these overpaid security Nazis that are cutting into your employee salary bottom line.
Is it 'Pre-911' or 'Post-911'? IIRC, the TSA wasn't started until after 9/11. You do look to be a tad angry over something that you can't control. Or did you just C&P an article that is probably copyright protected? Your last line is comical.... should we, as Airline Employees demand to TSA to leave our airports? I don't feel like spending time in prison and I do get my annual raises that suit me fine.
It was our job to be alert to un-badged people on the ramp way before 9/11. Where have you been?
Our airports are not safe. I might be wrong but I don't think catering goes through any security checks. Last I looked none of the galleys had any kind of seal on them. Not since 2001-2002. Cleaners don't go through any security checks. They go from
plane to plane and have access to the whole cabin. I don't know if mechanics had anymore background checks than any other group but A/C go to and from the hangers to terminal. No screening.

This crap of 3oz liquids. GIVE ME A BREAK. If it was going to explode you would get the same damage in the cargo pit as the cabin. An exploding bottle of wine will take down the plane in the cabin or cargo. What about the bottle of wine purchased in the terminal? Has that been screened? I doubt it. Let’s get real. Start all over with intelligent people.

I keep saying. TSA is just a show. I think it was 20/20 or 60min said it is a theater.
I'll agree with your first line, to a point. As far as discussing Airport Security anywhere, is not a good idea. That should have been noticed when you got your airport badge. It is discussed! To express your views on the internet... nice touch. Every airport has different rules that they go by... and the TSA is no different. Now, you tell me and everyone else, how can we make airports totally safe! You point out the weaknesses, yet do not enter any suggestions to make it better. Should a Mechanic, towing an airplane from a hangar to a gate at the Terminal have to go through a Security Checkpoint? Can they fit the airplane in too? Should an airplane cleaning crew have to go back through a Security Checkpoint when they go from one plane to another while working night shift? You suggest everyone should be screened every time someone goes from the Hangar to the Terminal? Why do you think we get Ten year background checks? It's not Fail safe but if we did it your way, if my thinking is right, we'd be spending half the day and with the TSA> oh, the fun of it all.
Discussing the security flaws on an open forum is not an issue for me. It's not any different that sitting at a big family reunion discussing the things you see at work. When your family members go back to work the next week they tell their friends all about how security is a show. That was an example. I try not to take work home. The flying public is not going to care. The system flawed. Everyone knows the security is a joke. Everyone’s eyes are focused on the show at the check points. I don't remember reading any fine print about not talking about security.

I do believe a good background check before hiring should do the trick. Still you never know. The cost to check every cleaner after each A/C or the mechanic moving the A/C would hurt the airlines. I wasn't suggesting that in above post. I was just pointing out that we are not any safer with the TSA. That is no secret.
Is it 'Pre-911' or 'Post-911'? IIRC, the TSA wasn't started until after 9/11. You do look to be a tad angry over something that you can't control. Or did you just C&P an article that is probably copyright protected? Your last line is comical.... should we, as Airline Employees demand to TSA to leave our airports? I don't feel like spending time in prison and I do get my annual raises that suit me fine.
It was our job to be alert to un-badged people on the ramp way before 9/11. Where have you been?

Nice spin :blink:

My point was that when there were a handful of minimum wage screeners, pre-9/11, we knew we had to challenge individuals without exposed badges. Now that there are a lot more high paid TSA screeners(there is a difference, TECH, between screeners and inspectors), I must still be held accountable for a PRE-9/11 challenge rule. I don't mind doing it, but it is a waste of taxpayer money. Maybe we can trim the access FAT, but not get rid of security as a whole. TSA will never go away, that is a fact, but maybe there can be some trimming and outsourcing to save our taxes.

That is all...

Now spin away :lol:
Since you asked...

Read it closely, and good luck!

From the article link you posted:

The current federal security director in Denver is Bill Allen and the deputy director is Al Myers. They refused to answer any questions about morale or the allegations made about their agency. The TSA would not provide their exact salaries, saying only that Myers and Allen earn between $84,050 and $130,283.

signals Posted Apr 15 2009, 06:07 PM:

I have caught TSA six-figure income inspectors challenging the system.

You have personally had the Federal Security Director and the Deputy Director challenge the system? Those are the only six-figure income people mentioned in the article. I assure you the TSA is not paying six-figure salaries to the average ramp inspectors.

You won, Tech! It wasn't a $100K but a $99.9K inspector. :angry: Who cares? It was a 'SUIT' from DC...that's a fact. How much do they make? Minimum wage?

So has anything happened in your neck of the woods over this operation?

In mine, a couple of airline employees have been fired over breaches. Other airlines have been cited for various breaches. I know one airline employee was a 10+ year veteran. I won't give the name of the major airline. TSA breached security while she was at the gate...'nuf sed.

In TSA's defense :shock: it was a major breach.

I've seen too many people lose their jobs of many years in these tough times. I don't wish that on my worst enemies. The incident happened over a month ago, and they gave her a false sense of security until, well 🙄

Maybe she deserved it...what a bunch of cr#p! She lost her job because her airline got a major fine over a theatrical set-up.

I'm not going to say that I saw it coming, but rather that hindsight is 20/20. Looking back it was inevitable. She wasn't a friend of mine, btw. But I don't think she deserved it. Jobs are hard to come by today, and believe me, I'm not happy with airlines today VS airlines of 10 years ago.

You won, Tech! It wasn't a $100K but a $99.9K inspector. :angry: Who cares? It was a 'SUIT' from DC...that's a fact. How much do they make? Minimum wage?

So has anything happened in your neck of the woods over this operation?

In mine, a couple of airline employees have been fired over breaches. Other airlines have been cited for various breaches. I know one airline employee was a 10+ year veteran. I won't give the name of the major airline. TSA breached security while she was at the gate...'nuf sed.

In TSA's defense :shock: it was a major breach.

I've seen too many people lose their jobs of many years in these tough times. I don't wish that on my worst enemies. The incident happened over a month ago, and they gave her a false sense of security until, well 🙄

Maybe she deserved it...what a bunch of cr#p! She lost her job because her airline got a major fine over a theatrical set-up.

I'm not going to say that I saw it coming, but rather that hindsight is 20/20. Looking back it was inevitable. She wasn't a friend of mine, btw. But I don't think she deserved it. Jobs are hard to come by today, and believe me, I'm not happy with airlines today VS airlines of 10 years ago.
:lol: It simply amazes me when the crossbreed airlines think that they are above the law and that their current trailer and ghetto trash employees are above the law, too! :lol:

This would explain why I feel a close connection to the TSA! :up: Yeah, I said it so F*** Me! It seems that a certain airline is above the law...so I thought! :up:

Apparently leaving dangerous chemicals in a TUG room is a NO-NO! I reported it to TSA and I hope they fined US up the @$$! nuff sed! :lol:

Up :up: US :shock:
