Bonderman of Texas Pacific Group and Bethune are friends. Bonderman hired Bethune to run CAL. Of course TPG has stock in AWA and still does. The judge ruled in the company's favor. They were all sweating bullets for fraud and insider trading for a while. Parker was soon promoted from CFO to CEO. Bethune quit CAL afer the lawsuit. I wonder why Schifter quit last month. He too is a TPG partner. Bueller?
Of course US approves of Bethune to "help" DAL. Bonderman probably has speed dial set for Bethune! Insider information again? I don't know. You would think they learned their lesson!
Lawsuit background: On June 10, 2002, in the Ninth Court, a law suit was argued: plaintiff: Employer-Teamster Joint Council Pension Trust Fund vs AWA, CAL, TPG, etc. The file is too large to attach here.
Very interesting to read how management doesn't really care about the employee, only how much stock they get and how much they can cash out. Period. Then they are on to the next deal/buyout. The employee if left holding an empty bag, the robber barons took it all, pensions, benefits, stock options, careers, you name it. If it has any value to them, they will take it.
Bethune will be the CEO of the "New Delta" sans Grinstein.
They have pretty much fleeced the American worker. They are going over seas now. Quantas is next, RyanAir...