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Obama's Policies Would Redistribute Nearly $1 Trillion in Wealth Every Year

Funny how when Bush trippled the size of the government and awarded all kinds of no bid contracts (a form of corporate welfare), tore the constitution through the so called patriot act (which Obama supported),the neo-cons and other Bush supporters were all for it.
The sick lame and lazy always get the spotlight when it comes to welfare abuse. Of course this light is held by the main stream media which is corporately owned. The light is never shined on the biggest welfare leach and parasite: corporate America. Of course the dumbed down american people side with their corporate enslavers and parrot their disdain for the "welfare mother."
Two hundred and fifty thousand to a million dollars a year will get get you status, expensive cars, mansions, trophy wives and super model girl friends. You may even get to sit with Jerry Jones in the owners box while he picks his nose on national TV in his brand new Cowboys Stadium; but when the Titanic goes down, there's only so many life boats.
The truely wealthy hide their wealth through foundations and other tax shelters. Even Warren Buffet admitted that he made all his income on dividends which are taxed at 15%.
Barry Obama is just another coporate puppet in a long line of corporate puppets that have occupied the White House. The last real president the American people had left half his brain scattered on Commerce Street in Dallas, TX.
Barry is continuing Bush's foreign policy. The neo-cons should love him! Barry promissed to close down Guantamo. Last I checked it was still open. Barry was going to pull out of Iraq. All that has been done was pull the troops out of the cities. Some were put in bases, the rest sent to Afghanistan. Speaking of Afghanistan; Barry wants to send 500,000 troops to try to do what the the Arabs, Mongols, Russia, the British Empire and the U.S.S.R. have failed to do: tame Afghanistan.

...When you're wounded and left on Afghanistan's plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains
an' go to your gawd like a soldier...

Rudyard Kippling, The Young British Soldier.

Now Barry wants to give us government sponsored health care, Socialized, as the corporate media calls it. The kind of health care he wants is made to apeace some of the down trodden, will burden the middle class and will further enrichen his corporate masters (no racial tone intended). No change here.

With all the wealth, knowledge and technological advancement in this country, there is no doubt in my mind that every man woman and child in this nation could receive free top of the line medical attention from cradle to grave. That will never happen. We only have wealth, knowledge and technology for the military indutrial complex which feeds our wars of empire.
You hit the nail on the head.
Oh, I'm right there with you on the corporate welfare issue. The bailout of the banks, the insurance companies, the car companies...I've had huge issues with all of that.

Regarding the complaints about "no bid contracts..." Are we getting a service for that money being spent? Yes. That's paying for services rendered. Maybe not to the lowest bidder, but I'm sorry...I've never been interested in doing business with the lowest bidder...I want the person who will be delivering the best product and/or service for the dollar. Low ball contracts ALWAYS end up costing you more in the long run then if you picked a "middle of the road" contract.

But I've had several conversations with lenders and insurance companies during my period of unemployment this year and there isn't a one of them that isn't busting my chops all the while living fat and sassy on my (and your) tax dollars in their bailouts from the feds. And trust me, they don't like being told about that either...the taxpayers bailed out your backsides, why are you busting the chops of all the unemployed who are trying their best to stay up on their bills. They don't care one bit.

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