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Ok..more merger news

Boy, you and that old grey bag in the orange sack are real annoying. Don't you have any life at all other than to bother other airline employees? We get it, your life sucks because you didn't have the testicles (well she might)or the ability to stand up for at least some work rules, let alone some pay. So your failures dragged everyone into the pit with you. Now you salivate at the chance to see DAL employees walking around like the castrated mongrels you look like day after day. Don't think it will happen. Most guys here saw you bending over with a smile and did not want that future for ourselves. So we have headed off in a lot of other directions. Unlike you, when we see plumbers making more than captains and UPS drivers making more than f/o's, we work all the harder on plan B and we have had almost 4 years to be ready. So expect the spectre of severe labor unrest to cloud the merger mania as guys aren't any where near as scared and fearful as you and the old grey bag. While they could have painted you yellow and used you as a chock and you'd say thank you to doogie, that's not in the cards here. And since labor unrest costs money, creditors will factor that in. It does make one wonder why you two are so enamored of trying to spread your doom and gloom over here. Does that really make you feel better? You and bag lady must really impress your herds of cats as you read your latest profound proclamations to them.
Boy, you and that old grey bag in the orange sack are real annoying. Don't you have any life at all other than to bother other airline employees? We get it, your life sucks because you didn't have the testicles (well she might)or the ability to stand up for at least some work rules, let alone some pay. So your failures dragged everyone into the pit with you. Now you salivate at the chance to see DAL employees walking around like the castrated mongrels you look like day after day. Don't think it will happen. Most guys here saw you bending over with a smile and did not want that future for ourselves. So we have headed off in a lot of other directions. Unlike you, when we see plumbers making more than captains and UPS drivers making more than f/o's, we work all the harder on plan B and we have had almost 4 years to be ready. So expect the spectre of severe labor unrest to cloud the merger mania as guys aren't any where near as scared and fearful as you and the old grey bag. While they could have painted you yellow and used you as a chock and you'd say thank you to doogie, that's not in the cards here. And since labor unrest costs money, creditors will factor that in. It does make one wonder why you two are so enamored of trying to spread your doom and gloom over here. Does that really make you feel better? You and bag lady must really impress your herds of cats as you read your latest profound proclamations to them.
I can recognize the sound of a backseater with attitude.......
Have the creditors hired Bethune to advise them, or to advise DL management?
He will work for and advise the official creditors committee.

His employment contract, if approved by the judge, gives his scope of duties as:

Consult with and advise the Creditors' Committee in reviewing, analyzing and testing the assumptions behind any Transaction Porposal and/or Plan of Reorganization;

Review and provide recommendations as to various strategic alternatives to any Transaction Proposal and/or Plan of Reorganization, and advise the Creditor' Committee as to which strategic alternative would likely produce the maximum value for the Debtor' estates;

Consult with and advise the Creditor' Committee in evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of any Transaction Proposal and/or Plan of Reorganization and the likely effects of any Transaction Proposal and/or Plan or Reorganization on the Debtors' employees, management, organizational structure, and organizational capabilities, and provide recommendations for improvement where applicable; and

Provide expert advice and testimony, if required, regarding matters related to any Transaction Proposal and/or Plan of Reorganization, including, among other things, the feasibility of any such Transaction Proposal and/or Plan or Reorganization, and the likely effects of such Transaction Proposal and/or Plan of Reorganization on the Debtors' employees, management, organizational structure, and organizational capabilities.


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