OK, a little background for the conspiracy crowd.
In the 70's the idiot oil Shieks decided they'd restrict supply. Oil prices went up. People bought crappy little cars, and the smellies (french) transitioned most of it's power generation to Nukes, and oil exploration BOOMED. By the mid 80's, Saudi oil production was roughly 1/3 of the level it was anbout 5 years earlier, and the price was approx 1/3. the lesson? It pay's to keep oil cheap and plentiful. With cheap and pletiful oil, a very stupid political hack with the last name of Cuomo, dismanteled a brand spanking new nuke plant in NY and replaced that power generation with OIL. One of the head idiots that lobbied for the closure was one of the "green" party presidential candidates. Real bright, shut down a nuke plant (the newest one in the nation) so that you can burn oil....
Fast forward to the late 90's. the asian economy is collapsing. the oil markets, despite the best efforts of opec, find themselves with a glut. Instead of filling the SPR and keeping prices STABLE, our government chose to give consumers what they wanted, oil at $10 a barrel. Who cares about the future right? Well $10 oil is too cheap to encourage drilling. Why would you spend $15 a barrel for tough to get oil when it sells for $10? the effect? A large number of little guys (the "wildcatters) went belly up. Oil exploration became concentrated in the hands of a few large oil companies. then when oil started up in 2000, our wise government, instead of supporting exploration, chose a short term solution. There is a FINITE amount of oil in the SPR. Do you think the Saudis know that? do you think they know that if we start pumping out 5 million a day, opec merely needs to cut back by 5 million a day and prices stay the same? Oh, and the SPR gets depleted at the same time... Real bright.
What's the current administrations "energy plan"?
1. Encourage more nuke plants (Kerry was opposed)
2. Encourage construction of more Refineries (How's the left feel about that?)
3. Expand natural gas use
4. Expand coal use
5. alt fuels research.
What is it you want? I think I know, most of you want to be able to tell ME what I should drive.