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On Time Performance

Seatacus said:
If you're unhappy why don't you just quit.......obviously you must not deal with the customer when workers slow down and customers flights and connections are busted.

How many times is this statement going to made already. Anyone that is still here after all that has taken place, is Not going to just "Quit". Everyone today at this Company is Unhappy as can be. Hang on until the bitter end, and then move on. It would be foolish to quit now and lose out on any unemployment benefits that you would be entitled to collect. Please remember, that the Company WANTS you to get up an leave on your own. The would Love for all of the people with more than 5 years to hit the pike. The more new hires at $7 an hour, the better. Let's face it, they care nothing about the level of Customer Service anymore. This is more than obvious by the poorly trained new hires along with the staffing levels at some locations. Good Reliable service vanished with all of the Contract carriers and their armada of RJ's. :down:
wings396 said:
How many times is this statement going to made already. Anyone that is still here after all that has taken place, is Not going to just "Quit".
I agree, that statement has been made many times. The gist of my post is that I know times are tough but please don't make my job any worse by slowing down and messing with the customers that I have to deal with and accomodate. If you slow down and cause the customers grief then it causes me grief, and I have enough of that already. <_<
Sunday, 99.3% completion

But does it seem that most employees are right now in a little bit of a "numbed" or "shocky" state? My wife said that the people she interacted with yesterday were kind of just going through the motions, but not being rude or anything approaching that.

I ran into a 20 year agent today at the grocery store and she did appear to be a little dazed. I can understand why...much uncertainty and what little certainty there is seems to point toward the "not good" side of the dial.

So my question is......does Crystal Palace have a plan in place (or do they at least recognize the need) to address employee morale after the (potential) emergence from BK? Something tells me that 4 free first class upgrades aren't going to do it. What are they hiding up there sleeve that will be unveiled after new work rules and pay scales are in place (consensual or court imposed)?

They've posted EAS numbers everywhere, and reindexed a few weeks ago as a service U offers to its employees. That's the morale boost.
WestCoastGuy said:
I understand yesterday in PHL, after the ruling was announced about the 21% pay cut, some rampers walked off and refused to load some flights. One pilot told me last night he waited over a hour after the psgrs were on, for someone to come load bags. Same thing on the next inbnd from PHL. Over hour hold to get some sup's to come load the bags. The company reaps what it sews...

PHL ramp operations depend on an outragous amount of overtime to even function at minimal staffing.
After the cuts were announced those that usually stay a couple hours past their shifts (2030, 2100, 2130, 2230) went home. As did some of the AM shift that were not scheduled to work but had volunteered to stay a few hours.
If that's a slow down... then so be it.
I'm quite sure that after the first paychecks come out that people will start workng OT again. I just wonder if we will be able to keep up with the additional shifts created by those who leave.
It amazes me how pilots think they know what is going on with the ramp. Just drive the bus!
crushed said:
PHL ramp operations depend on an outragous amount of overtime to even function at minimal staffing.
After the cuts were announced those that usually stay a couple hours past their shifts (2030, 2100, 2130, 2230) went home. As did some of the AM shift that were not scheduled to work but had volunteered to stay a few hours.
If that's a slow down... then so be it.
I'm quite sure that after the first paychecks come out that people will start workng OT again. I just wonder if we will be able to keep up with the additional shifts created by those who leave.
It amazes me how pilots think they know what is going on with the ramp. Just drive the bus!
Don't be ashamed that some of the crews were on a slow down. Right or wrong, with what has been done everyone should expect some people to act out. I know all work groups have done it.
DCD said:
Don't be ashamed that some of the crews were on a slow down. Right or wrong, with what has been done everyone should expect some people to act out. I know all work groups have done it.

I'm sure I would be extremely pi**ed off also, but keep in mind that customers really don't feel like hearing jokes about working 21% less and whether or not the F/A's should stick around for liquidation sales--it doesn't leave them with a good feeling. I know you all are rightfully worried about paying mortgages, bills, etc., but there are lots of customers worried that the trip they planned in the spring will be lost because the airline will not be around anymore. Having uneasy customers is not going to make the situation better.
You won't have to wait until the Holidays to see the effect of the pay cuts. Just wait until the first paycheck arrives and the employees see and feel the full effect of not being able to pay their bills. Now that's going to hurt !!!!!!!!!!!!
PHL is just a typical example of the union mentality. "I'll show them. I won't do my job and make the company suffer". Don't these idiots ever realize that they are not hurting the company but instead driving away the very passengers we need to keep going? The only ones they hurt are themselves and the rest of the employees who now have to work extra to make up for a "union job action". This pay cut sucks and of that there is little doubt , but at this time we still have a job until we can find something else , so we might as well do the best job we can. The rewards are still better than the alternative. A smaller paycheck is still better than no paycheck.
Don't you understand? A lot of employees don't want the company to keep going. To answer the question that is on your mind...they are going to stay for one simple reason, unemployment benefits! Yes, unemployment benefits that for some will now be almost the same amount that they will be making with the forced paycuts. The difference is made up in not having to deal with the crap, have week-ends, nights and holidays off while going to school or looking for other opportunities. It is that simple.
If making jokes about the paycuts and possible liquidation are the way some employees vent then so be it. Freedom of speech! Unfortunately, I'm sure most employees are more worried about their bills and how they are going to take care of their families than they are about passengers losing their tickets for their trips in the spring. Why anyone would continue to purchase tickets more than a month out is beyond the Res. agents. Talk of bankruptcy and liquidation has been going on since the beginning of the year and don't forget all the comments of liquidation from the "trench mouths" of US "leaders". I have heard many agents talking about people buying tickets for Christmas and beyond and wondering what is wrong with these people. I have heard of some go as far as warning people of what may happen. Why would anyone under these conditions buy tickets for the distant future? Price? Well that is the chance you're taking. Personally, I wouldn't take that chance. Good luck to the risk takers.
bobcat said:
Don't you understand? A lot of employees don't want the company to keep going. To answer the question that is on your mind...they are going to stay for one simple reason, unemployment benefits! Yes, unemployment benefits that for some will now be almost the same amount that they will be making with the forced paycuts. The difference is made up in not having to deal with the crap, have week-ends, nights and holidays off while going to school or looking for other opportunities. It is that simple.

The Order last week along with Judge Mitchell's comments make it pretty clear that he is doing everything he thinks he can to help keep this airline afloat. I don't expect that he will tolerate tactics by the employees to make a liquidation a reality instead of a strong possibility. If you are looking to drive away the customers, I guess a work slowdown or stoppage is the way to go. But, be prepared to be sent home without pay by the Judge.
The employees don't really have to bring forth effort to drive away customers. Management is doing it all on their own.

Do you really think the judge gives a damn if this airline survives or not? I don't think so. Maybe just long enough to put some money back into managements pockets. Something was just not right about his ruling if you know what I mean.
US1YFARE said:
The Order last week along with Judge Mitchell's comments make it pretty clear that he is doing everything he thinks he can to help keep this airline afloat. I don't expect that he will tolerate tactics by the employees to make a liquidation a reality instead of a strong possibility. If you are looking to drive away the customers, I guess a work slowdown or stoppage is the way to go. But, be prepared to be sent home without pay by the Judge.
And if you continue to hang your fate on USAirways then be prepared to suffer some inconveniences. Would you be this sanctimonious if not for your collection of ff miles? Or is it that you’re afraid of some other potential inconvenience?
DCD said:
And if you continue to hang your fate on USAirways then be prepared to suffer some inconveniences. Would you be this sanctimonious if not for your collection of ff miles? Or is it that you’re afraid of some other potential inconvenience?

whatever my reasons are, i'm just adding my two cents. and, any number of carriers want my business. keep insulting the customers--if you end up at Walmart as lots of employees are proclaiming, Walmart definitely won't tolerate it bad customer service.

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