Oh Boy. T-Rump is SAFE Now !

Sending us a link from 'Breit-fart' will REALLY cause us educated ones, to know that YOU don't know.....' Shite from Shineola ' !!
Educated ones? You mean like you Bear? I hear libtards always claim how ultra-intelligent they are. Why does everything they touch seem to fail? I seem to recall the aforementioned "education" (bag handling engineer, Amtrak ticket taker, wheel chair pusher) has led you astray so it seems. Like your infamous 2016 "Ol Hil" predictions of another Clintonian criminal as the president, me thinks a Grumpy Bears "education" is not to be envied. Stick to what you know, being a base scammer and cussing 24-7.
That is what Bots are for.
I think the Hildabeast Bot program is running out of billions from the Russians when "playing for her pay" as SOS and selling the USA to the highest bidder. Hard times at the kennel for lost Bots.

Her Bots like you Wonder Mutt are being chopped and cut.
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Thanks for sharing. Read a book.
A Wonder Mutt classic, "Noose tightening on Trump. He is doing it to his ownself." I'd like to know what book "his ownself" comes from? "Libtarded and Other Malignant Deformities", I surmise is shelved at the Pennsiltucky Public Library under medical.
You try reading one, might get you off the ramp and out of the fantasy world you live in. Hey North Dallas Forty, what a classic...but fiction. I like real life stories, like The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State. You should also try About Face: An Odyssey of an American Warrior. Big book, might take you a year. Actual life, not Hollywood libtard fantasy.

Stop trying to act all worldly Wonder Mutt, Bears will hurt his back trying to out hump you. Which isn't good for retired rampers, bad back an all that.
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When I stop getting porked by the drug companies, and Insurance Companies, and when Employee Pay starts incrementally rising along with the God awful greed of company profits, then YOU, dell my long time cyber friend, come talk to me, Like a Man, face to face, about Trump and the RE-PLUG party !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I must admit that I am behind the curve on the sex activity of Trump.
Didn't the Stormy dance happen long ago?
I'm not sure we'll need a DNA sample in the Trump affair. One doesn't have his/her fixer make a $130,000 in return for a Non-Disclosure Agreement when there is nothing to disclose. Trump is determined to talk with Mueller despite multiple lawyers advising against it. He thinks he can "charm/bamboozle/pull the wool over the eyes of" Mueller. If he does he will have put himself into a situation where he can either perjure himself or take the 5th Amendment. I can hardly wait until the Democratic libtards start running replays over and over again at all times of the day and night of Donald Trump saying from the campaign podiums in several cities..."What's this 5th Amendment talk? If you take the 5th Amendment it means you are guilty."

5th Amendment

Offers an individual the right to indictment by a grand jury; protects an individual from double jeopardy, self-incrimination, and the taking of private property without just compensation.

It does not mean they are guilty.
When I stop getting porked by the drug companies, and Insurance Companies, and when Employee Pay starts incrementally rising along with the God awful greed of company profits, then YOU, dell my long time cyber friend, come talk to me, Like a Man, face to face, about Trump and the RE-PLUG party !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I stop getting robbed by Democrats "redistributing" money I worked for without my consent come talk to me Bears.

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