You're in for it now!
well here goes.... 😛
Busdrvr would follow Bush off a cliff. He's intoxicated and mesmorized by the words that come out of Bushes mouth.
Wrong, i didn't even vote for him the first time around.
but I am rational. What is wrong with having breathable air and drinkable water?
absolutely nothing. Is the air cleaner today than 50 years ago? the flat earth Ludite crowd is opposed to ALL development, because we all no it's a zero sum game. 🙄 . Where in the U.S. is water not drinkable? I say there are optimum levels of polution. The wacked left thinks that level is zero. I disagree. You must balance economic growth with resourse usage and polution. Otherwise, move back into the cave. Economic growth BRINGS a cleaner enviroment. Do you think it would have been possible to comletely forego the dirty industrial revolution and skip straight to driving around in our "Mr. Fusion" powered cars?
As far as drinkable water and contaminated soil is concened, remember Love Canal?
Ok, so one enclave of the U.S. was damaged by some irresponsible people, so now all growth should stop? How about punish irresponsible, criminal behavior, and let law abiding ethical people still operate? Citing love canal to say all businesses are corupt is the equivilent of saying all black people are crooks because yu watched an episode of 'Cops'.
But Bush's energy policy (complete with secret meetings with oil company execs headed by Cheney) will keep us addicted to foreign oil. Bush and Bush Sr. are close to the Arabs.
WADR, that's is one of the most ridiculous uninformed statements I've seen in a while. Just for the record, under which administration did oil usage increase the most. Reagan or clinton? Please explain how MORE DOMESTIC oil drilling increases our reliance on OPEC oil? Please explain how trying to steamline the approval process for new nuclear power plants increases our reliance on foreign oil? The most prominate member fo the prsidents advisory group on energy is Matt Simmons. Matt Simmons is one of the staunchest "peak oil' advocates in the country. The plan IS to wean ourselves off oil. That plant includes developing the resources we have while that transition happens.
What's the Leftest plan? First, let's tax the he11 out of gas, while complaining loudly of the price of fuel. then let's limit CHOICE by dictating exactly what kind of car can be sold in the U.S. and how many. How long do you think it will take for the new Dem approach to show results? first, any increase in regulation would likely have a phase in period. then how long until we all trade in our nice vehicles for the plastic econobox? In the mean time, no more exploration here, it may upset some carabou.
Hydrogen IS feasible because they now have buses that run of it
Well there you have it. the uninformed left. I hear a bus runs on it somewhere, so it's ready to go. 🙄
A few FACTS, since you apparently have not done any research other than read your Sierra Club newsletter (printed on recycled paper no doubt)
The equivilent level of energy of on gallon of gas in hydrogen COMPRESSED @ 3000 PSI occupies around 12 GALLONS of space. CNG occupies approx 4 gallons of space. So lets think about this. To have the equivilent energy storage tank as an econobox with a 12 gallon tank, you need a 144 gallon tank, that is STRONG enough to contain 3000 PSI in an accident. You'd need the SUV just to haul the tank. now the next time you're at Sear's buying lingerie for the lady in size 4X, run by the tool section and look at the size of a 20 gallon air compressor. Keep in mind it only gets pressurized to around 150 PSI. Now you need around 7 of them. Maybe you can ask the store to loan you a few while you go stack them in your car. Let us know how well 7 fit. But you think we should all be running our cars on it. Let's pretend we put about 5 gallons worth of a gasoline (60 gallons of Hydrogen compressed at 3000 PSI) tank in a car. now you have to stop for gas twice as often. That means twice as many pumps. now consider the number of delapidated vehicles on the road with oil leaks and rusted out bodies. You think we should go to a system where those same folks are hauling around 140 GALLON TANKS OF HYDROGEN COMPRESSED AT 3000 PSI!! And yet the left has it figured out... "We could all run hydrogen" UFB. And you wonder why the left isn't credible. 🙄 Got any other grand ideas from your sierra club mailer?
We were discussing the Califorina energy crisis (this was before Enrons activities came to light). He went on and on about free markets and how great and righteous big business is and the whole 9 yards. I told him that they were manipulating the market.
You were RIGHT they were manipulating the markets. How were they able to do so? Could it be that it had become so difficult to build a new energy plant in California, that there were only a few players left, which allows them to play a modified Cournot Duopoly (oligopoly) game? Nah that can't be it. It's industries fault. Poor decisions by government NEVER cause distortion of the market... 🙄
well here goes.... 😛
Busdrvr would follow Bush off a cliff. He's intoxicated and mesmorized by the words that come out of Bushes mouth.
Wrong, i didn't even vote for him the first time around.
but I am rational. What is wrong with having breathable air and drinkable water?
absolutely nothing. Is the air cleaner today than 50 years ago? the flat earth Ludite crowd is opposed to ALL development, because we all no it's a zero sum game. 🙄 . Where in the U.S. is water not drinkable? I say there are optimum levels of polution. The wacked left thinks that level is zero. I disagree. You must balance economic growth with resourse usage and polution. Otherwise, move back into the cave. Economic growth BRINGS a cleaner enviroment. Do you think it would have been possible to comletely forego the dirty industrial revolution and skip straight to driving around in our "Mr. Fusion" powered cars?
As far as drinkable water and contaminated soil is concened, remember Love Canal?
Ok, so one enclave of the U.S. was damaged by some irresponsible people, so now all growth should stop? How about punish irresponsible, criminal behavior, and let law abiding ethical people still operate? Citing love canal to say all businesses are corupt is the equivilent of saying all black people are crooks because yu watched an episode of 'Cops'.
But Bush's energy policy (complete with secret meetings with oil company execs headed by Cheney) will keep us addicted to foreign oil. Bush and Bush Sr. are close to the Arabs.
WADR, that's is one of the most ridiculous uninformed statements I've seen in a while. Just for the record, under which administration did oil usage increase the most. Reagan or clinton? Please explain how MORE DOMESTIC oil drilling increases our reliance on OPEC oil? Please explain how trying to steamline the approval process for new nuclear power plants increases our reliance on foreign oil? The most prominate member fo the prsidents advisory group on energy is Matt Simmons. Matt Simmons is one of the staunchest "peak oil' advocates in the country. The plan IS to wean ourselves off oil. That plant includes developing the resources we have while that transition happens.
What's the Leftest plan? First, let's tax the he11 out of gas, while complaining loudly of the price of fuel. then let's limit CHOICE by dictating exactly what kind of car can be sold in the U.S. and how many. How long do you think it will take for the new Dem approach to show results? first, any increase in regulation would likely have a phase in period. then how long until we all trade in our nice vehicles for the plastic econobox? In the mean time, no more exploration here, it may upset some carabou.
Hydrogen IS feasible because they now have buses that run of it
Well there you have it. the uninformed left. I hear a bus runs on it somewhere, so it's ready to go. 🙄
A few FACTS, since you apparently have not done any research other than read your Sierra Club newsletter (printed on recycled paper no doubt)
The equivilent level of energy of on gallon of gas in hydrogen COMPRESSED @ 3000 PSI occupies around 12 GALLONS of space. CNG occupies approx 4 gallons of space. So lets think about this. To have the equivilent energy storage tank as an econobox with a 12 gallon tank, you need a 144 gallon tank, that is STRONG enough to contain 3000 PSI in an accident. You'd need the SUV just to haul the tank. now the next time you're at Sear's buying lingerie for the lady in size 4X, run by the tool section and look at the size of a 20 gallon air compressor. Keep in mind it only gets pressurized to around 150 PSI. Now you need around 7 of them. Maybe you can ask the store to loan you a few while you go stack them in your car. Let us know how well 7 fit. But you think we should all be running our cars on it. Let's pretend we put about 5 gallons worth of a gasoline (60 gallons of Hydrogen compressed at 3000 PSI) tank in a car. now you have to stop for gas twice as often. That means twice as many pumps. now consider the number of delapidated vehicles on the road with oil leaks and rusted out bodies. You think we should go to a system where those same folks are hauling around 140 GALLON TANKS OF HYDROGEN COMPRESSED AT 3000 PSI!! And yet the left has it figured out... "We could all run hydrogen" UFB. And you wonder why the left isn't credible. 🙄 Got any other grand ideas from your sierra club mailer?
We were discussing the Califorina energy crisis (this was before Enrons activities came to light). He went on and on about free markets and how great and righteous big business is and the whole 9 yards. I told him that they were manipulating the market.
You were RIGHT they were manipulating the markets. How were they able to do so? Could it be that it had become so difficult to build a new energy plant in California, that there were only a few players left, which allows them to play a modified Cournot Duopoly (oligopoly) game? Nah that can't be it. It's industries fault. Poor decisions by government NEVER cause distortion of the market... 🙄